
Started by fingo, June 18, 2003, 03:06:00 PM

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 What do workers do? Do you lose troops if you don't have any?
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There are 3 types of people, ones good at maths and the others not


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wolf bite

 I never found much about workers in the game guide.  (nothing useable anyway)

Workers are what make you money.  They come to your land and work it to make you money from the tax you put on them.  If you want more workers, you lower your tax rate and more come to live on your land.  But with a lower tax rate, you don?t make as much from the workers.  

Workers love to live in tents (tents are made for workers) and a lot come.
Workers like to live on unused land and some will come to live on that land.  
Workers don?t like built land and few live on that land.

So when you play, lets say you take 2,000 land. The workers, depending how low your tax rate is, start moving on your land all excited about the open space and you make a bit more money from taxing them. Then you build stuff on that land, they don?t like living on built land so they slowly leave.  But then if you built tents, they don?t leave and more come.

It seems they are always coming and going.  If you are playing an income based strategy that derives if cash from the markets you built.  You need at least 10 tents to 100 markets. (some play this differently).  In short, don?t worry about some leaving because they all will not go.  Worry more if your tax rate, tents, and markets are in the right amounts to pay your armies.

If any one knows something I missed, please jump in.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles

Peace Alliance

 Workers are no good if you're land is always changing and/or you are always shuffling you're buildings, like with an aggressive attacking stratagy. thats because you dont have enough time to build tents and wait for workers to come. Markets work better in this case 'cause you start making the money right away. Plus, if you raise you're tax rat you wont be able to get full 100% health.


Quote from: wolf biteI never found much about workers in the game guide. ?(nothing useable anyway)
While looting, your Workers focus all of their time on looting the countryside, increasing your income by 25%.

QuoteTents While Workers will live on unused land, Tents are specifically designed for housing. As a result, they allow you to house a great deal more Workers than otherwise. If you find that workers are moving away from your land, build these, and workers will be happier to come (For more on getting workers, look in Army Management)

QuoteTaxes This is what percentage of your (population) * (pci) goes to your governemnt (you).
Immigration is multiplied by (4 / ((Tax_Rate + 15) / 20)) - ( 7 / 9).
Emigration is multiplied by 1 / ((4 / ((Tax_Rate + 15) / 20)) - ( 7 / 9)).
For every two percentage points over 10%, your maximum health is lowered 1 percent.

A lot if it is in there. just much easier to understand and more thorough when an expert  like Wolf Bite explains it. ;)
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 Someone told me they don't do anything but I guess they do.

No good saying stuff like "(4 / ((Tax_Rate + 15) / 20)) - ( 7 / 9)." it doesn't mean anything to me. It's only good for one thing, confusing me.
The noises of the world cannot hurt the clouds
The only certainly in life is death
Remember where ever you go there you are
There are 3 types of people, ones good at maths and the others not


Quote from: fingoNo good saying stuff like "(4 / ((Tax_Rate + 15) / 20)) - ( 7 / 9)." it doesn't mean anything to me. It's only good for one thing, confusing me.
*Shrug* I copied it out of the Game Guide. Just to prove that it does do something, except sit there looking pretty.
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wolf bite

 Hehe, thanks Holby.

I have tried to see if the workers had anything to do with the math in the other parts of the game, like how many buildings could be built per turn and stuff like that, but I can't find anything else that they do. I am not even fully sure if they eat food because it is hard to tell the differance when a few come and go.

I think the hardest part about workers is deciding where to put the tax rate, is it better to have a low tax rate and a lot of workers to tax, or a high tax rate and few workers to tax?  With so many facters changing each turn, by the time I could get them to all come or all go to be happy at the new tax, I could not really tell which was better.  It does seem to be that a HIGH tax is better.

On income based stratagies - I have experamented with lowering my tax before making attacks, so lots come to live on the new open land becasue they came fast. Then rasing the tax when looting back to full health because they leave much slower, this was you can tax them a lot before they all go. But you can only get part way to full health because your tax is to high. I would then lower the tax to 10% to loot the rest of the way to 100% health.  Then raise the tax and start attacking again.  This seemed to over all make a bit more money, but is a real pain to deal with.

On HPR (farming) stratagies - I find it best to have the tax high because never lossing heatlh by never attacking, the lower max health is not a factor if you start at 100% health. Further, with a small or no army, money is not much of an issue.

On leader based stratagies - The small differance in the money they bring with no markets makes them rather useless, so I keep the tax at 10% so that I don't have to deal with not getting back to full health.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


Cause someone told me to just leave worker in the red because they don't do anything.
Thanks again.
The noises of the world cannot hurt the clouds
The only certainly in life is death
Remember where ever you go there you are
There are 3 types of people, ones good at maths and the others not

Ashyra Nightwing

 I've always wondered what workers did. I have very few workers, and it never seems to affect me...

Peace Alliance

 Yeah, I hardly ever pay attention to my leaders.

But what i have done, is if i'm low on money and i need some quickly but have no leaders. is i will make a ton of tents, then demolish them and put the land into markets. then you'll be making the money from all the workers you got plus money from the markets. i dont do it much, just if i need to get money quick without leaders.

Why do they call them workers anyways? they dont really do any work. they should be called villagers


Quote from: wolf biteOn leader based stratagies - The small differance in the money they bring with no markets makes them rather useless, so I keep the tax at 10% so that I don't have to deal with not getting back to full health
Try 11%. You only lose health for every two percent over 10, remember.
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