
Started by RazorClaw, May 31, 2003, 08:53:44 PM

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 Urthrath was headed towards Zorgo with 3 score of lizards and wolves, he had found them on the coast on a small boat with Tabane, the only survivior of the shipwreck and the only captain of Pikepaw alive.  The wolf had made him and a felmale lizard named Dagonbine his second in commands with no other promotions.  When they arrived at the fight the band waited to see who would win, if Zorgo slew Silver Tounge then Urthrath would kill him also but if Silver Tounge won, then (because he sensed dog in him and because the wolf could see he was no bragging fool) they would see about joining his forces.  But Urthrath waited for something else, he waited for Deathclaw or Orcrist to come to be slain.  The big wolf was a lone fighter and Silver Tounge was the only one he thought of joining with and even then he might not and just fight to keep himself on the land, he did not feel like being an emperor of anywhere and just wanted somewhere to live and here in Mossflower seemed perfect.
Never muck with me because I'm a Canadian mercenary
Pikepaw has returned! He has become more evil! But I am back, to rule all and destroy the Earth!
If you knock me down, I'll get back up and knock you down, then I'll chase you with my torch and pitchfork and big club thingy.
In the words of the wise barbeast: "Yer true friends stick up fer ya! Yer best pals pay fer ya!" After this, the barbeast fell over drunk, after his last words of wisedom.

Dead Eye

 Silver Tounge heaved in and out, he had not attacked his fulliest, because he was tying to make peace with everyone. He stopped waving about his axe and lokeed down and Zorgo.

"This is pointless. We are here for peace. I see Urthrath is here, a wolf I know from old Pikepaw's army. Now, where are Orcist and Razorclaw and Deathclaw!"
Dead Eye Trueflight of the Seas, Servent to the Emperor and Empress of the Northlands<br><br><a href='' target='_blank'></a><br><br>Spokesperson for The winter clan. <br><br>Part of the ROC since some time in October-Nov


 OOC: My character is not from Pikepaws' army he came from the south to Mossflower and just took the survivors of Pikepaws' army and turned them into his.  Tabane was a wolf from Pikepaws' army.

"Ai ye make a good point dog-fox, I came here to live in peace.  I say we just make our own territries to live on and use our forces for fighting the enemy, not each other.  I shall let their be an emperor here, just as long as they leaves me alone to live how I please.  Only one beast shall ever rule over me, and that beast I feel be ye Silver Tounge, but I still will never like all martens in general Zorgo, I won't slay ya."  Urthrath said in his lighter northern accent.  Then he did something he never did before he held out his paw to Silver Tounge and said, "What do we do fox."
Never muck with me because I'm a Canadian mercenary
Pikepaw has returned! He has become more evil! But I am back, to rule all and destroy the Earth!
If you knock me down, I'll get back up and knock you down, then I'll chase you with my torch and pitchfork and big club thingy.
In the words of the wise barbeast: "Yer true friends stick up fer ya! Yer best pals pay fer ya!" After this, the barbeast fell over drunk, after his last words of wisedom.

Bran Stoneshield

 Zorgo did a mock-bow to the wolf called Urthrath.

"Well, wolf, you stand before me asking for peace, yet just a few hours ago you wanted to kill me! I'll cope with that."

Zorgo held on to his longsword in case the two rebels decided to attack.
RNN Reporter!

Rawpaw's Horde Reborn.

I am back.


 "I rethought it, at first I hated martens, then I decied I just hated power hungry, self centered, boosting martens instead of all martens.  I hope you are not like that and take back the killing part, because Silver Tounge showed me that there should be peace."  Urthrath drew his Katana to be ready at a seconds notice incase they were attacked or if Zorgo struck out with his longsword.  "Don't ya try anything messmate or else ye'll be in two halves before ye can shout arf a word."  Now it was a kind of stand off, waiting for Deathclaw, Orcrist and RazorClaw.
Never muck with me because I'm a Canadian mercenary
Pikepaw has returned! He has become more evil! But I am back, to rule all and destroy the Earth!
If you knock me down, I'll get back up and knock you down, then I'll chase you with my torch and pitchfork and big club thingy.
In the words of the wise barbeast: "Yer true friends stick up fer ya! Yer best pals pay fer ya!" After this, the barbeast fell over drunk, after his last words of wisedom.

Bran Stoneshield

 Zorgo sealthed his sword with a snarl. He spoke in a weary voice.

"Wolf, I'm not self-centered of power-hungary. All I want it Razorclaw dead."
RNN Reporter!

Rawpaw's Horde Reborn.

I am back.


 As Urthrath sheathed his sword Tabane Spoke up,
"You may want him dead, but me and the survivors of old Pikepaws' army," he guestered to the 3 score monitors and wolves behind him, "Will be the ones to kill him to avenage the death of our old master Pikepaw and our defeat at Homozannrex at the claws of that weasel!" he growled in a tone so you could sense his anger at the death of his lizard ruler.  "I want to slay RazorClaw, then kick his army off our island and restore it to how it belongs, with Urthrath as our ruler or whoever he chooses to rule us!"  Urthrath looked at the snarling venting canine in surprise.  After the fighting was all set and done this creature would put his complete trust in him no matter the dission, this was loyaty.
Never muck with me because I'm a Canadian mercenary
Pikepaw has returned! He has become more evil! But I am back, to rule all and destroy the Earth!
If you knock me down, I'll get back up and knock you down, then I'll chase you with my torch and pitchfork and big club thingy.
In the words of the wise barbeast: "Yer true friends stick up fer ya! Yer best pals pay fer ya!" After this, the barbeast fell over drunk, after his last words of wisedom.


 "My eagle spies in the ranks of our enemies await us, Orcrist. We can't keep them waiting, can we? All of our soldiers must prepare their weapons and sufficiently provision themselves. My eagles will keep track of where we must go, and will attack as a decoy from the air. Here is my plan."

Deathclaw then told Orcrist a plan to be worked on throughout the next morning and afternoon. The eagles would take out the enemy archers, their bows useless at close range, while their own archers hid in trees and woodland fringe, firing arrows into the front ranks. A trebuchet would be carried along to attack the middle. When the boulders stopped flying, slingers and spear throwers would start off, arrows flying all the time. When they had sufficiently reduced enemy numbers, archers would fire carefully as the close-range fighters charged from all sides. They would form a large circle around the enemy and move in slowly, throwing javelins in, and pulling their blades after the javelins ran out. They would form smaller circles around small groups and rush them, blades extended forward. The leaders would be left to Orcrist, Razorclaw, and Deathclaw. The eagle had told Deathclaw of the huge fox, and that would be his. If he needed help, archers would fire and Orcrist would take his unprotected back, with Razorclaw hurling a spear. The plan would be revised and redone to the commanders' liking.
Glory, Glory, Man United!

Bran Stoneshield

 Zorgo finally decided that he would have an alliance with the one called Urthran.

ooc: I guess I'm writing a book 'bout this ;)
RNN Reporter!

Rawpaw's Horde Reborn.

I am back.


 OOC: its Urthrath, and anyone againt how things are spelled when the birds talk, remember it is their accent and they pronounce words differently so your name might be spelled wrong, but that is just accent.

Suddenly Jiynk and Yadowl with 50 sparra warriors came out of sky and Jiynk screeched,
"AAAKKKK!  Horcrist, Deathclaw and RazorClaw attack you! we escape from island and then find eagle, Yhodhowl catch um eagle and eagle tell this us KRRRAAAKKK!"  Tabane reconised them and calmed down the hysterical kite.
"Lord Urthrath, Silver tounge (if you are still here) and Zorgo this is Jiynk Red kite and Yadowl Airwar the owl.  Yadowl is now the only one who was left in charge of Homozannrex to survive, I had gone with Pikepaw.  Jiynk was found on the island and we helped her and in return she helped us defeat Raker the fox.  We tried returning Jiynk to RazorClaw who had sent her out but he tried to kill us so Jiynk turned to our side and from what I heard from survivors is that Jiynk aided them when they tried to defend the island.  Now she has come back again to help us."  Urthrath had understood the kite and replied.
"Okay we are going to need help to conterattack against them, Silver Tounge and Zorgo you might have big hordes but we may need more.  Jiynk, you take a score of sparra warriors and head south looking for likely recruits, like wolves, dog-foxes, lizards, weasels etc., Yadowl you do the same but go east.  I'll take five sparra and head north with a score of lizards and wolves to look for recruits, no need to go west since the enemy is there.  I leave you Tabane and you Dagonbine to lead our band and help them with whatever you can, I'll be back with recruits soon."  Then before anyone could stop him Urthrath had rounded up the chosen creatures and they went off trotting north while the birds flew off to where they had been told.
Never muck with me because I'm a Canadian mercenary
Pikepaw has returned! He has become more evil! But I am back, to rule all and destroy the Earth!
If you knock me down, I'll get back up and knock you down, then I'll chase you with my torch and pitchfork and big club thingy.
In the words of the wise barbeast: "Yer true friends stick up fer ya! Yer best pals pay fer ya!" After this, the barbeast fell over drunk, after his last words of wisedom.


 RazorClaw chose decided to take out Zorgo. He was already mortally wounded, and the enmity shared between them was becoming something personal. That left Silver Tounge to Orcrist. But Zorgo wasn't a fool. Due to his declaration of war upon Razorclaw, he had practically shouted out that he was singling Razorclaw out. Time to change that. Time to attack.

RazorClaw had raised his son without a mother. Moonpaw had been killed a long time ago. But RazorClaw's son, Moonscar, lived on RazorClaw's legend. Moonpaw had been killed in a battle. Razorclaw had grived, but it did not stop him from raising his son well. Moonscar was a stealthy assasin, a perfect scout, and his small size was perfect for spying. He was also skilled with a cutlass. A perfect combo. With Bloodfang, Gashpaw, and his generals dead, RazorClaw needed someone. One day he stood on the sea shore watching his son practising his cutlass skills. RazorClaw then inquired to him, "Son. There are two different things I need right now. One is a general. Another is a leader. Here is the difference. A leader, when his army is taken, fights on to gain a new one. A general who loses an army loses his fighting spirit as well. Which do you wish to be?"
  Moonscar looked at his father firmly. "I want to be a leader."

RazorClaw hopped down to the middle of Zorgo's slumbering army. The sentries had all been killed, thanks to Moonscar's assasination skills. RazorClaw crept into Zorgo's tent and captured him, quickly gagging him before he woke. RazorClaw vanished out of sight.
Crack! Crack! Crack!
Zorgo's scream's could be heard a day's march away. RazorClaw was whipping him mercilessly with his diamond-tipped whips. His blows where so hard that the whips where breaking. Crack! Crunch! The whip broke. RazorClaw got another. Crack! Crack! Zorgo's eyes were gored out of his head. Now blinded, RazorClaw let Zorgo go. Zorgo was running into hordebeasts, only smelling blood, only feeling pain. Down came RazorClaw's scimitar. Zorgo was no more. But there was still to fear. Zorgo had a son, far mnore clever than Zorgo himself. RazorClaw was on his guard as he gave Deathclaw and Orcrist the news.


 Tabane was awakened and saw Moonscar sneaking through the night to join his father.  Now RazorClaw had taken something dear to him away, it was his turn.  The wolf drew his long rapier and leaped down from the enbankment, screaming.
SPON OF RAZORCLAW DDDIIIIIEEEEEEEE! The weasel didn't have time to even move his cutlass.  Tabanes' rapier had gone right through his chest up to the hilt and the force had pushed them a few meters off where Moonscar had been standing.  A few vermin came to investagate but were slain by Dagonbine and her lizards.  Tabane left the carcess on the road where Razorclaw would pass, with a note in its paw and the cutlass broken in half by Dagonbine and Tabane, left by its side.  The note read,
Dear RazorClaw,
You have taken something important to us, our island and ruler.  So for our vengance we have taken your son, now we shall let you suffer for a long time before we kill you.  The pain we have suffered, you will suffer, until you go on, then we shall kill you.  This has nothing to do with Zorgos' death but his son shall account for that.  Tell Orcrist and Deathclaw, that you three have started this, we are fighting back to defend ourselves.  So now you shall all die.
Tabane, Dagonbine and the survivors of the army of Pikepaw, followers of Urthrath the Fighter now.  
Never muck with me because I'm a Canadian mercenary
Pikepaw has returned! He has become more evil! But I am back, to rule all and destroy the Earth!
If you knock me down, I'll get back up and knock you down, then I'll chase you with my torch and pitchfork and big club thingy.
In the words of the wise barbeast: "Yer true friends stick up fer ya! Yer best pals pay fer ya!" After this, the barbeast fell over drunk, after his last words of wisedom.


 RazorClaw smiled. Fools. His son had slipped away during the time when he was in the tent. His double, however, had not been so lucky. But his double was kin, his nephew. He would have to be avenged. Zorgo's son would do fine. But, if his son wasn't blinded by the fact that he needed to avenge his father, good could come of the shift in positions.  

Bran Stoneshield

 The son of Zorgo was a natural leader. He was a wolf, because he was adopted. He had heard of his father's death, and was angry. His name was Bane, none could defeat him. Weilding his flail in his paw, he strolled bravely to Razorclaw's encampment. He had his father's old band of beasts, but he also had his owe. Ten-score flitcheye tunneled under Razorclaw's tent. Once they sized the leader Razorclaw. He bound and gagged him. They were on the move again, back to Zorgo's old castle.
RNN Reporter!

Rawpaw's Horde Reborn.

I am back.


 RazorClaw was fuming. He had completely forgotten about Zorgo's Flitchaye! But he would not worry. At night, he called a Coral Snake to him. He told it to go and get Moonscar, and to tell him to hurry to Zorgo's castle. RazorClaw then edged one of the ropes towards his best dagger, which he had concealed, with edges of black diamond. One of his paws was free, but the others were still bound. He kept on them. He was out. RazorClaw got back to his camp, took a quarter-million troops, and had them fill a square pit with stone and then put their camp on that. They also built walls, for RazorClaw's old castle was fairly wrecked, and they took as much stone as needed. No sooner was the production finished then RazorClaw was once again gagged and held. But he got out a cry, and it turned out to be a random rat. Thank goodness. RazorClaw slept easy that night, and he needed sleep for what eould befall him the next day.