Pick one of the five senses....

Started by The Lady Shael, June 25, 2003, 11:01:12 AM

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The Lady Shael

 Just curious. I've never even thought about what I'd pick, I'd probably just die anyways.
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my command...as long as it complies with the rules.


 I chose sight because sports are a big part of my life and then I wouldn't be able to play them.
Oh come let's sing Ohio's praise
     And songs to Alma Mater raise
  While our hearts rebounding thrill
With joy which death alone can still
   Summer's heat or winter's cold
The seasons pass the years will roll
  Time and change will surely show
   How firm thy friendship ... OHIO!


 I have an absolute horror of going blind, so I chose sight. Just the thought of being blind scares me. *shudders*
"Courage is the price that Life exacts for granting peace, The soul that knows it not, knows no release from little things." - A. Earhart

Ashyra Nightwing

 If I didn't have sight, I wouldn't be able to play RWL. So I chose sight.


 I chose sight because I think it would be hardest to live without.  It would be weird not having touch or taste.  I'm hoping that I can keep all my senses though.
I like Chicken, I like Liver, Meow Mix,Meow Mix, Please Deliver!


 Yeah, sight's pretty darn important.


 I choose sight but hearing is pretty important.  Without sight I couldn't read posts or books (never!) and without hearing I couldn't listen to cool music.  Without taste I would never taste cheese again (AAHHHAAHH!) and without smell I couldn't smell good foods, but on the plus side I wouldn't smell bad smells and lastly without touch I couldn't feel pain but I couldn't feel soft stuffs and animal fur.  They are all important.
Never muck with me because I'm a Canadian mercenary
Pikepaw has returned! He has become more evil! But I am back, to rule all and destroy the Earth!
If you knock me down, I'll get back up and knock you down, then I'll chase you with my torch and pitchfork and big club thingy.
In the words of the wise barbeast: "Yer true friends stick up fer ya! Yer best pals pay fer ya!" After this, the barbeast fell over drunk, after his last words of wisedom.

TR Shadow

 I would choose touch.  I'm a really "touchy" person and I couldn't live without hugs.  I think touch is more important than sight because you can touch things and know that they're there.  Though, if you didn't have touch you wouldn't be able to feel pain and everything would be really weird.


 Actually Pikepaw you could read books its called brail(sp?) you'd use your sense of touch to recognize the symbols which represent letters or words...But, anyways I chose the SENSE OF SIGHT!  For without sight not only would I not be able to play RWL, but I'd not be able to DRIVE A CAR, and I've waited too long for that priviledge to come so there's no way I'd be able to live without sight!!
Member of the ROC: 03/14/2000
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 I thought there were six senses!  What about the Movie the Sixth Sense! *cries* I've been lied to for so long...
"Ever since using Strongbad's Ab- Abber 2000, the ladies have been all up ons"

Lend me some sugar, I am your neigbor!

Whats cooler than bein cool? ICE COLD!
Shake it like a Polroid Picture!


 I see dumb people... err, I mean, I see dead people.  It's easy to see dead people.  Just go to an open casket funeral and you'll see a dead person.  Seeing dead people is the 6th sense and it's only for special people...
I like Chicken, I like Liver, Meow Mix,Meow Mix, Please Deliver!


 I would rather die than read brail (what if I could only hear), I need to see those words for them to mean anything to me.  **Is struck blind, so he gets a crossbow and shoots himself but misses.  The bolt hits CoolClaw by accident.**  Sorry man, whoever it was, I didn't see ya.  **After many attempts with a spear (he missed) he falls off of a cliff and is shot in midair by the longshafts from enemy longbows.  Ending in death.**  I didn't mean to hit you with my crossbow, the person I hit.
Never muck with me because I'm a Canadian mercenary
Pikepaw has returned! He has become more evil! But I am back, to rule all and destroy the Earth!
If you knock me down, I'll get back up and knock you down, then I'll chase you with my torch and pitchfork and big club thingy.
In the words of the wise barbeast: "Yer true friends stick up fer ya! Yer best pals pay fer ya!" After this, the barbeast fell over drunk, after his last words of wisedom.


 Well, these all are important of course, but well, if I could only live with one of them, I think I would have to tick off sight. Very important of course, and I love reading more than anything else, and there are not many unabridged copies of books out there. So, sight all the way.


 Yes I agree with Bloodrath, Sight is what I would pick.  Either that or hearing, but If you got rid of feeling all your nerves would've been taken out of your body somehow.  Without Touch you could just put your hand on a hot stove and your handwould burn up.  Hmm... very hard deicision, of course without smelling I couldn't smell the smell of a freshly opened sims game.   WIthout hearing I could not hear beuatiful Sim music and also could not hear Weezer...  Hmm... But of Course I still rather have Sight above all of them.  *looks around*

If only I was a Mario... I could Jump on bullies, Use Yoshi to spit random fruit juices at them, and basically beat the crap out of them...

The Cow

 I'd choose sight,I read more than I eat and sleep sometimes,i could not live without books so i choose sight no doubt.
2nd Reg. Season BloodThirsty Wolves.
3rd Reg. Season ,Red Horde Of All Evil.
3rd turbo Season ,Blue Horde.
4th turbo season Red Horde Of All Evil.