embroidered Redwall themed tee shirts available!

Started by Calantorntain, June 16, 2003, 10:58:42 AM

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 I am now selling Redwall themed tee shirts!  If you don't have the money, ask for one for a Christmas present in July.  Or a birthday present.  Or something.  Just buy one.  


I am considering making one that says "RWL is Life".  Is there anybody at all interested in a shirt like that?  If nobody wants one, I won't put it up.  But if people do, well, I will.  It would be the same price as the other non-customized ones.
"Death death death death death death la la la la death" -- The Woad to Wuin


 So is this like your hobbie?  Or your bissness?
Originally The Black Rider, Fonder of Nazgul?.

Down right proud Mac user!
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If someone died for you? Would you care?


"Death death death death death death la la la la death" -- The Woad to Wuin

Ashyra Nightwing

 OOOOOH!! I'd love a RWL is Life one!
*runs off to beg parents*


 Can I tell ya what to put on it?  To do with redwall?  And are the prices in US?
Originally The Black Rider, Fonder of Nazgul?.

Down right proud Mac user!
Also down right proud iPod owner
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If someone died for you? Would you care?


QuoteCan I tell ya what to put on it? To do with redwall? And are the prices in US?

You can order a custom shirt, and with that you can have it say whatever you want, as long as it is Redwall related.  And the prices are in American dollars.
"Death death death death death death la la la la death" -- The Woad to Wuin


 The prices are a bit steep...$10 is reasonable...
Originally The Black Rider, Fonder of Nazgul?.

Down right proud Mac user!
Also down right proud iPod owner
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If someone died for you? Would you care?


 They take about an hour each to make.  A blank shirt costs about $6.  Shipping costs about $5.  On the site the shipping is messed up because of my mom's business, so I had to put it with mine.  I have no idea how much thread costs.  There is also the chance that I could mess up on the first shirt, and have to use another one.  And sewing machines are expensive (but that does not have anything to do with the price, since we have like to of them anyway) Also, it is sort of expensive so I don't get tons and tons of orders.  And I did not pick the price.  Mom did.  So sorry about it, but there is nothing I can do.
"Death death death death death death la la la la death" -- The Woad to Wuin


Originally The Black Rider, Fonder of Nazgul?.

Down right proud Mac user!
Also down right proud iPod owner
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If someone died for you? Would you care?


 I have a simulated image there now.  It says Redwall in 3 of the fonts, Storybook, Riftuard Script, and Ariel.
"Death death death death death death la la la la death" -- The Woad to Wuin


 No....I mean can you post a picture...picture the shirt. ;)  
Originally The Black Rider, Fonder of Nazgul?.

Down right proud Mac user!
Also down right proud iPod owner
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If someone died for you? Would you care?


 I would, but I don't have any pictures yet, I have not made any of these.  I have a redwall shirt, but it is on a different type of shirt offered, with a different font than what is offered, but you can see it any way.

This one is sort of smallish-

there is also this other picture, and it makes me look really fat. But oh well.
"Death death death death death death la la la la death" -- The Woad to Wuin

The Lady Shael

 Not FAIR. That's Brian Jacques, isn't it....his tours NEVER come close to Florida.   <_<  
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my command...as long as it complies with the rules.


 You have give the people a chance to see your products y'know.  It's good that
you show as all that photo I will take the offer more seriously now. Thank-you.
Originally The Black Rider, Fonder of Nazgul?.

Down right proud Mac user!
Also down right proud iPod owner
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If someone died for you? Would you care?


 Well, we did have to drive 6 hours to get there (then 6 hours back).  But yes, that is BJ.  Maybe he will go to Florida sometime.  You never know.
"Death death death death death death la la la la death" -- The Woad to Wuin