Number 11!

Started by Menatus, January 07, 2003, 05:46:24 PM

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 Maybe Menatus should take a screen shot of the rankings, because she might not she her clan up there for a bit after today, with Alliance hunting us down  :)  :rolleyes:
Woodren Swiftsword, former leader of the Mossflower Liberation Army
May 20, 1999 - May 20, 2001



 I hope none of you are talking about me...hehe, I always gang up on certain people.  What I mean, is I have a lot of RWL buddies, and when they ask who's a good warlord to attack, I give them the two people I attack a lot.   :D  


 Maybe you should, I don't know, hit them back?


 Oh, definately. I wish I was on my comp. Oh well, my dad won't notice.


 wouldn't be a bad idea if you stuck your email etc in your profile instead of you siggie, don't have too but thats what its there for...


 I wouldn't announce the fact that your NW is food-ey... not a good idea in my experience...

Shael of Torethevel

 I'm sorry Deathclaw...I'm trying to hold it off, but there's no one else me or the Alliance can attack other than the members of EVTF. At first I didn't attack an EVTF when I joined the Alliance, but I couldn't hold my troops on the land, and my economy and my finances plummeted. You can't survive this game without attacking. I've tried.  
~The Lady Shael, Once Empress and Third Ruler of Mossflower Country and Beyond

Warlord(ess) of The Black Raiders, #55
Leader of The Band of Rebels, #225
Founder of The Rebels of Mossflower
Leader of El Queso, #419
Commander of the Daughters of Delor, #679
Lady of The Realm of Unspoken Darkness, #1235

"Good evening, I am the main Dish of the Day. May I interest you in parts of my body?"
~The dairy animal, The Restaurant at the End of the Universe


 The first time I got attacked by Shael I was like "Wow, what an honor". heehee. Have it your way, Germania.

Shael of Torethevel

 *smiles* Really, Menatus? I could attack you some more if it makes you feel better... :P  Truthfully, I've barely attacked you. If I've ever attacked you it was a while ago.
~The Lady Shael, Once Empress and Third Ruler of Mossflower Country and Beyond

Warlord(ess) of The Black Raiders, #55
Leader of The Band of Rebels, #225
Founder of The Rebels of Mossflower
Leader of El Queso, #419
Commander of the Daughters of Delor, #679
Lady of The Realm of Unspoken Darkness, #1235

"Good evening, I am the main Dish of the Day. May I interest you in parts of my body?"
~The dairy animal, The Restaurant at the End of the Universe


 Well I don't think I was being very mean or sarcastic about it. I just said when I got attacked by Shael, not saying it was a lot, that it was an honor because I knew I was getting close. Otherwise I'd be to small to attack.

Shael of Torethevel

 *nods* I've felt that way too...but it was hard trying to determine whether being attacked by Germania was an honor....
~The Lady Shael, Once Empress and Third Ruler of Mossflower Country and Beyond

Warlord(ess) of The Black Raiders, #55
Leader of The Band of Rebels, #225
Founder of The Rebels of Mossflower
Leader of El Queso, #419
Commander of the Daughters of Delor, #679
Lady of The Realm of Unspoken Darkness, #1235

"Good evening, I am the main Dish of the Day. May I interest you in parts of my body?"
~The dairy animal, The Restaurant at the End of the Universe


 Yes, true. Or being attacked so many times by anyone. Being knocked down one rank gets me pretty discouraged. I got knocked down to 13, but got back up again. When I got knocked down to like 48 last week I was gonna quit, the game being a time-sucker. But I'm still here ^^;;;


 see menatus it looks better and now you got more buttons  ;)  


 Hmm, I guess that is pretty cool ^_^;; Ooh, buttons...


 When you quit, send aid to me!!!!! I would like to have some aid from a very nice guy, such as yourself.