Hello, God! Are you there?

Started by TR Shadow, June 12, 2003, 07:01:33 PM

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 Yes I have some too.I got my great-grandpa's personal one.He died last year.Never mind it's just a good thing to go to church.
Oh come let's sing Ohio's praise
     And songs to Alma Mater raise
  While our hearts rebounding thrill
With joy which death alone can still
   Summer's heat or winter's cold
The seasons pass the years will roll
  Time and change will surely show
   How firm thy friendship ... OHIO!


 When I was seven I got a comic bible for my birthday.  Anyway I saw this t-shirt that said Jesus is my homie.
"Ever since using Strongbad's Ab- Abber 2000, the ladies have been all up ons"

Lend me some sugar, I am your neigbor!

Whats cooler than bein cool? ICE COLD!
Shake it like a Polroid Picture!


QuoteYes I bet everyone does but they seem to be mocking him.

... I am an Athiest, but I don't mock people for their religion.  People that do that are just plain morons.  

"Death death death death death death la la la la death" -- The Woad to Wuin

Philemon Pikesmith

Being a Christian is about being in love with a God who gave his life for you and me.  God is jealous of His Glory and likes to be praised, (sounds resonable to me).  <3
The reson I go to church is to join the family of other believers in giving God (and Jesus) the worship He desires.  It's also a place where I can cheer on other beleivers, and get pumped up myself.  

Giligan's Island is a cool show!  I just don't know why they don't lock Giligan up while they are making their getaway machines.  Leave without him, and then send the Coast Gard to get him.    :D  


 *points up* It looks like that question was answered well. We got to church because God desires worship, and though we can worship alone, God also tells us that fellowship with fellow Christians is a good things - so why not fellowship and worship together? 'Tis a great thing. Plus, there's also a verse that talks about learning by hearing, and it's (usually) easier to listen to someone else's message than try to teach yourself.

As for Gilligan's Island, they were all rescued, and there was even a movie made called Return to Gilligan's Island. Yep.  


 The reason why they didn't lock Gilligan up is so the show could go on.What kind of show would it be if they leave after the first 30?
Oh come let's sing Ohio's praise
     And songs to Alma Mater raise
  While our hearts rebounding thrill
With joy which death alone can still
   Summer's heat or winter's cold
The seasons pass the years will roll
  Time and change will surely show
   How firm thy friendship ... OHIO!

Peace Alliance

 A cancaled one??

You all made good points about why to go to church. I'm christian, but i dont go because I am really busy all the time and other stuff. But i do go to christian camp, and I find that it is like 999999 times easier to worship god when you're with many other people doing so. I think thats a good reason to go to church, its so you feel closer to god. Plus, church's do a lot of good for the community, its usually good to get involved and do some good :)



 Hebrews 10:24  And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. 25  Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another--and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

All of the reasons given are true and very good, but here's one more. The Bible tells us to meet together so we can encourage each other in the Lord.  
"Courage is the price that Life exacts for granting peace, The soul that knows it not, knows no release from little things." - A. Earhart


      You all speak of worshiping with other Chrstians. Why don't I see worshiping God with Catholics, Protesins, Jews, Wiccans, or Pagens?
    Your not racist are you? I bet God hates racist people.
"Without love life has no meaning." - Joseph Nicholas

"Looks are just an added bonus." - Joseph Nicholas

"Meine Liebe, Mein Leben, Meine Welt." - Joseph Nicholas

user posted image

Peace Alliance

 1. god doesn't hate anyone.
2. if we are christians then we will probably talk about going to a christian church because... we are christian!
3. wiccans and peggans dont worship god.
4. aren't Protestans christian too?


Quote from: CindarinYou all speak of worshiping with other Chrstians. Why don't I see worshiping God with Catholics, Protesins, Jews, Wiccans, or Pagens?
? ? Your not racist are you? I bet God hates racist people.
The forum ate my post. *Begins again*

Cindarin, you have a mixture of religions and denominations there. Don't know what cults could be defined as, because the definitions appears rather similiar to that of a religion. The differences appear rather picky, so I need help on that one, please, somebody.

As I see it (rather simply):
Protestants (I assume that's what you mean)

Are Christian denominations. They believe in the same thing, but don't worship together, because of differences in opinion to certain issues and definitions.
Just different views. However, they all both have a common belief, to my understanding.


Are religions. I don't know the difference between religions or cults, so it might be the other. I think Wicca is a cult, but... *Sighs* I wish someone would explain it, please, I'm getting annoyed at myself.

They don't worship together because they believe in different things. I don't even know what Pagans and Wiccans believe. All I've researched is Judaism. *shrug*
The point I'm trying to make is how can you expect religions that don't believe in the same thing to worship together? The groups wouldn't understand each other.

Finally, God loves everybody, no matter what they've done or who they are.
You'll find countless examples of that in the bible.
I will not deleted this

Philemon Pikesmith

 I agree with Holby.  Mostly,

Jews believe in God- they folow the Old Tesment, and some think Jesus Christ is a good prophet but not the Son of God.

Christians, like Roman Catholics and Protestants (Epscopals, Lutherans, and all them) believe that same Jewish God sent his Son Jesus to die fr are sins.  Now we dont have to sacrifce lambs abd stuff  ::cries::

Wiccans worship Satan  ::disagrees::  and reject God and Jesus

Pagans, is a gneral word for a big motorcycle gang, or people not a part of the Jewish or christian families.

Haing Wiccans and christians at the same gathering is like having Washington Redskins and Dallas Cowboy fans at the same game.  Neither understands why the other likes their team.

In the end, it seems to be all about power.  True chrisitans live in God's power, Wiccans try to use Satan's power.

 LoL. I would call....

*hello God, could you blow up my school?* :grin-all:  :grin-eyes:  

QuotePeggans dont worship god

As far as I remember, they worship a Female God.


 Whose to say god isn't a female ? Well , we have had this discussion before somewhere in here and it was turning into a bunch of people stating there religion ... it wasn't that great of a topic ... I believe in god , I am a Protestant , and I no that jesus will right my wrongs and help me through life ... no matter how hard it gets , I can always look to jesus and god .  
Dark days are coming my friends....... oh yes we are in trouble....