My new story

Started by Dead Eye, May 20, 2003, 02:15:45 PM

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Dead Eye

 Gronga was coming to Gathmill. He had taken most of the towns off the Seana Ocean. Now only one big human city stood in the leader?s eyes. The human port was the last thing that stood in his way of owning the eastern shores of Seana. The humans had put up a courageous fight the last few months, stopping the giant troll horde from taking their puny cities.

Gronga was a giant troll, said to be the mightiest ever. He had started a band of fighters at age of 10, and he had gathered more until it was a mighty band. He had created a horde and now they destroyed the human ports. Gronga would rule the mighty ocean that the humans had used for their own little games. Now he would rule the whole East Side of the human kingdom. He marched with his army and than saw it. A human militia coming forth.

He spat in disgust. It was the warriors of the light, the guards who did the blasted wizards dirty work. They had showed up in many occasions in the past month, causing problems. They were the world?s best fighters, and the General Todak had caused extreme problems. The general was a mad man in battle, one of the best Gronga had ever saw. The general had been fighting the trolls up and down the coast, trying to stop the mighty army.

?Nola! Get over here!? he yelled to a small plains troll. The troll ran up to his master. ?Listen, the blasted Knights of the Light are going to try and fight us off, but I won?t allow it! We will finish it tonight. Split the army into three. Take the first part and cut around those woods, than fight the left side of that militia. Than get another captain to go up the beach and charge from the right. I will lead the rest up straight.?

The little troll saluted once, than ran off to get ready. Gronga did one of his rare smiles. Tonight he would finish the Knights of the Light, and end the blasted Gathmill.

Five miles down from where Gronga smiled, General Todak was planning. The white council had told him to use his entire mite to stop the troll advance. For 9 months now he had fought battles against the advancing troll army. Now it had led to Gathmill, the last major port in the kingdom of Trano. The mighty human kingdom had battled the trolls, nearly destroying them. Than this troll, this Gronga had came into command.

Todak shivered. The troll commander was smart, ravaging and destroying the human ports, rather than let them stay put, where humans could regain the cities. Todak had seen this troll commander in battle, and knew that the troll matched his logic. Todak pulled forth his two rapiers, both magnificent swords.

Todak was tall for a human, and an excellent fighter. He had a black goatee, and short black hair. He wore armor created by the Council of Light, his masters. The armor could not be burned, even by dragon?s fire. The helmet was full, and at the top two horns came out of it.

He called forth his captain; a young elf named Faros. ?Get the archers along the two sides of the column. When I give the orders, have the archers send fire arrows into the woods. Get the other archers to fire shaft after shaft down on the beach. Keep the beach side yell pinned up. Take a good 100 archers on each side. Than take another extra 100 melee fighters on each side, to hold back any whom survive. Get the other 400 in the middle, they will be fighting with me in the middle.? The young captain ran off to do his bidding.

Todak sheathed his rapiers. Tonight would be the final day of reckoning. Only 800 men stood in the way of a troll army from cutting off all sea communications of the Trano. The other 200 men that had been at Gathmill were getting the people out and headed for the Palace of Light in the middle of Trano. In case the fighters failed in holding back the enemy. Tonight would decide the destiny of the Seana Ocean.

Two hours later the fighting started. Todak was standing in the middle of his 400 followers. He saw to the right that the force of trolls on the beach were being held down by arrows, but more trolls sprung up where dead fell, and not many trolls died. Troll?s skin is very hard, and it takes many arrows to take down one troll. But the beach was being held.

Todak saw to the left that the small woods had caught fire, much against his 1st intentions. The woods were where the people of Gathmill got fifty percent of their food, and it pained him to have to burn them. But to his liking, he also heard troll screams cut through the night, and trolls running out of the woods with fire engulfing their bodies.

Than he saw Gronga and 1000 trolls charge through the middle to his men. He took out his rapiers and screamed forth his men. ?Death Comes for you!? the screamed in one, than the two sides clashed together.

Todak jumped up, straight into a troll chest. He brought down both rapiers hard into the chest, and they stabbed through to the toll?s heart. He turned around in time to see another troll swing a giant sword at his head. He jumped just in time, and the sword slashed off the first troll?s head. The first troll?s body slammed hard into the ground and it never raised again. The second troll screamed as if in pain than swung down hard to Todak?s body. Todak jumped out of the way, than slashed out with both rapiers, hitting the troll?s kneecap with both swords.

The swords cut right through the troll?s bone and skin, cutting off half the troll?s leg. The troll fell down face first, and tried hard to stand up or move, but couldn?t do it. Sieving the opportunity, Todak jumped on the troll?s back and stabbed down again and again, until the troll died.

Todak got up to see his forces fighting hard, but loosing lives. The beach trolls were advancing hard, and about to reach the archers. He saw the 100 melee fighters getting ready for battle. They could still hold off for a while. The left side was completely different. The trolls had already got through to the archers. They had maybe killed half the archers before the 100 melee fighters had got to the fighting. The archers had fallen back, and fired arrows when ever possible. But the melee fighters were going down quick. He knew they would not hold off long, and the left side of his fighters would be hit hard.

Thinking quickly he called a retreat. The left side fell back into line with his soldiers. The archers got in the middle and fired deadly missiles into the oncoming troll army. They fell back to the right side, making one army. Todak saw around 550 men. He cursed under his breath. He got the melee fighters to surround the archers, and they became a retreating square. Than Todak saw him.

Gronga came headfirst into a pack of knights, tearing away at them with his massive mace. He made men fly, and people die. He tore a whole in the square of fighters, ripping men to bits. Todak ordered 12 archers near him to stick the troll leader full of arrows. 12 arrows flew into the troll, but it didn?t even stop him for a second. Todak ordered a full-scale retreat into the city, with archers sending arrows behind them.

Around Gathmill had been build a 20 foot wooden wall to stop the troll horde. Ladders leaned against the walls. Todak and the fighters climbed the ladders, than cut the ladders down to stop the trolls from climbing over.

?Get those ladders over the wall so they can?t use them! I want archers firing down! Faros go tell those dwarf miners to get those escape tunnels ready! We may need them! Than run down and get all those oil barrels ready. I won?t let them get this city!?

He saw the young captain run off, than turned around and picked up his long yew bow. He let arrows fly, but the massive army wasn?t even being dented. He ran down to the main gate in the city. He called all his fighters to the tunnels.

             The tunnels had started being built since news of the troll army hitting ports. Dwarven miners had started the tunnels, and they led out of the city and to the trails by the woods of Alzarn. The dark elves that lived there with the monsters had been paid to lead the army to the city of Zaran, the capital of Trano, right next to the Palace of Light. From there an army would be created to destroy the orc threat.

Todak yelled for his men to retreat to the tunnels, leaving only 20 archers with him. The warriors rushed to the tunnels, happy to not have to fight the army. Todak had 5 archers per wall, than went about setting fumes for a magic powder a wizard had gave him. When lit, the powder exploded. He had 1 minute to leave the city. He called the archers to him, and saw that there were only 13 of them left. He had them run to the tunnels, than turned to the gate. He sighed, than threw all his strength against the gate. The gates burst open, and he saw the troll army rush in. One orc rushed at him, but he fired an arrow into its head. He ran to the tunnels. They were hidden in the taverns, but he found all the taverns were shut up. He than saw a tavern with a dwarf in it, and ran into it.

?General Todak? Good, all your men are out. We must hurry. All the other tunnels have been closed off. Here?s a light, start down the tunnel, I will be down when I close this up.? The dwarf answered in his mountain accent.

Todak started off, and heard the sounds of the trolls above in the city. He heard a noise and turned around sharply. There was the dwarf, hurrying along. He started moving forward, the dwarf following. He hated being closed in, and started breathing heavily.

?Easy lad! It?ll be all right. Strike me why you don?t like the dark and cramp. But no worry! There?s the end right there!?

And the dwarf was right. Todak got out of the tunnel to see the woods surrounding the whole in which he had just came from. He saw his 500 men, 50 had died fighting in the city. He saw a group of dwarfs at the side, waiting for his guide. By the woods he saw 10 black figures. Turning around he saw the city of Gathmill being raided by the trolls.

He figured he had spent 3 minutes in the tunnel, which meant the fuses would run short any minute now. He waited anxiously, than saw it. A large portion of the trolls was not in the city! No, there was about 800 of the trolls were on the beach, waving for something in the water. Than he saw it.

Massive ships were coming in from the water. He saw that trolls manned the ships. He counted up to 15 giant ships beaching. He saw massive amounts of trolls coming from the ships. There must have been at least two thousand trolls coming from the ships!

?BOOM!? every creature within 10 miles of the city must have heard the large explosion. The city of Gathmill had exploded, the fumes had run out. At least 200 orcs were in the city, but that was barely a dent in the now giant horde. Todak understood that this attack on the coast had been only a minor part of the plans of the trolls. They actually planned on destroying all of Trano!

?We have to leave, now! It is not safe here, or anywhere for that matter.? He walked over to the dark figures. ?You the guides? My men and I have to leave now. Let?s get started!? he said to the head figure. The dark elf shock his head once, than started off. Todak motioned for his men to follow.

When they walked Todak recalled the last time he had visited Gathmill. He had been working for the council even at age 16 and he had been there to catch a black wizard. It had been easy. He recalled how the Castle of the Light?s home guard had found him at age 10. They had trained him to fight, and he had become a home guard. He did not remember a family, only the dark castle that homed the strange wizards and their protectors. The council was known for their peaceful ways. They had saved the world from the Golem with a fighter, and had once fought a warrior known as Gormish.

Todak?s head jerked up at a noise. He looked up to see one of the dark elves slip into the night, than he heard a growl and a pounding of hooves. Than a force of mighty creatures burst through the woods. They were centaurs, the half man, and half horse creatures. They were known for their mighty fighting skill, and worked with the elves in the strange forest.

?Nightwing elf, it is good to see you. My men have seen what has came on the shores. The trolls move quickly, you must hurry with your passengers before the troll army storms our woods. We will hold them off.? The blunt statement of the leading centaur stunned Todak. There were only about 500 centaurs in all the woods, and they were all here.
?Friend centaur, you can not defeat that army. Only a mighty united army can. Accompany us to Zaran, where a mighty army can be formed.? He said to the centaur.

?Hmm.? The centaur seemed to think hard, than he brought his head level with the warrior. ?This is a good idea. We will join you, and together we shall destroy this new evil.?

Down on the sand Gronga started ordering his men about. The explosion had not killed him because he had been bringing in his men from the sea. The massive warrior was preparing to attack the forest of Alzarn. The dark elves and centaur warriors would be the first inland natives to feel his wraith. He felt something pulling his arm and he turned around to see Nola.

?Master, I have had the men check all of the dead bodies. Only 50 are knights.? The small troll said. Gronga threw his hand forth, gripping the smaller troll?s neck. He picked the squealing troll up off the ground and snarled into his face.

?What do you mean, only 50 are knights? There was around 500 warriors who went in that city!? he screamed, than picked the troll up higher. By now Nola?s face was turning red, and he was struggling to breathe.

?Master?we found a tunnel?it?it?it was leaving the city?please?master?I swear?we will find them!? but Gronga was done with talk. He threw the troll in the air, and Nola fell on part of the wreckage. He would survive, but he would learn to follow orders. The tunnels lead to Alzarn, he was sure of it. They were trying to get back to Zaran and raise the alarm. He left the injured to guard the boats in case a get-away was needed, than around 35,000 trolls marched off to war.

Two nights? later Todak?s party came to Zaran. They saw it over the hill. The centaurs and elves had lead the way. Todak saw the ancient city and the Castle of the Light. He had been gone for 10 months, but he remembered everything about the city. He saw the mighty four walls around the city, and hundreds of guard towers surrounding the city. Than he saw the mighty castle of wizards in the middle of the city. He sighed, than the small army, which numbered about 800 fighters in all walked forward.

?Halt! What group enters the great city of the light? Speak now, or talk with our arrows!? a rough voiced yelled from over the east wall gate. There were only two different guards in the city, the Guards of the Light, and the Guard of the City. The Guard of the City protected the whole city, where the other only protected the palace. Todak knew that the guard on the wall had to be a Guard of the City.

?I am General Todak of the Army of the Light. I am the leader of the last resistance of the East! I have urgent news for the Council of the Light!? the voice of the general was so impressive, and his reputation so known, that within seconds the gate was opened and the army and he were let inside.

The army walked through the city to the palace. As they marched the villagers looked at them. Todak was known throughout the city as a hero, but the villagers were frightened. Him being here meant two things, even the army had won the battle, or the trolls now ruled the east. The people looked at the centaurs and dark elves in disgust; the creatures from the woods often looked at with hate and fear.

They walked to the mighty castle and there the council was waiting, outside. And in the middle of the mighty wizards was none other than the greatest wizard known to men, Wison the Wise. The old white wizard walked to Todak and the general bowed.

Wison put his hand on the fighter?s head, than his head shot forward. Todak saw what had happened to him the last 10 months flash in his head, than the memories left. He looked up to see Winson?s face a mask of horror. The old wizard looked down and spoke softly.

?You have seen much general, and have many stories to be told. But those stories must be told later. I see you have lost and gained men, and that may be for better or worse. Get your men healed, in charge of the defenses.? He turned around for all the villagers and guards to hear  ?The troll army is marching to this city as we speak! I want all the guards, both guards, on duty. I want messengers to travel to the other mighty cities, requesting their aid! I want village militias! We will fight this army! We will not give up! I want the trolls to pay! We will stop them! Todak will lead you to victory!? than the council of the light turned around and went into their ancient castle.

Two days later the arrival of city armies and militia?s entered the city. King Donda of the people of the city Mirthan was greatly welcomed by all, for his city was huge, and his army had 10,000 people in it. Donda was a hero from the northwest, having fought the orc tribes many times there. He had saved Trano a number of times, and was liked by all. All together the other militia?s and armies had about 10,000 also. The great city also had 10,000 people. So together the human army had 30,800 men, the 800 being the army Todak came in with.

That night a council of war was held. Meeting there was Wison the Wise, Todak, King Donda, Nightwing the Dark Elf, Grey Hound the Centaur, and a few other leaders.

?We must set up a defense and move the people of the city back to Mirthan,? Donda stated.

?So you wish to run and hide? Our forces nearly match theirs! Why not meet them outside of the city, so no harm comes! We know the woods, we could easily defeat them!? Grey Hound challenged Donda.

?And if we loose that battle? Than what? My elven scouts report that the trolls are already three fourths through the woods! And they are destroying the woods. Nah, we should put our defense here and hold them off,? Nightwing butted in.

?I know we can not defeat them in the woods, even with our knowledge of the woods. Trolls are to strong, they would knock down trees to find us. We must fight here. And I believe we should send any non-combatants and non-nurses away. Also, we must use the towers and walls to our advantage. Think for a second, the trolls must get over the walls. They will use ladders, grappling hocks being to thin for their bodies. If we let the ladders board our walls, and the trolls get more than half way up, we can than knock the ladders down, eliminating half their forces.? Todak answered.

?Yes, but they will do what any good general will do. They will fire so many arrows our heads will be between our legs!? Grey Hound yelled.

?That is where those towers come in handy. They are too high for the archers to reach. They will be firing down!? And with that the battle plan for the last defense was planned.

Three nights latter, the troll horde came. Gronga wore full armor as he walked to the east gate with 30,000 at his back. He pointed towards the gate and yelled, ?Humans! I will give you one minute to say you surrender, or I will destroy you!? he pointed his massive mace at the gates. Waiting for a reply. Todak?s head came over the wall.

?Listen you giant rat! These gates will stand as long as I do! I will not let you enter!? he pointed his two rapiers back at the troll.

?General Todak! The man who nearly held my army back.? The troll narrowed his eyes. ?The one who failed to fight me! I see you made it back to your wizards alive. A nice trick you paid me at Gathmill!?

?Too bad it didn?t get rid of your ugly face and do the world a favor!? Todak smiled. Gronga yelled in anger, than pointed his mace at the man.

30,000 arrows flew to the wall. Men?s screams could be heard through the city. Than an answering hail of arrows came from the guard towers. They flew down, hitting the massive troll army. It went on like that for 30 minutes, than the ladders came.

Hundreds of ladders hit the east wall, and trolls started climbing as their comrades tried giving them cover. Todak peaked over the edge and saw they were half way up. He ducked his head as an arrow flew by, nearly nipping his right ear. Than he screamed, ?Guards full fire!? and arrows zoomed down on troll archers, making a break of enemy arrows. Todak and his men took this time to get up and start slashing the ladders.

Todak was everywhere at once, kicking and slashing at the ladders. One troll managed to get over the wall, but Todak kicked out and nailed the troll in the chest, making the monster fall over the edge and onto his companions. The battled continued through out the night, the fighting never decreasing.

Another two trolls got over the wall. Todak took the first one in sword to sword combat. He swung a mighty slash at the troll?s chest, and it screamed in pain. Than he jumped on it and slashed down. The troll died instantly, and it?s body fell down with Todak on it. While Todak was getting up he heard a growl. He looked up to see the other troll with a large sword aimed for his head. He closed his eyes, knowing this would be the end. He heard a hiss and looked up. The troll?s eyes were clouding over, and grunted once, than fell over the edge. Todak looked up to see Nightwing with his bow his side, aimed where the troll just was.

Todak took a break with Nightwing as the fighting on the walls commenced. The dark elf had a deep wound in his side, where an arrow had hit. The elf put away his long bow than took a gulp of grog.

?The blighters never die! And when they do, 20 more show up! And there is supposed to be another 5,000 we haven?t seen yet!? the elf said. Todak choked on the grog from this statement.

?What do you mean, 5,000 we haven?t seen?? he asked the elf.

?Well, there was 35,000 of them, yet I?ve only seen 30,000 here!? But Todak was already up and running to the west gate.

When he got there he saw a bloody seen. Ladders were on the wall, and around the wall dead troll and human bodies lay everywhere. There were only a few humans, but they all wore the armor of Mirthan. That meant?

He heard a whimper and ran over to the sound. There lay King Donda of the City Mirthan. The kings great golden armor and crown were torn apart. At least 50 dead troll bodies surrounded the dead king. The king had open cuts and slashed all over, and an arrow sticking out of his side. He took the king?s head ever so slightly.

?Todak?nice to see ya?should have seen it. Trolls?all over?must stop them?up and fight lads! Hit a few big?big?big ones! Must stop them! Some one?help?help?help?? the warrior king smiled and looked up. His head rolled back and his eyes clouded over. Thus was the death of King Donda, who died saving the human race.

Later that night Todak told the others of the death. ?From what I could gather, 5000 trolls were trying to get through the west gate. Donda was taking a break from the fighting and patrolling the walls with 500 men. Than they saw the trolls getting over. The king and his men stopped the invasion, and I think they must have killed near 3,000 trolls before they all died. The other trolls must have ran than. Donda was a brave king, one of the bravest men I have ever met. He did not look at the odds, for what he did was to save all of Trano. He saved us all, and never thought once about his own life. He was the greatest of the great! Trano will remember him for all time! ? After he finished his story there was a moment of silence for the slain king, and it was finally broke by Grey Hound.

?They killed 500 men! Well, let?s pay them back with three times that number tonight!? and he got a roar of approval. The men set up for another night of fighting.

Back on the plains Gronga was in a good mod. From what he had gathered he had lost around 5,000 trolls, and the humans had lost around that number also. He was impressed, and if the humans matched his army in numbers he would be afraid. But they did not. The west wall plan had failed, but one of the rotten kings had died.

?Tanit!? he yelled for his new captain, a big burley troll who had served well. ?Listen, get a squad to go cut up one of those big trees in the woods he traveled through! Cut it off and make it smooth. Than melt a bunch of metal and mold it on the end of the tree.?

?You?re going to make a battle ram sir??

?Duh! Now get to it!? the captain ran out. Next to come in was the head of the archers, Dead Eye.

Dead Eye was said to have been taught to fire an arrow by an elf. His aim was great, and he had a dead eye, which explained his name. He never missed. The troll made his own yew long bow, which was the size of a human. Dead Eye had been Gronga?s first captain, and over the years he had became the best captain Gronga had.

?You wanted me master?? the troll asked.

?Dead Eye, how nice to see you! Take a seat, have some grog! Good yes? Good. Now listen Dead Eye; I need your help. I need you to try and hit their leader; the one they call Todak. You have seen him? Good! Could you hit him??

?Master, I could hit a butterflies wing. This Todak is a big man, and his armor stands out. I can hit him, trust me.? And with that the troll went out of the tent to do his work. Gronga laid back in his chair smiling. Life was good, and soon the human kingdom would be his.

?Enjoying yourself, aren?t we?? a slithering whisper came in his ear. Gronga jumped than looked up to see a creature he hoped never to see again.

It?s skin had been aged down so that it?s bones were visible. Its eyes were gone, and now it was only eye sockets. Its hands were completely bones, it?s skin weathered from it. At its side was a curved sword. It was an undead skeleton, one of the most feared creatures in the land.

?Don?t ever do that again Varnon! You could have killed me!? the troll settled down back into his chair, his hand still gripping his mace.

?I hope the take over goes complete? Good. I want the castle soon. I can feel Wison?s power! His mighty power that should be mine! All those years ago when we worked together! And that demon wizard traitors me! It was supposed to be a friendly duel! And he killed me! Killed me!? the holes on the skeleton?s head stared hard at the troll. ?But no worry. Once you destroy the walls I shall go to the palace and take what is mine!? the creature laugh made Gronga?s blood run cold, and than the creature was gone.

Gronga sighed. As much as the creature had helped him he wished that it would out itself in a hole and never come out again! It had been about a year since he had met the undead creature. It had given him power and strength. It had frightened his first band to join Gronga, given him power. And it only wished one thing, to have the palace of the light. And since Gronga was already planning on taking Zaran, the palace would be there anyway.

The fighting stopped that night for both sides to lick their wounds. Two nights now the battle had taken place. Both sides had losses. While in the break, Todak went to the Council of Light to see his masters. Wison allowed him in and to take a seat.

?Todak! The battle goes well, does it not?? the old one asked.

?I suppose. They don?t stop coming. And their up to something,? Todak spoke, and a long pause was held. Than Wison all the sudden screamed in pain, and fell on the ground. The council immediately fell away from him, but Todak ran forward to help him, only to have a hand stop him.

?Easy Todak. Some form of magic is hurting him, and if you touch him, it may effect you.? an elven wizard spoke. Todak watched in horror as Wison?s body jerked on the floor. Than the jerking stopped, and Wison got up slowly. The wizards? eyes showed concern. Wison backed them away, than spoke.

?Only one form could ever have the power to hurt me as that just did. I fear?I fear that Varnon has returned.? This statement caused a hush in the room, but Todak had no clue why. He asked the wizards.

?Todak, you are not a wizard so you would not know. Once long ago, when I was a new member of the council, a friend of mine named Varnon joined. He was a wild one, full of flare and adventure. He seemed to think that he should be more powerful than he really was. He worked long hours trying to gain power. While he did this, he noticed that the council gave me much respect and pride, even for a young one. He grew angry that I did not train half as hard as he did, yet I was stronger. He grew jealous of my power, and he trained harder. Well, he challenged me to a friendly duel of power one-day. Seeing that it was friendly, I accepted.

It was not a friendly duel. Varnon threw great power at me, and if I had not been so strong at defensive spells, I would surely have died. But my defenses were known throughout the council, and I blocked everything he threw at me. I threw stunning spells at him, but none would keep him down. Than, he tried the worst spell ever. The destruction spell. It can destroy anything it is aimed at. But my defensive spells blocked it. Than something unexpected happened. The spell bounced off my shield and straight into him.

He died that instant, the power to strong for him to block. But even as he died he swore he would kill me. His last spell ever was some type of undead spell, but I never knew what it was. Now it seems he has resurrected himself, and he is using the troll army to get to me?? Wison was stopped by a guard running in.

?The trolls are attacking! They got a battering ram on the South Gate, and ladders on the other three!? the guard yelled. The wizards and Todak ran out of the castle. Todak ran for the south wall, while the wizards separated into small groups going the east, west, north.?

When Todak got to the south wall he saw that the gates were already to near crashing. He saw arrows storming over the side, stopping any downward fire. The towers could not shoot straight down. Todak rank to where Nightwing was laying. The elf was full armored, and had his bow out.

?Nice to see you! We can?t hit the ram, they got us pinned!? he yelled. Todak swore, than thought hard. He looked down to see the nurses boiling water. Getting an idea, he ran down to the boiling cauldron.

?Sorry ladies, I need this!? he shouted as he picked it up. He brought it up to the top wall as he heard another crash. The gates were near fall. Thinking quickly he got up and threw the pot over the edge. He was rewarded by the screams of trolls. The water would burn them. As he smiled he heard a thud and looked down.

An arrow was sticking out of his chest. He looked over to see a big troll with a giant bow. The troll was loading another arrow. Todak grabbed the bow from the dark elf and loaded it up. His eyes met with the troll?s as both of their arrows flew; Todak?s into the head of the troll, the troll?s into Todak?s chest.

The force of the arrow knocked Todak off the wall. He plunged down and onto a wagon full of supplies. The whole world went black.

When he awoke he was in the hospital in the city. He saw Wison and Nightwing hovering over him. Both looked concerned. He tried getting up, but the wizard sat him down.

?Easy their Todak. You had two arrows sticking out of ya. You weren?t wearing any armor!? the wizard said.

?How did we do? How did the battle go?? this time Nightwing answered.

?Well, after you threw the water and got knocked out, we started firing volley after volley of arrows. But we knew they could get the ram still, so I opened the gates and me and about 10 others rushed out there. We was firing arrows off and chopping down trolls. Why, we must have killed and injured about 50 of them. Than the workers ran out and got the ram inside. Than the south side stopped battling.

Now from what I can gather, the other three sides were in deep water. The trolls were coming and coming. Than the wizards showed up. Wison showed up at the east gate with a few others. They started firing off all sorts of magic. Guess they burned up all the ladders, and killed ?bout 2,000 of the trolls. The same thing happened at the east gate. But the north gate was completely different. The trolls were already over the wall, and were coming into the city. Than Grey Hound showed up with his centaurs. There were about 100 centaurs, but they gave those trolls a battle. You know centaurs are as strong as trolls are? Well, the rest of the troops followed Grey Hound and they fought off all those trolls. Killed about another 5,000. From what I can gather we have killed around 12,000 of theirs. And we lost about 10,000.? Todak swore. That still left the trolls with a lot more men.

?We need to do something drastic. Grey Hound has shown a fierce fight. I think we should take his idea seriously. I think we better charge them!? Todak said. Nightwing gasped, but Wison smiled.

?And I will take care of Vernon. The trolls will lose face without their leaders.?

The next night the last 23,000 trolls stood outside the east gate. They were planning on a massive charge. Gronga was in front, armor and mace ready. And right when he was about to charge, the gate opened! And there was Wison and Todak with an army at their back. Todak wore full armor with his two rapiers out. Wison wore a white robe and his mighty white staff in his hand. Todak pointed at the troll leader.

?I told you rat face, that I would kill you! I live to my promises! Come meet me! Death comes for ya!? And with that the two armies charged. They met head on. Gronga was all over at once, his eyes pure red. Men flew to his mace. Todak went around slashing and hacking at any troll in his way. Than Wison showed up, blasts flowing from him. But the army was much smaller than the troll army, and they were being pushed back. Just than two cries were yelled.

?Alzarn!? was heard from the south and north, and than two smaller armies hit the sides of the trolls. Nightwing led one side; the other led Grey Hound. Centaurs rushed into the trolls head first, pikes out. The elves slashed about at troll heads. Seeing the two smaller armies rush gave Todak and his fighters hope. They quickly repelled the troll army and the three sides started pushing the troll army. Than it happened.

A massive bolt of lightning hit the ground, scattering troll and human. When the light left, the fighters looked up to see a skeleton in black armor. It held a curved sword that was lit on fire. The skeleton looked about than pointed its sword at Wison.

?Wison! You took my life! Now I shall take yours, traitor!? And than the two figures floated as if going to battle in the heavens. While the trolls looked up at the two figures Todak and his men took the opportunity to charge forward in a final effort to finish the trolls off. The fierce attack took the trolls by surprise and they were pushed all the way back to Alzarn. Than Gronga showed up.

The massive troll rushed forward and nailed all the army in one rush. His mace hit Nightwing, and the elf flew into a tree. The elf?s eyes did not open. Than Todak and Grey Hound were in front of the troll, both wanting a peace of him.

?Ha! Puny elf! Was he your friend? Oh, so sad. Come and fight for him than!? Grey Hound reared up his legs, but Todak pulled him back. The knight?s face was full of hate.

?No, he is mine!? And Todak charged forward. His first sword went deep into the troll. He slashed the other rapier but it only made a little cut. The troll screamed, than threw his mace. It hit Todak square in the ribs, sending him flying. He got up on all fours, but the troll kicked him in the stomach, and he was in the air doing flips. He picked himself up, and saw that his one sword was still sticking out of Gronga. Gronga growled dangerously, and made as if to rush. But something happened in the sky that made all the fighters look up.

In the sky the two fighting wizards were throwing the most magic that anyone had ever felt in ages. Wison and Varnon?s power was increasing as the fight went. Varnon was throwing a black flash out at Wison, the same moment that a light flash erupted from Wison. The two powers hit each other, and a mighty force fell upon everything in miles. And when they could look up, they saw bones flying down and hitting them. And thus was how Wison finished off his old enemy of the past. Then a great flash came across the valley, and fire blasted in all directions.

Taking advantage of the confused trolls, once again the army of the light charged forward, and they mounted such an attack that the trolls ran to the woods. Gronga took one last look at Todak, but the on coming Grey Hound changed his mind. He took the sword out of his side, threw it at Todak, snarled, than ran with his men.

Todak looked up to see Wison leaning over him, the wizard looking ages older than he had a day before. Burns were all over the old wizard. Wison leaned down and put his had and the gushing wound on Todak?s ribs. Todak felt a mighty sensation, and when he looked down at the wound, it was healing! He took Winson?s hand and got up.

He looked about to see so much death and blood. The field was like one massive graveyard. Human, elf, centaur, and dwarf lay about the ground. By the most creatures he saw dead were the orcs. He looked up to see a group of elves and centaurs sending the trolls packing, the elves sending arrows as the centaurs raced after them. Than he remembered.

?Nightwing! Where is he? Wison, I must see him! Is he dead?? but Wison was already leading him to the tree where Nightwing was thrown. And there he saw it.

Nightwing?s body had literally cracked the tree in half. He had been moved, and healers and wizards stood over him. The elf was conscious, but seemed in much pain. Todak kneeled down next to his elven friend. The elf looked up, his eyes already fading from this world.

?Todak?so nice to see you. Are my?. my woods?safe? Must?I get up and protect them?? the elf said.

?No friend. You have protected this world more than any elf could. You have not only helped protect Alzarn, Zaran, and Trano, but you have saved the world. You?ll be a hero. Just rest, your protecting days are done.? But Todak saw that his elven friend, the one that had ensured his safety from the troll armies only a few days ago, was dying. He was right next to the dark gates.

?Good?than I am?. no longer?needed. Good?good?.good?.bye?? and with that, yet another great hero of the troll wars had died. First Donda, now Nightwing. The free leaders were dying. He would not let another one die. Todak sat there crying and weeping for a while. Nightwing had become one of his best friends, and saved his life at least once during the battles.

When he got up his fists were clenched. He would kill Gronga, he swore it. He turned to Wison, but already the wizard knew what he planned. The wizard was gathering those who could still battle, and making a speech.

?They can not escape! We must hunt them down! You will follow Grey Hound and Todak to the shores, and there you shall kill them!?

Within an hour preparations were made. Wison stood in front of Todak. The wizard looked down at his guard, his general, and most of all, his friend. The wizard places his hands on Todak and spoke softly.

?Yima gonna shael shnon!? The wizard?s words were like magic, and Todak felt his armor anew. He looked strangely at his wizard master.

?That spell renewed your armor. Now it will not only repel fire, but it will take much strength for something to actually get through to you. May the Light protect you!?

And with that the army was on its way. Grey Hound went in front with elven trackers and centaurs, but Todak walked in front of his army of men. He would not let Gronga get away, not again.

By the shores of Seana, Gronga was making a plan to leave. He could tell his men had lost fate in him since the demon skeleton had been destroyed, and he had retreated. He talked with his captain of the ships softly. The captain was a giant troll, said to be half-giant. Captain Crush was what they called him. The captain and leader spoke softly.

?Crush, I am telling you, the men aren?t loosing fate. Just keep up your strength; let me crack a few heads. I promise, when we get back to the west, we will gather more trolls! I will let you ship us back here, and we will destroy these humans!? Gronga spoke to his captain. The troll looked to object when I cry was heard outside.

?What the hell could be going on now?? screamed Gronga, but the answer was there for him when an arrow flew by his head. He looked out the tent to see the human army rushing down. His warrior blood quickly reached his veins.

?Get the archers in the back! You fighters with me! You, get those ships ready to leave! Crusher, lead a charge at those centaurs! Let?s finish this now!? he screamed as he picked up his mighty mace. He rushed forward into the oncoming human army. The two forces met with a clash.

Even with his army shrunken, Gronga was still a smart general. Instead of hitting head on with melee weapons, he had a rank of arrows thrown into the oncoming army. The first line of humans fell to the unexpected arrows, than the battle was on.

The centaurs were feared most by the trolls, for they met with strength. But Captain Crusher was never afraid, and he rushed headfirst in, throwing centaurs as if they were feathers. Spurred by the captain?s headlong rush, the trolls threw themselves into the centaurs. Crusher rushed about like a wild animal, destroying anything in his way. Than he was hit hard in the side.

He looked up to see a giant centaur, the one called Grey Hound. The centaur carried no weapons, and neither did Crushed. The two rushed each other. Hands grappled, they exchanged death threats.

?It is your time to die troll!?

?Come and get me horse man!? Crusher spit in his opponent?s face. The two roared and threw themselves at each other. Soon both were bloody and worn out. They snarled, and once again threw themselves at each other.

Todak was like a hurricane, tossing anything in his way. He had spotted the troll leader a while back, and had since been killing anything in his way to get to the troll warrior. Trolls soon learned to stay out of his way, and he was soon only feet away from Gronga.

Gronga did not know which sword cut deep into him first, but he did know the pain that went through his whole body. He wiggled away, than looked up. Something between a smile and a frown came on his dull expressions.

?Ah! My little warrior. Aren?t we all healed up? Well, no worries, I will open you up again!?

?You have put human, dwarf, centaur, and elf blood on the ground. I promised to kill you one day. Your death day is now!? Todak?s voice was so stern and truthful that Gronga was stung for a minute. He had heard death threats before, but this human was like some type of nightmare.

The spell was broken as Todak threw himself at the orc. Todak screamed names of dead people as he hacked and slashed at the troll leader. The ferocity of the human surprised Gronga, and he could do nothing to block it. Again and again he was cut open, his blood gushing on the sand. Todak than went as if to slash down, but his left fist sprung up and nailed the troll in the jaw, knocking him off guard. Todak neatly tripped the troll.

Gronga lay with his back on the hot sand, two swords pointed at his neck. He looked up to see no mercy in the cold eyes of the human leader. Todak sneered.

?You pitiful little wrench. What made the trolls pick you as a leader is be on me! Now you will die as a coward!? but before Todak could throw down his swords, Gronga had thrown a handful of sand into the warrior?s eyes.

Todak stumbled backwards, digging at his eyes. When the sand was out, he looked up just in time to see Gronga throw the mace at his chest with all his might. Todak saw the mace hit his armored chest, saw himself fly backwards, saw himself hit the ground. But not once did Todak feel pain.

Todak got up as easy as if getting out of bed. Gronga?s face was complete astonishment. How could the human not be hurt? But he didn?t have enough time to think, for Todak was already coming for him. And for the first time in his life, Gronga ran. He ran through the fighting armies to one of his warships. He got up on the deck and threw two crewmen at the oncoming human. Todak put both swords straight through the crewmen?s head, not even flinching as they died. Gronga ran over to the barrels of supplies and started throwing them at the warrior. But the barrels were cut up as quickly as they were thrown.

Gronga knew that there was no way out. He knew he must put up a fight. And he knew that blasted armor wouldn?t let him. So he rushed forward. He threw punches easy enough to block, but than he went for the armor. He ended up ripping it off, but when he did pull it off, Todak had thrown two swords into him. The troll fell back, bleeding in at least 30 spots.

Gronga walked over to part of the boat and ripped it off. It would do as a club. He rushed at Todak and started swinging. The human blocked almost all the hits, except one. He was thrown back and onto the cabin floor. The troll walked towards him. Taking one rapier as a javelin, he threw it forward, and it hit Gronga in the neck. The troll stumbled backwards, than looked up and walked forward. The troll wouldn?t die. Taking the other rapier like a javelin, Todak prepared to throw.
The troll was nearly upon him now. Gronga jumped right as Todak threw. The sword missed it?s original target, the head, and instead it his Gronga?s right arm. Gronga fell on the cabin, the rapier in his arm pulling him down. Todak swore. Now he had no weapons and Gronga was coming at him.

Todak jumped up and rushed at the troll. He threw all his power into his last desperate punch. Gronga, thinking the punch was aimed for his head, covered his face. But instead the punch it the rapier in Gronga?s neck. The punch had so much power that the sword was thrown out the other end. The rapier?s handle was big than the blade, so when it went threw the neck it increased the wound by a good 4 inches.

Gronga made a gasping noise, as if trying to breath, than fell down on his knees. Todak could tell the troll was still trying his hardest to kill the human rival. Todak, with no mercy what?s so ever, pulled the other rapier out from Gronga?s arm, and did one last sweep. Todak?s head was no longer attached to his body.

Todak fell down, exhaustion over whelming all his body. He had defeated the troll leader who had killed his two friends. He had taken his revenge. With one last look at the body of the troll, Todak walked to the stern of the boat.

From there he could see that his army had won. It looked like not one troll had survived. He saw Grey Hound, the centaur full of cuts and missing a hand, raising the head of the troll Crusher. Even though the centaur had a massive wound, he was smiling. They had gained the freedom and hope of the land. They were heroes.

A month after the battle, a royal speech was held at the Palace of the Light. Wison was about to tell the world leaders of the war known as The Troll Battles. The wizard stepped onto a chair on the stairs to the palace. There in front of him were the leaders of all the other kingdoms. Wison wore his usual white robes. Standing around him were all the other members of The Council of Light.

But right beside him were two war heroes. Grey Hound the centaur, king of the woods Alzarn, wore no clothes, for centaurs rarely do. On his head was a crown made of the finest wood in all the lands. At his side was his spear. His right hand was missing, but wizards had given him a magical glove. The glove was pure black, but it looked like it was just a glove over his hand. It moved to his command, just like his other hand.

On the other side of Wison was the General of all Security of Trano, Leader of the Guards of the Light, and close friend of Wison, General Todak. He wore his magnificent magical gold armor. His old helmet had been destroyed during the Troll Battles, but a new one had been made. It was also pure gold, but it showed his face.

His face, which showed all the compassion in the world. Todak had changed after the war. He no longer wished to kill, only when the need came. He spent most time in the Palace of the Light, talking with his close friend Wison the Wise. He had been praised by more than one nation, and the need for pride was no longer with him. He had pride.

?And so our great kingdom was saved by these brave men. They fought for you and you alone. Peace has came to our land! 35,000 trolls were killed in over a few days! We are the champions! Not even a creature be on death could stop us!? he paused as a mighty cheer went over the crowd. ?But we must not forget those who died for you also. The centaurs will forever be an ally of the people of Trano! And the dark elves, long since looked down on from their elf brethren and the human race, will always be welcomed. Their leader saved the life of many, and Nightwing will always be remembered! We will remember all the deaths that were made here, for we can not forget!?

Todak smiled. Yes, they would always remember. He turned away, and walked to his room in the Palace of Light. Yes, life felt good.

Dead Eye Trueflight of the Seas, Servent to the Emperor and Empress of the Northlands<br><br><a href='' target='_blank'></a><br><br>Spokesperson for The winter clan. <br><br>Part of the ROC since some time in October-Nov

Dead Eye

 Ok, I want some good coments about it. It's longer, but I think that it isn't as good as the 1st one. I would like some one like Ad or some one who will read it to tell me how I did. The last one I never got that many comments about. PLEASE! This is a sequel to the 1st one. I am making a prequel but it is only 3 pages in!
Dead Eye Trueflight of the Seas, Servent to the Emperor and Empress of the Northlands<br><br><a href='' target='_blank'></a><br><br>Spokesperson for The winter clan. <br><br>Part of the ROC since some time in October-Nov


 It's great although you kept putting than instead on then.
Oh come let's sing Ohio's praise
     And songs to Alma Mater raise
  While our hearts rebounding thrill
With joy which death alone can still
   Summer's heat or winter's cold
The seasons pass the years will roll
  Time and change will surely show
   How firm thy friendship ... OHIO!

Dead Eye

 I just posted it. How did you read 13 pages in a minute?
Dead Eye Trueflight of the Seas, Servent to the Emperor and Empress of the Northlands<br><br><a href='' target='_blank'></a><br><br>Spokesperson for The winter clan. <br><br>Part of the ROC since some time in October-Nov


 Believe me I'm a fast reader.
Oh come let's sing Ohio's praise
     And songs to Alma Mater raise
  While our hearts rebounding thrill
With joy which death alone can still
   Summer's heat or winter's cold
The seasons pass the years will roll
  Time and change will surely show
   How firm thy friendship ... OHIO!

Abby The Rat

 I would love to read it, but I'm feeling ill and it is getting late for me.
Not around, please ignore.

Could be found on discord: []


 Why kill yourself in the story?
Oh come let's sing Ohio's praise
     And songs to Alma Mater raise
  While our hearts rebounding thrill
With joy which death alone can still
   Summer's heat or winter's cold
The seasons pass the years will roll
  Time and change will surely show
   How firm thy friendship ... OHIO!

Dead Eye

 Who killed who in the story? I never killed myself?
Dead Eye Trueflight of the Seas, Servent to the Emperor and Empress of the Northlands<br><br><a href='' target='_blank'></a><br><br>Spokesperson for The winter clan. <br><br>Part of the ROC since some time in October-Nov


Why did you have yourself killed?
Oh come let's sing Ohio's praise
     And songs to Alma Mater raise
  While our hearts rebounding thrill
With joy which death alone can still
   Summer's heat or winter's cold
The seasons pass the years will roll
  Time and change will surely show
   How firm thy friendship ... OHIO!

Dead Eye

 Oh, the troll Dead Eye! It was the only name I could think of.  
Dead Eye Trueflight of the Seas, Servent to the Emperor and Empress of the Northlands<br><br><a href='' target='_blank'></a><br><br>Spokesperson for The winter clan. <br><br>Part of the ROC since some time in October-Nov


 No offense but that sounds conceited to me.But what do I know.
Oh come let's sing Ohio's praise
     And songs to Alma Mater raise
  While our hearts rebounding thrill
With joy which death alone can still
   Summer's heat or winter's cold
The seasons pass the years will roll
  Time and change will surely show
   How firm thy friendship ... OHIO!

Dead Eye

 Dude, it's a name. I will go through and change it later. But Dead Eye isn't my real name, and only ROC knows me as it. I think your taking the name thing a little too far.
Dead Eye Trueflight of the Seas, Servent to the Emperor and Empress of the Northlands<br><br><a href='' target='_blank'></a><br><br>Spokesperson for The winter clan. <br><br>Part of the ROC since some time in October-Nov


Oh come let's sing Ohio's praise
     And songs to Alma Mater raise
  While our hearts rebounding thrill
With joy which death alone can still
   Summer's heat or winter's cold
The seasons pass the years will roll
  Time and change will surely show
   How firm thy friendship ... OHIO!

Ashyra Nightwing

 Redwall Online Community.

Abby The Rat

 Geez, a bit of one liner posts.

Anyway, as Ashyra have said ROC stand for Redwall Online Community. As you joined RWL you have became part of the ROC, even thought you might not know what it means. ROC is in fact, a large community so you should find another ROC site with ease I could name 3 right now.
Not around, please ignore.

Could be found on discord: []