
Started by Brock, June 24, 2003, 11:45:50 PM

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 It says at the bottom of the page that the newest member is Penguin.  Is this yet another one of Julie's accounts, or is it another person that is obsessed with penguins?
I like Chicken, I like Liver, Meow Mix,Meow Mix, Please Deliver!


 *desperately wishes for mod powers*  Brock, sorry to say, this is spam. This is one of those topics that Ereptor was talking about in his thread about RWL's demise.

On topic, I don't think it's Julie because Ragefur just let her make her 17th account, which was called "ILoveRags'CosHeLetMeMake#17", but, hey, I could be wrong.

"Courage is the price that Life exacts for granting peace, The soul that knows it not, knows no release from little things." - A. Earhart


 Indeed it is me ^_^.  *Loves penguins*

~Julie's 18th account~

 OMG. Why do you need 18 accounts? I'm happy with ONLY having 327 accounts.

Nah, I have 1 and no more ( i dont want more)

Please expalin your account frenzy.


 *shakes her head* Julie, you're as crazy as a loon! Why do you need as many accounts as you have (I know you have more than 18)? Btw, you don't need 50. It's a waste of space. *nods*
"Courage is the price that Life exacts for granting peace, The soul that knows it not, knows no release from little things." - A. Earhart

We Must All Hug Ad

 I have twenty XD.

 OMG. Sorry, but this prank is getting a tad bit annoying.  

Is Julie an Oddball?

 U say tad cuz u are wird and julie isnt wierd, she iz an oddball. That's funny, lol.

 It's not funny, and you are not funny. Please, get a life.

TR Shadow

 *Blinks*  Who are you?


 Gandalf....that name seems to come in mind.

Is Julie an Oddball?

 Hmmm, I thought I'd pull a Julie. Greetings to all forum-goers, Imperial Warlords RazorClaw the Cunning at your lord and ladyships' service. I am sorry for the spam, but I was surged on by Julie's mega-account creation. Sorry for the insults, which were not meant from me but to be a stupid newbie, which was rather refreshing for a couple posts.

TR Shadow

 You know what?  I'm not going to say anything because if I do, I'd probably wind up getting banned for the use of profanity.

 LoL. I had tha urge to email his ### a mean little email, well, I wanted to email him 100 000 emails, but I'm too lazy to start secret-a-mail. besides, I'll just take a deep breath, and relax


 What's wrong? Surely, you didn't take insult from the oddball thing? Sorry if you did.