For or against

Started by Trident, June 25, 2003, 03:03:03 PM

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 I have a feeling I'll be one of the few who who chooses the first one  <_<  


 I voted the first one! I like bananas! *eats banana* *spits out the peel and peel starts dancing*


 Yay!  Razorclaw's a friend!  *welcomes him to a midnight dancing banana party*

 Dancing fruit all the way!

*Does the banana dance---It's penut butter jelly time!*


 That song is so annoying!  LoL, but it's funny.  It's even more funny how you can zoom in... AAAAH!

Is Julie an Oddball?

 Y are bananas and samwitches so funny? I voted banananas cuz they r yummy..


 I think the bananas have become over used and annoying.So I voted kill.
Oh come let's sing Ohio's praise
     And songs to Alma Mater raise
  While our hearts rebounding thrill
With joy which death alone can still
   Summer's heat or winter's cold
The seasons pass the years will roll
  Time and change will surely show
   How firm thy friendship ... OHIO!

Peace Alliance

 Most voted kill... and yet not many people talked about it... its like they are afraid to rebel against the dancing bananna's. WILL I FOR ONE AND READY TO TAKE A STAND!! FREEDOM FOR THE BANANNA HA~~~ *razorclaw shoots me in the back* *dying words..."stoatbrain!...*


 Kill the banana. All dancing fruit should be banned from this discussion board from henceforth. Gags PA with a dirty sock.
"Courage is the price that Life exacts for granting peace, The soul that knows it not, knows no release from little things." - A. Earhart


 Teufel's right.  Bring in the dancing monkeys!

Gah!  It doesn't work!  Ok no dancing monkeys then.  Hey, lets try dancing ferrets!


I like Chicken, I like Liver, Meow Mix,Meow Mix, Please Deliver!


 *Loveth the dancing ferrets*


 Last time I talked to Trident to AIM, I was listening to music (linkin Park Almkman) The Banana was dancing to it. Julie's Tomato was also dancing to it. Scary Stuff.
"Ever since using Strongbad's Ab- Abber 2000, the ladies have been all up ons"

Lend me some sugar, I am your neigbor!

Whats cooler than bein cool? ICE COLD!
Shake it like a Polroid Picture!

Ashyra Nightwing

 Bananas are evil. I think this pic says it all:

This can dance better:

The Lady Shael

 Oh darn, I forgot I already voted I hated them in this poll. If I don't watch myself I'm probably going to pull a "Julie" or something and make sure we have the majority in this poll. No more dancing things, not even ferrets.
[EDIT] *enjoys Ashyra's little smiley with sword MUCH better*
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.


 Never thought ferrets could dance.  Weasels are better than ferrets anyway, look at my avatar.
I am Pikepaw, my name is Pikepaw spelled backwards.
See that weasel in my avatar, I look a lot like him, almost like twins.