New mods

Started by Abby The Rat, June 29, 2003, 06:38:41 PM

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Abby The Rat

 Today, two new mod have been made due to the load of people on the forum and my lack of time.

They are Teufel and Lady Shael, please contra them for gaining the repect of me and boze.

Boze have given them power of Super Mod so you can come to them and me with any report.

Also, if you think they are or me are abusing the power of mod, then you can turn to Boze or the others Admins and tell them of us.

So you are now under their careful eye as well as me. :ph34r:  
Not around, please ignore.

Could be found on discord: []

The Lady Shael

 Hahahaha! *cackles* Um. *returns to normal self* Hello everyone...*is unsure of what to do* Uh, well, I definitely give my profound thanks to Boze and Ad, who chose me and Teufel (who, we decided yesterday, will be called the Steph MODs), and to Teufel, my current partner-in-modding, to my loyal subjects, and I'd also like to thank the Academy'll decide that later.

*bursts out sobbing and hugs Ad and Boze* Thank you so much again!!  
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.


 Why was I not made a mod, I would make a good one.  I guess I haven't had as much experince as those great felmale mods.
**Kneels with his head bowed and holds out his mace as he puts his short-sword on the ground infront of Teufels' and Lady Shaels' feet as a sign of submission."  I am yours to command masters.  Pikepaw the Mercenary is at your service with my assassination skills.  I will protect the two new mods with my life and if they get mad at anyone I will torture or kill them acording to their wishes.  **Shelids Shael and Teufel with his body from possible attacks.**  I am now your bodyguard and you can't get rid of me.

Can the new mods still play the spam games like normal?
I am Pikepaw, my name is Pikepaw spelled backwards.
See that weasel in my avatar, I look a lot like him, almost like twins.


 Congratulations new mods.  I wish I could be one.  I think I've been spamming a lot more lately because of the lack of mods but now I can be much less spammier.  Pikepaw, I think they can play the spam games as long as it is in the spam forum.
I like Chicken, I like Liver, Meow Mix,Meow Mix, Please Deliver!

Abby The Rat

 They can still spam in spa room 101, however it is their job to control the spamming OUTSIDE the Spa Room 101, and should set examples.
Not around, please ignore.

Could be found on discord: []


 I ment the spam games in the spa room 101 and nowhere else shall they spam unneedlessly.  I shall watch and protect the new mods.
I am Pikepaw, my name is Pikepaw spelled backwards.
See that weasel in my avatar, I look a lot like him, almost like twins.


 *waves* Hello all! My deepest thanks Ad and Boze for making Shael and me mods. *nods* I'm still a little shocked, but I'm sure that'll wear off with time. To all you members of the RWL forums I say, I hope to serve you well, and I will not abuse my powers in any way.  
"Courage is the price that Life exacts for granting peace, The soul that knows it not, knows no release from little things." - A. Earhart

Ashyra Nightwing




I'm scared of mods.
Well, congrats on becoming one... :)  I'm glad I wasn't chosen. I couldn't handle the responsibility.


 I couldn't handle the responsilbility of being a mod.  I am a body guard.  Wapekip, why are you being a body guard?  Die evil me!  **Chases the evil him out of the internet; hopefully forever.**
Never muck with me because I'm a Canadian mercenary
Pikepaw has returned! He has become more evil! But I am back, to rule all and destroy the Earth!
If you knock me down, I'll get back up and knock you down, then I'll chase you with my torch and pitchfork and big club thingy.
In the words of the wise barbeast: "Yer true friends stick up fer ya! Yer best pals pay fer ya!" After this, the barbeast fell over drunk, after his last words of wisedom.