What are your oppinions?

Started by TR Shadow, May 29, 2003, 08:19:47 PM

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Peace Alliance

 The point it its fun. But there is never any actual falling in love, i agree. Its like when you read a book and you really like a charactor, (not sexually). You're not going to meet the character, but you still like them.  


Quote from: PikepawEEEEWWWWWWW, dating is yuky, please keep it in the real world where the whole computor world does not have to know about it.  Plus 11 year olds are digusted by dating so please keep it out of the internet.
Erm... it's not, as you would say, "yuky" in any way, form, or fashion in real life. Thought I'd drop in my opinion.
Glory, Glory, Man United!


 Not saying I'm 11 not saying I'm not 11, I am young and young at heart.
Never muck with me because I'm a Canadian mercenary
Pikepaw has returned! He has become more evil! But I am back, to rule all and destroy the Earth!
If you knock me down, I'll get back up and knock you down, then I'll chase you with my torch and pitchfork and big club thingy.
In the words of the wise barbeast: "Yer true friends stick up fer ya! Yer best pals pay fer ya!" After this, the barbeast fell over drunk, after his last words of wisedom.


 What are your oppinions?

Short and Simple.  Don't do it.


Quote from: Dead EyeI think internet dating is wrong, because how do you know that the way the person is online is like that in real life. And pikepaw, I started going out when I was in the 4th grade, and made out in 5th grade.
Ummm a little to much information there Dead Eye , it's not like we haven't done it but you don't have to tell us about it .
Dark days are coming my friends....... oh yes we are in trouble....

Ashyra Nightwing

 Internet dating? It's... strange.  


 I've had one internet relationship before and I must suggest that nobody get involved in one.  Sure as somebody said they're fun, but what relationship isn't?  A bad one, of course.  And internet relationships can be really bad, because you don't know who you're exactly talking to and what they're really like, for example you could be talking to some seemingly nice girl and in real life she could be an evil and devilish monstrousity!  In which she could live like within 10miles from your town and stalk you!!  Which could be quite frightening...Its not happened to me, but still...

Or on the other hand you could end up breaking up with them and if you're not one who really gets online a lot you could forget who they are and then when they say hi or something you're like who are you and then they get really snotty about it and vise versas(sp?).
Member of the ROC: 03/14/2000
Emperor of

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 This is true ... I have been stalked but not like someone following me but they wouldn't stop emailing me then they emailed my mom telling her stuff that wasn't true and I was grounded for a week .
Dark days are coming my friends....... oh yes we are in trouble....

Peace Alliance

 lol, sorry for stalking you Blackeyes.... JK!

If you meet someone in a "lookin for love" chat room, its probably not going to be the kind of person they say they are.. but if you meet them on.. oh... say... Redwall, then you're more likely to get someone who is themselves right?


 Because this is not a hook-up board, then chances are everybody here acts like their normal self, except for the monitors who are careful to keep aloof.

In other words, I agree with Peace Alliance on this one.
He was my skater boy
I never said 'See ya later boy'
He was good enough for me.
Now he does base guitar,
I love him even from afar,
We were made for eachother; now I think that you'll agree.


 I have an internet friend but I haven't done internet dating and I'm against it.   ::disagrees::  with internet dating!

Mistflower, are you from Alaska?  I am.
I like Chicken, I like Liver, Meow Mix,Meow Mix, Please Deliver!


 Off topic and all, but...

Guardians of the Night...

aka stupidness52489....

WHAT IS UP WITH YOUR PROFILE?!?!??!   :angry:  


Quote from: TridentOff topic and all, but...

Guardians of the Night...

aka stupidness52489....

AHA! You thought you gave us the slip! HAHAHA! Back on Redwall one day! You now will dream Redwall dreams with Martin the Warrior telling you that you must come back to the forums, then...BAM! You'll find yourself on your comp typing in www.iboze.com/rwl! HA!


 Appearently that's the reason why you (Trident) think I'm better off single?   B)    
He was my skater boy
I never said 'See ya later boy'
He was good enough for me.
Now he does base guitar,
I love him even from afar,
We were made for eachother; now I think that you'll agree.


 Hey, it's your insane topic that started it. The fact is, it's rubbing off on me. So I'm going to ignore it and be perfectly civil. When I want to. 0_~