A prolouge which I believe you will enjoy:

Started by RazorClaw, May 17, 2003, 03:31:19 PM

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 Redwall: Fate?s Requiem

   It was a wet, cold day. On the Mt. Brock, all was quiet. No creature stirred, except one. One who had lived through what others had not. One who had suffered, who had fought, risking death, for freedom. But now that he had it, he was sad. After all of the fighting, foes died, friends died, and yet at what gain? Here he was, all alone, no one to talk to, no one to watch. His name-? RazorClaw.

   One day, as he was gathering herbs, and berries, and water, he heard a crack. He carefully put his food into a storage hut, one that he had built with his bare paws. He was a little bit taller than most badgers, slightly stronger. He was a little slower than most badgers, but what did he care; there was no one to race, not even anyone to run away from. Not until, possibly, now.
   He got up, and looked around. ?Who?s there??. Putting his paw to his axe, he waited. ?Top hole, old fella, put that big hatchet away, might hurt someone, wot wot??. ?Are you a friend, or a foe?,? RazorClaw inquired. ?How?m I supposed ?t know, I don?t know who you are! Hmmmm? nice place ?y got here, ooooh, huckleberries, skrummf, chomp, ahem. Anyway, I?m Earrow Flya, ?cos of my longbow, doncha know. What?s yours??. ?It depends. Are you one of those leftover slavers, or just an? he gave a sarcastically sweet smile ?innocent traveler? That? what they all are, but once it?s time for bed, and I say we?re getting up early to gather food, and they always seem to get up earlier than I do.? ?I say, old fella, gatherin? food? I?m a bowbeast, not a forager. But I?ll tell you what. How about you come with me, and join the AFFIM??. ?The what??. Don?t tell me you?ve never heard of the Army For Freedom In Mossflower? ?Y haven?t? Great Scott, where are you from??. ?Here,? RazorClaw said blandly. Where the dead rest, where there is freedom.?. ?I say, come with me! I think that this is just the bally place we?ve been looking for!?
The Adventure Begins????..