Marrige Madness =\

Started by TR Shadow, June 21, 2003, 03:15:01 AM

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TR Shadow

 I'm PenguinLuvuhGal.  ShadowOfRedwall is my friends Meg and Allison trying to shair the computer.  It's quite funny, actually.

Holby0: Ahem
PenguinLuvuhGal: Ok, now we can all get married.
ShadowOfRedwall: Oh, Holby, Dear?  Where are you?
PenguinLuvuhGal: He's here
ShadowOfRedwall: Oh.  There you are.
Holby0: Coming, my love!
Holby0: *Rushes*
PenguinLuvuhGal: Silly, silly.
Holby0: :-)
PenguinLuvuhGal: What's my important job?
ShadowOfRedwall: That means he is coming to me.Right?
Holby0: Right, I hope
Holby0: The important job
Holby0: Well
Holby0: You're to conduct proceedings
Holby0: and so on
PenguinLuvuhGal: Errrr
Holby0: Make it official
Holby0: *Nods*
PenguinLuvuhGal: How do I do that?
Holby0: Make something up
PenguinLuvuhGal: Ummmmm
PenguinLuvuhGal: Ok.
ShadowOfRedwall: *Rushes into Matt's open arms*  He means me you idiot.
PenguinLuvuhGal: Yes, I told her your name.
Holby0: *Sighs pleasantly*
Holby0: lol
Holby0: ahem
ShadowOfRedwall: Hey i got all A's this years
PenguinLuvuhGal: And what does that have to do with anything?
PenguinLuvuhGal: LOL
ShadowOfRedwall: So?  Im prettier!
Holby0: lol
Holby0: Ahem
PenguinLuvuhGal: *Grins*
ShadowOfRedwall: No I am riping at Megs hair
PenguinLuvuhGal: *Makes it official*
Holby0: :D
Holby0: I guess that means it worked
ShadowOfRedwall: He is all mine!!!  *cries*
Holby0: lol
PenguinLuvuhGal: lol
ShadowOfRedwall: Well Meg's got no hair thanks to me
ShadowOfRedwall: *wipes tears off face and rips Allison's hair out*  Well you are bald too now!
Holby0: *Gasps* You cruel person!
Holby0: (To Alli)
Holby0: hehe
Holby0: Alli
Holby0: Sorry
ShadowOfRedwall: I know she is
Holby0: This is a joyous occasion!

Appearently Holby just got married to my friend Meg and Allison is over here making a big deal out of it.  Congrats to Holby and Meg!


 Jules didn't tell us this would be published. Personally, I'm just annoyed because I wasn't paid for letting this be released to the public.
I will not deleted this

TR Shadow

 You told me to make it official and that's exactly what I did, little mister!


 Good point. *Sighs* Oh well. I'll arrange a better contract next time.
I will not deleted this

TR Shadow

 LMAO....poor couple...get a divorce... :lol:  

Kenny Boy

 wow holbs you got two girls ripping each-others hair out over you.......... im impressed
Hi! I'm Ken and I am cooler than you!

K Money (#25)

highest rank:3

Hello everyone, I have given up on regular and now I only play turbo.
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Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.