A seasmen's tale

Started by RazorClaw, May 20, 2003, 11:17:09 AM

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 A Weasel walked up to the gates of Redwall Abbey. He knocked periodically three times upon the massive gates. A kind old mouse opened the gates. "Hello, son, what may I do for you?"
 "A bite to eat and a cup of water would suit me fine, Father Abbot." the Weasel replied. The Abbot looked at him calculatingly.
  "You know much. Come, the Midsummer's Feast is just about to begin. There will be food, laughter, stories,-"
  "If you want to hear a story, I have a good one."
  As they entered the Great Hall, Skipper brought out his sling at the sight of the Weasel. He put his hand up, saying, "Don't worry, Skipper of Otters, I mean you no harm."
  Skipper watched him walk in, and said, "Drop all of your weapons, then I'll trust you."
  Ten daggers, a scimitar, and a crossbow clattered to the floor.
  "Now do you trust me?"
  "Mayhap I do, maybe I don't. What are you here for? Spit it out!"
  The Abbot (whose name was Ad, per chance) looked scornfully at Skipper. "He says he wants something to eat and drink, and he'll entertain us. Now excuse me."
  Skipper muttered darkly, "I'll just love to find out his form of entertainment."
  All of the Dibbuns gathered around, clearly fascinated by the large figure.
 "My name is RazorClaw, and I've sailed the seas all of my life, fighting Corsairs and searats. Aye, it's been four seasons now since I left the sea, after a huge battle. But I won't talk about that. Let me tell you of a tale from when I was only twelve seasons old..............."

" Now, the Admiral Benbow Inn was named after an otter who gathered a massive fleet to defeat an army of searats. My own father was his first mate, but he died in that battle. The one they battled was a fox, goin' by the name- of Kilk Flint. He was a black-hearted scoundrel if'n you ever saw one. He waged a battle that lasted for days, all kinds of horrible tactics, and, though Benbow won the battle, Flint wasn't dead. Now, it had been said that old Flinty had a stock of booty. All the treasures he had ever won, stuck in his ship, the [Darkdeath. They said he took it all to an island, far down south, where a Mad-Eyed Pine-Marten lived once. Anyway, this was all thought of as a legend. That is, until A guest came to the inn. A guest named Bloodrath Bones. He came to our inn, and, though swipin' an unusual amount of grog, acted fine, in his own Corsair way. But one night, the thinnest, most frightening ferret you've ever seen-"
  "Did 'e bitecha tayls aff?"
  "No, he did not, young scoundrel. This ferret came in, and handed ol' Bloodrath a piece of paper. And that's where the story begins."


 Bloodrath let out a bloodcurling scream. "The-the black spot. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"
  He calms down. "Rum, get me some rum!"
  A yell from Calria from upstairs, "You'll be havin' no more rum!"
  He gave a bewildered look. "How does she bloody doo tha'?"
  "But, sir, what's the black spot?" "It's the sign of a corsair's death sentence!"
  RazorClaw quickly grabbed the chest from his room, and brought it down.
  "Get the map!"
  "The map, what map?!?!?!?!?"
  "Don't ye get it, the map to ol' Flinty's treasure! I had it all along, and now they're after me!"
  He pulled out twin sabres. "Oh, aye, but I'll stand up and battle 'em agin! Now get the map!"
  RazorClaw sifted through the seachest. A rubber ducky, glasses with a nose and mustache, a Meadowcream rock, a sabre hilt, half of a crossbow,-
  There amongst all of it, was a piece of parchment. RazorClaw unfurled it. This was it! Flint's map! A detailed route, on one side of it a route through the sea, and another, an isle, Sampetra, also known as Treasure Island.
  "Now, Razor-aaauuuuuugh!"
  Bones lied on the ground. RazorClaw knelt down. Billy opened his eyes and grabbed Razor's arm.
  So ended the life of Bloodrath bones, pirate, scoundrel, and heir to Flint;s map.
  Razor's thought stream broke, as did a window. He quickly hid as the ferret came in, and looked to the floor.
  "Bloodrath's dead! He hasn't got the map! Search the place!"
  His life, too, ended, as Calria came down with a scimitar and took him in one swipe.
 "Run, Razor, run!"
  RazorClaw fled for his life as the inn started to burn. Jim turned around, hoping his mother would be okay.
  "You go, Razor, I'll be fine!"
  how does she do that?, Jim wondered. He fled to a horse-pulled cart which would lead him to Bristletoll.

Dead Eye

 It's almost like when Julie made LOTR into redwall. Good work.
Dead Eye Trueflight of the Seas, Servent to the Emperor and Empress of the Northlands<br><br><a href='http://kevan.org/brain.cgi?Itha' target='_blank'>http://kevan.org/brain.cgi?Itha</a><br><br>Spokesperson for The winter clan. <br><br>Part of the ROC since some time in October-Nov


 Whoa.. am I now having Muppet Treasure Island flashbacks...

Shiver me timbers, shiver me bones,
Some secrets lie with ol' Davey Jones..

But have fun. =D Enjoyable thusfar!


 What that's it no more.You could make it longer.
Oh come let's sing Ohio's praise
     And songs to Alma Mater raise
  While our hearts rebounding thrill
With joy which death alone can still
   Summer's heat or winter's cold
The seasons pass the years will roll
  Time and change will surely show
   How firm thy friendship ... OHIO!


 I'll do some more later. But right now I'm busy.


 Good job I thought it was well written .
Dark days are coming my friends....... oh yes we are in trouble....


 RazorClaw walked up to the door of a building. It had a sign that said;
                        Squire Trelawney: Ship Builder
                             And his half-wit son

RazorClaw knocked thrice upon the door. A tall, old, vole stepped out.
  "Squire Trelawney isn't here at the moment-"
  "Is his son here?"
  The vole smiled. "Yes."
   "Hello. My daddy named me Beatles how d'you do?"
   Beatles surveyed the map, looking wise and as if looking at it was his expertise.\
   "Ah-ha!" He exclaimed. "This is a genuine document! I'm almost sure of it!" Beatles looked at the map, puzzled.
   "But, Razor, what's the blue stuff?"
   Shaking his head, the old vole said, "It's the water, sir."
   "The ocean!" RazorClaw said. If he was this smart, so long voyage.
   "The big blue wet.......thing!"
   "Oh, the big blue wet thing! You should have said that in the first place. Well, I am happy to say that I will fully finance the voyage."
   "Sure. My daddy didn't call me 'an impudent, half-wit, filthy rich spawn of mine' for nothing!"

  At the dock, Razor immediately spotted a small vessel, and an old one, which Beatles was headed for.
  "What's that called."
  "Ah-ha!" he said. "It's called the Leaky Duck! A fine vessel! But, not the one we're going in."
  He waved to a massive, polished, beautiful ship.
  "We'll be going on the Freebooter! An old vessel, but she'll do fine."
  RazorClaw realized he was hungry. He practically ran to the galley. Inside there was a cloaked figure. He was singing, in a voice that sounded oddly like Tim Curry's. lol

       "Tarnish not, silver,
       Melt the gold
       For my spirit,
       You shan't mold,
       And savor treasure,
       Bold it dear,
       'Tis folly to measure,
       A Bucaneer!
  Oy! You there! Stowaway! I'll have you know that we gut and roast stowaways on this ship!" he roared. Then he smiled smugly, and chuckled.
  "You must be the cabin boy."
  Razor gasped. The figure had a red, sinewy body, and a bushy, silver tail. He was a fox.
  "Wind Hound Silvertail, at 'y service."
       For not my spirit


 Woot! Tim Curry!

Just as long the Beatles in this story doesn't start talking to his finger... *grins* Ahh, the joys of Muppets.

*pats* Still good =D


 Ah , ye the muppets I have that movie it sure is funny and the whole Tim Curry thing only added more humour . I give it a 8.5 out of 10 so far .:)
Dark days are coming my friends....... oh yes we are in trouble....


 Tim Curry is the best pirate actor still living.


 "He-hello, Mr. Silver. H-h-happy to m-make your aq-aquaintance."
  Razor looked apprehensively at Silvertail, wondering what to do next.
  "Well, you must be the cabin boy. Beatles and" Silvertail rolled his eyes "Mr. Bimbo told me all about you. Off to sea, eh?"
  "Y-yes, Mr. Silvertail."
  Silvertail waved a finger at him.
  "Windhound, to his friends."
  A whistle blew above deck. Silver got up.
  "The Cap'n 'll be arroivin' annny minute now. C'mon, Razor, let's head up."
  A Weasel, shrewd looking, tall, and muscular, called out, "All hands on deeeeeck!"
  Windhound pointed at the weasel, "That there's the first mate, Stormclaw. Y'better watch out for him when there's a mess to clean up or work to be done. Look! Here comes the Cap'n.!"
  A buggy pulled up. Out from the door stepped out a massive male badger. He bared his teeth at those aboard, then pulled foldable stairs out of the buggy, and out came a mouse in an Admiral's uniform. RazorClaw had to fight to stifle a laugh. This beast, the captain?
  The captain yelled out "Set the sails!"
  Stormclaw repeated, "Set the sails! Dust the rails! Anybeast who gets caught dozing off will get his tail skelped!"
  "Does that hurt?" RazorClaw inquired.
  "Aye, a lot!"
  The captain (Who will be *drumroll* Retto!) gave Stormclaw a stern look and said, "I told you not to frighten the crew. Besides, Razor here is an honorary passenger. Aren't you?"
  Retto winked at him and RazorClaw said, "Errrrr.... n-yes. That's right."
  With Stormclaw around, this was going to be a long voyage..........


Quote from: RazorClawTim Curry is the best pirate actor still living.
Aye , tis true me matey , tis true ...
Dark days are coming my friends....... oh yes we are in trouble....

Dead Eye

 Can I be put in the story?
Dead Eye Trueflight of the Seas, Servent to the Emperor and Empress of the Northlands<br><br><a href='http://kevan.org/brain.cgi?Itha' target='_blank'>http://kevan.org/brain.cgi?Itha</a><br><br>Spokesperson for The winter clan. <br><br>Part of the ROC since some time in October-Nov

Badrang the Tyrant

 I would like to be put into the story as well, RazorClaw.