Coalition Victory

Started by Deathclaw, May 13, 2003, 05:14:44 PM

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The Mercenary

 Actually the first attacks were the ones that got through. Look carefully at the times, the way they are listen in news has the most recent at the top. So his first two attacks broke, just read carefully Badrang. I am not stupid Kilk, you cannot disband until after 3 days. Also, you did not send him aid, I promise you at 130 networth you could not send Ereptor stoats when he was at 1 billion. But it is ok, Kilk, you tried your hardest lol.

Also  you continue to ignore my points that it is pitiful if you are as good as you claim to be, that you won't try to make an account on RWL and try to take me down. Your a fool Kilk, and not a very skilled one at that.

Badrang: My accusation's are true, by looking at the times you will see the bottom attacks on the sheet were the most recent attacks. So I guess you understand my accusation now.


 Mercenary. You-are-a-jerk. *first and only legible post i will evr make*

The Mercenary

Thank you for that post joe34. I appreciate your insight on the subject at hand. Please continue to show your vast intelligence on these forums.

Peace Alliance

 Kilk, I?ve heard a few too many conflicting reasons for you to have let Ereptor kill you. Frankly, i think you understood that once you break Ereptor, you're as good as dead. But this crap about trying to move the game along is stupid ness. if you wanted the game to move along you would have taken down Ereptor!!  Otherwise down the road he would be way to high in the lead and everyone would want a reset. But that couldn't happen....... could it!

You wussed out on Ereptor, Then i came in to finish the job for you. My plan would have worked, but even though i lost all my rats (i had 93 mil, and i lost ALL of em) the day before my attack, i still managed to get up to 63 mil rats and take 100K from him. i didn't go and demolish my land after that. I stood and fought, and you can even ask Ereptor, i was hard to kill. He had to send his minions 15 mil stoats every day to have me dead.


QuoteBut this crap about trying to move the game along is stupid ness. if you wanted the game to move along you would have taken down Ereptor!! Otherwise down the road he would be way to high in the lead and everyone would want a reset. But that couldn't happen....... could it!

No, I wouldn't have. The Coalition of Free Forces or whatever it was called was supposed to stand up and do something after I fell, it was supposed to rouse support, but it was people just like Mercenary who have the mind of your average 5 year old / French Prime Minister that couldn't figure out that it wasn't a sign of weakness. I hold Peace Alliance in the utmost respect in the way he analyses and treats everyone else, but Mercenary is unnacceptable, he just uses the great tactic that is idiocy to bully his way into things...Like the forums for instance, I bet he thought it was a clever idea to show up here and badger people into thinking he's the greatest thing since sliced bread...Anyhow...

QuoteActually the first attacks were the ones that got through. Look carefully at the times, the way they are listen in news has the most recent at the top. So his first two attacks broke, just read carefully Badrang. I am not stupid Kilk, you cannot disband until after 3 days. Also, you did not send him aid, I promise you at 130 networth you could not send Ereptor stoats when he was at 1 billion. But it is ok, Kilk, you tried your hardest lol.

Also you continue to ignore my points that it is pitiful if you are as good as you claim to be, that you won't try to make an account on RWL and try to take me down. Your a fool Kilk, and not a very skilled one at that.

I'm gonna take this one sentence by stupid sentence.

Disreguard the first and second, those are known.

I did NOT disband. I let him kill me, while dropping land to make it look realistic. Notice, he got about 60k(ish) then all of a sudden started getting 5k...then 1k... then 100's...then in about 3 more I was dead.

I did send him stoats, but only because I sorta exploited a glitch in RWL, which I will refrain from posting because I don't want others to perform.

And no, I didn't try my hardest, I wrote that post before school, before I'm even awake in the morning, trust me, if I was trying, you'd know.

And yet YOU seem to ignore all points that I make to just say that I'm ignorant. Obviously I'm not that ignorant if I can come up with a decent counter for all these pitiful attempts to shodden my name. Trust me, Deathclaw tried stuff like this once, he couldn't win.

Notice, I said I didn't have time for another RWL account, I'm only finding time in my schedule to participate in the forums. I have a life outside of this.

"Your a fool kilk..." (quote) Did you mean You're? It makes a difference from the gibberish you tried, who looks like more of the fool, the one who makes an error so that he can't even call someone a name, or the one on the recieving end.

Stupid [edit], go shove a twinkie down your cry hole and get over the fact that you are beaten by someone who doesn't spend 5-8 hours on the game every day.

The Mercenary

        Beaten? Kilk you are the most arrogant player I know. You sit here and tell everyone you are a skilled player, and yet you have failed with your two most recent accounts to accomplish anything. The fact remains that you lost against Ereptor, you failed miserably against a more skilled player than you, and you try to justify it by saying you didn't have time to play. You try to feed everyone your lies, and think because you are the "self-proclaimed" heroe of RWL that we will listen to you.

        I am a better player than you, and would kill you on this server if you even made an attempt to prove you had some amount of skill. Instead you claim you have no time to play now, but large amounts of time will open up for you as soon as a reset occurs.

        Kilk, the Coalition was supposed to stand up? I truly hope your joking. First of all Orcrist was away and the rest of your Coalition's members were barely in the top 25. You just failed and are trying to get out of it by saying you didn't try, its an excuse and a weak one at that.

Badrang the Tyrant

 Mercenary, you really think you are better than Kilk?  I laugh at your pitiful attempts to make yourself sound like you are actually good at this game.

The Mercenary

Badrang, that is possibly the most idiotic thing you have said yet on the forums. You laugh at my attempts to sound like I am good at the game? Your right I am not good at the game, I am merely Rank 1 on regular, not anything near your level. And you are much better than me, right? I play with you on almost every server, and I am better than you on every server.

Brilliant post though.


 I won't try and counter any of your accusations Mercenary, but I would like to point something out:

Going just on what I can see in the news, you didn't take Helix. Wolf Bite did. Wolf Bite created the oppurtinity to attack, and was the first to break. This left the door open for you and one or two others. Out of the several who took land off Helix, you got more than most, excluding what Wolf Bite took, of course.
As this was being carried out, Helix spoilt the plans.
As Wolf Bite had taken the most, Helix retalled hard, and hit Wolf Bite non stop, taking back the land. After he was maxed, Leader was attacked- not very effective. You were then maxed out, but the land you lost was not to the degree that Wolf Bite lost.
Out of nowhere, Split Helix just disappeared- obviously deleted. This gave Wolf Bite no oppurtinity to regain that land, and left you on the top, unscathed compared to Wolf Bite.

That's my interpretation of events, just from reading what's in the news.
IMO, you didn't earn your number 1 spot, you rode on the back of others to get there.
What Kilk accomplished has been mentioned on this thread, so I don't need to bring it up again, he's already proved his himself.
I will not deleted this

The Mercenary

Good ideas Holby, but it seems you have misinterpreted the events. By checking the news and history again, Wolf Bite was the first to break. I sent him 45 billion dollars so he could break. We took all the land we could. Then Helix maxed out Wolf, unlucky for Wolf he attacked back so Helix could attack 21 more times. I was maxed out at 21 attacks by Helix so he could not attack me anymore, but I still held 175k acres left from him. Unscathed is not the right word, for I lost acres in 19 of the 21 attacks.

I did not use anyone else to get my spot. If you ask Wolf Bite he will admit to you without me he could not have broken first, without him I could not have done it either. We worked together, neither more important. That is why we succeeded, that is why I am number one.

Badrang the Tyrant

Quote from: The MercenaryBadrang, that is possibly the most idiotic thing you have said yet on the forums. You laugh at my attempts to sound like I am good at the game? Your right I am not good at the game, I am merely Rank 1 on regular, not anything near your level. And you are much better than me, right? I play with you on almost every server, and I am better than you on every server.

Brilliant post though.
I never said I was better than you.  You merely assumed because you are haughty.  I already knew that you were better than me.  But I said that Kilk is better than you and always will be.   I don't see you attacking someone with at least twice your networth and getting through.  And as for the Coalation Troops, we took out the whole clan of Nazgul.  

You think you are going to kill me when there is a reset?  You don't know half of what I can do when I really hate someone ingame.  You do not even know if I will be playing in reset!  

The Mercenary

Badrang you are right once again. Helix was not twice my size he was 10 times my size. And I didn't just get through, I broke over 15 times.


Quote from: The MercenaryGood ideas Holby, but it seems you have misinterpreted the events. By checking the news and history again, Wolf Bite was the first to break. I sent him 45 billion dollars so he could break. We took all the land we could. Then Helix maxed out Wolf, unlucky for Wolf he attacked back so Helix could attack 21 more times. I was maxed out at 21 attacks by Helix so he could not attack me anymore, but I still held 175k acres left from him. Unscathed is not the right word, for I lost acres in 19 of the 21 attacks.

I did not use anyone else to get my spot. If you ask Wolf Bite he will admit to you without me he could not have broken first, without him I could not have done it either. We worked together, neither more important. That is why we succeeded, that is why I am number one.
Yes, I was wrong. I checked up on it, and you're right.

You lost acres, so were not game to counter in fear of retal, according to your post. Wolf Bite had the courage to retal Helix under attacks, and not sit idle as more and more of his land was taken.
You admit  that you couldn't have done it without Wolf Bite, and boast that Wolf Bite couldn't have done it without you, either. Neither being more important.
However, you openly said so on this forum that you were the reason Split Helix was no longer there. Isn't Leader, And Wolf Bite and Peace the reason, too? Without those people, you wouldn't be there. You just got hit less than Wolf Bite did, to make it to 1.

I will not deleted this

The Mercenary

Yes I guess you could call it courage, either way that is not my problem. It did not help him it hurt him, my descicion not to retaliate is why I am number one. And gaining position is mainly made up of making good choices. I do owe in part my position to Wolf Bite, yet I did just as much as him.

I earned my position just like anyone else has, the history shows that Wolf and I both chose to go about it in our own way, his just got him hit a little more than mine. Neither is better, it is just that I happened to end up in a better position than him.

Badrang the Tyrant

 Helix was not ten times your size.  Now we know at least two things you suck at Mercenary, spelling and math...