Rp the endless...

Started by Tenchi Masaki, January 20, 2003, 05:03:44 PM

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 (Austin, time to learn what a Helicopter does...it flies within the atmosphere, so its not on another planet...remember, next time you don't know something, read back before making a feeble attempt to make it up)

Tenchi Masaki

 soldier 1 - " so what do you think we're going to attack..."

soldier 2- "I don't know ..there wasen't a specific target. except the snipers..but they're dead now.." *sips a cup of coffee*

from a short distance. two shots are silently peircing through the air. they make their way to the two unsuspecting victims...the two soldiers are shot through the head.


.....too easy for me.*looks around, and vanishes into the air with a cloaking sheild*

this person, makes his way into the fortress.Unnoticed by guards,he roams freely inside their base..and he quickly makes to the vehicle fueling docks, unnoticed.

*opens the cap to a fueltanker and drops in a remote explosive. then makes his way tword the center of the base.*

..and they haven't noticed me yet..

leaving Remote cloaked explosive's , RCE's, throughout the base. Untill...

"Intruder Alert!, Intruder Alert!..all personell arm yourselves.."

great.... :ph34r:  *makes the explosives in the Fueltanker explode, makes his way through the fortress, trying to escape, when a person in black armor blocks his path..*

"Well, you shure had us on the run...but its too late for you. you will die just like the rest of them did..go ahead and hide in your cloak ..*withdraws a sword*

*uncloaks*so I see that you have the sword of legend...but it will be me who poseses such a sword *shoots the man with the sword with  Ice Beam*

*hits the blast of coldness with the sword and it riccochets to a wall* I think not....after I kill you, your advanced weaponry will be mine to control" *charges the man with his sword and slashes *

*his slash is met by blade beam*my advanced weaponry is for me alone..not for one that desires to kill inocent people

" A shame Bios..for you could have been one of us...heh..a persn with such talents wasted on the weak..."

Bios-only to those who have a pure heart of cheese, I am loyal to..never to a conqurer like yourself DeathClaw.

DeathClaw-Heh..then be it....*lifts his arm to control a row of Auto_turrets lined within the walls of the base to aim on Bios* ..

Bios- you will never win...even with the army you have..you are no match for me....*Teleports out of the base and sets off all of the explosives causing a massive chain reaction. eliminating Deathclaws Fortress. Bios teleports just out of the way to the fortress and stands waiting for Deathclaw*

Tenchi Masaki , leader of Warriors of the Forgotten Realm
also known as Star Fox : mercenary division (#493)

Member of CAFIPUBEC at the forums! Sigmaker

"a wise man once said that one should not eat raisins but , should in fact smoke them."

"If you can't Surprize them with Knowlege, then you can bafle them with bull ****"

 Fine, i can't beat you so i'll join you!

This is part of a story i wrote for language class.

"When are they coming?" Athene asked Oak, "My Amazons need some excitement!"

Rose approached the two commanders and pointed at the hill to teh north, "General, the scouts bring word of the Alliance. The army was seen over the hill yonder. They'll come through teh pass at dusk. We'll be ready! The men have been roused and armed. The war of the worlds will begin at sundown!"



 *Stands calmly through the thick of this, confident in his fortress, for the stone hewn walls in his chamber were far enough from the initial blast and only got a few remaining shockwaves. He quickly straps his scimitar to his back and races back to the entrance, calling in all patrols for defensive purposes...It was then that he remembered...*

"Hah, time for my new little toy..." *As he runs by a slightly shaken control room he stops in quickly and hits a small button on a wall, nearly inconspicuous to the naked eye, the mountain is covered in an electromagnetic pulse so no cloaking devices are effective any longer.*

*He continues running and makes it to the badly broken up entrance to the fort, where he sees Bios waiting for Deathclaw. His blood red eyes seem to glow as he unsheathes his scimitar and paces around him, waiting for Deathclaw to show up as his patrols begin coming in behind Bios, trapping him.*

"Not a very bright move...not very bright at all..."

((Any further modding of I or Deathclaw at this point should be ignored))

(-MODDING- is pretty much anything that you make someone else do, as well as auto hitting and such)

General Austin

 Boof and his army caught sight of the explosion.

Boof- You two, Guybrush and wingsmack! Get out some speeders from the cargo ship! Find otu what that was! We'll all follow behind you.

*Guybrush and Wingsmack get out the speeders, and fly off into the distance*

Boof- All right, guys! We're not exactly a total match for those weirdos, so I'll just be taking the runners and snipers. The shock troopers can go along the path towards the H.Q.

*as the shock troopers run off towards the Cheeser's H.Q., Boof cals out to them*


*aus chuckles*

P.S. I KNOW allll about helicopters, Kilkenne, but I'm talking about reguklar patrols, who I was hoping did not have military aircraft at their immediate disposal... *grumbles*
In God I trust, and in Him alone shall I put my faith.

Tenchi Masaki

 Bios- "its about time that you showed up....I've been waiting."

Kelkinne- "ha, you don't realize what you just did...."

The two fighters engage in sword to blade combat. Each striking the other with their devastating attacks.

Kelkinne, slashes to the chest of Bios. but Bios catches guard and blocks with a counter from his waist to the neck of Kelkinne.

Kelkinne jumps back, just as Bios's blade is about to burn through his neck...

Bios- *disengages the Blade Beam, and switches to the plasma beam* "I will not need my sword to defeat you...."


Again Kelkinne charges Bios with his sword, but as swift as the ferret was..it was no match for the agile Fox who easily dodged his attack and shot him in the back witht the plasma beam.

Kelkinne's armor has a spot glowing a cherry bright red, in the back of him. He pulls out a bomb, and throws it at Bios.

Bios shoots the bomb and it explodes sending shrapnel flying . peices of debris bounce off of Bios and Kelkinne's armor

A mile or so away....

Guybrush- *hears another explostion* what is going on over there....

Wingsmack- I don't know but we better hurry and find out...*starts to see flames rise in the horizion*

back at the destrroyed fortress..

com1-Bos, your life support systems are at 78% efficeintcy..use caution...

Bios- Don't worry about me..I'll be fine.. He'll be frozen for a long time

Bio's freezes kelkinne's body with the Icebeam. but Bios did not freeze Kilkinees head, so..

Kelkinne- grrrr...when I get out of this mess..you'll pa..

Bios- no you'll pay for being a tratior, to the republic of urthos..also, I woulden't try to escape, I've set your own bombs around you, you know the ones that can't be told to stop, or if you so as breathe , fart..a gust of wind..it dosen't matter it will blow up sending you back to your base...legless.

kelkinne-  :angry:  darn you for useing my technology...there is no way to disarm my bombs...even I can't.

Bios leaves a canteen full of water infront of Kelkinne, as this is a desert..the he leaves Kelkinne to thaw , leaving in the direction of Kilkinne's base
Tenchi Masaki , leader of Warriors of the Forgotten Realm
also known as Star Fox : mercenary division (#493)

Member of CAFIPUBEC at the forums! Sigmaker

"a wise man once said that one should not eat raisins but , should in fact smoke them."

"If you can't Surprize them with Knowlege, then you can bafle them with bull ****"

General Austin

 What can Boof and his guys do?
In God I trust, and in Him alone shall I put my faith.


 This stinks. I quit. Deathclaw ruined this entire thing and then all you guys do is participate in his negligable crud. I'm disgusted.


 I'm just tired of cheese. Not my fault you cheesers get annoying...
Glory, Glory, Man United!


 Who said that I was a cheeser? And you DID pretty much ruin this rp. And you say that you hate cheese, and yet you are promoting "cheesers" by ruining real rps. This makes me sick.

General Austin

 *Just realized the same thing* Hmmmmmmm..........

I think I'll make another one somewhere else. Anyone want to help me?
In God I trust, and in Him alone shall I put my faith.


 This started out with cheese blasters, so don't blame me.
Glory, Glory, Man United!

 You miss a lot when you're away for a week... I think we should just carry on with the first RP story... You know, the one with me as the Commander....

I might make a new topic, The Battle for the Cheese or something, a roleplay where a tiny force of cheesers have to stop Deathclaw taking over the world.


 I'm sure Kilkenne and I both will fight you, doubling our forces if you make that topic.
Glory, Glory, Man United!

Tenchi Masaki

 I enjoy rp fighting against you two, keep going.

I will not use any cheese..and besides. I have only used cheese in a sencence..eh, 3 times so far..no make that 4..so...
Tenchi Masaki , leader of Warriors of the Forgotten Realm
also known as Star Fox : mercenary division (#493)

Member of CAFIPUBEC at the forums! Sigmaker

"a wise man once said that one should not eat raisins but , should in fact smoke them."

"If you can't Surprize them with Knowlege, then you can bafle them with bull ****"