A 10 page story

Started by Dead Eye, May 12, 2003, 03:12:38 PM

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Dead Eye

 I created a story, non related to redwall(one of my first non realeted.) I just knew that most people in this forum are smart, and some like to read and give oppions. I would like some of the opionative people to give opions. It's called the "Gold Stone"

Another fist flew in the air. It hit a chin. Blood soared through the wound. Another fist came from him just as quick, though, in the opposite direction, hitting a temple. His fists threw again and again, no weapons to aid him this time. Two more of his fists hit body parts, and than his enemy ran. He sat down breathing hard. There were 6 bodies around him, half the number in which had first attacked.

He had cuts around his face. He wore leather armor, barbaric in its nature. Old battle scares ran threw his face. His muscles moved in and out, much bigger than any humans did. His black long hair touched his shoulder blades. His unshaven face had blood all over it. It wasn?t all his blood. They had been a group of robbers. He had dealt with them quick.

He was a half-orc. His mother had been an unknown human, his father an orc warrior. Know one knew his age, not even him. He had grown up with orcs, but his brain was bigger than theirs was. He had grown up, and with the brains of a human, and the strength of an orc, he had become a mercenary, and a good one at that. He had 100 bounty kills to his name. His name suited him, Gormish, which in orc meant Death.

He was on his way to Gathmill, a city by the ocean Seana. Gathmill, the scum of the earth lived there. And it was where he would find a job. Hopefully. He got up and gathered his things. He picked up some valuables from the dead thieves, than started on his way. His gold bag clinked against his leg as he walked. The last little gold he had left.

He recalled where he had got it. From slaying a general of an elven army by the woods of Eleanor. A quick poison arrow had done the trick. A human general had paid him. Not that he cared who he killed, as long as he got the money. If he didn?t, well, that was another story. Last time he hadn?t got his money, he had killed his employer?s family one by one, and stolen money from each person. Than when he had enough money, he killed the employer. He had had to run that day from the humans. His tricky employer had hired a bounty on him. He had killed those hunters too. No one was as good as he. No one!

He heard a rustling in the bushes. He stopped where he was, than pulled out a dagger that he had stolen from one of the dead bandits. He listened quietly. He picked up where the thing was, than threw the dagger true. A few seconds later, one of the robbers stumbled out, the dagger coming out of his side. He fell on the ground, than looked up.

?Please, don?t kill me! They? they made me? made me wait to kill you. I can?can tell you where they are!? he stumbled in his words, trying to save his life by having his friends? taken. But this could be useful.

?Listen scum, I could flick you, and you?d be dead. Where are the other 5?? he snarled into the fool?s face. His victim?s face turned into a mask of horror. It was obvious he had never seen a full-grown half-orc killer before.

?They? they?they are?? he saw the evil look in Gormish and spoke faster, ?They?re on a hill coming up soon. Two are in the woods on the left side, and three on the other side of the hill! Now please don?t kill me!? he started sobbing, and crawling to Gormish?s feet. The half-orc kicked him away, than pulled out rope.

?I have no intention of killing you worm. If your friends decide to take to their weapons, or any tricks, you shall be hit first,? he said while tying his victim up. He kicked the thief to go in front of him and started to walk, ?but if you keep crying, I will kill you myself!?

While they walked, Gormish thought back to his childhood in the barbaric mountains of the orcs, the Fire Mountains. His father had never really cared for him, or any of the other orcs. They thought of him as an outcast, a stranger. He had grown up, and when his father had seen how strong he was getting, he taught him how to fight. Soon Gormish had become one of the greatest fighters in the village. He was still to young to fight with the raiders, but soon he would be one of them.

Than it had happened. The great dragon, Drakon, who was feared throughout the mountain orcs, had struck. He had hit the raiding party that Gormish?s father had been in. No one stood a chance. Than Drakon had flew down into the village. Fire had replaced buildings. Family and friends had been killed. Gormish had been gathering firewood when he saw the smoke. He moved silently into the village, and saw what had come of it. He saw Drakon than, murdering families. He grabbed a few bows and placed them throughout the village. Than he had run from bow to bow, firing at the dragon. Drakon had no idea who was firing at him, but one arrow took him in the eye. Deciding it best not to fight an invisible enemy, he flew away. But the dragon had already killed everyone.

Gormish came back to reality when his captive moaned a bit. And he saw what the moan was for. The woods to the left were coming close, and the hill even closer. He kicked his captive a little, making sure he made no noise. He could sense at least two pairs of eyes watching them. He pulled out two throwing knives, keeping them close.

?Shut up you, or I kill you here and now,? he whispered, but no sooner had he said it than had three arrows came from the hill. He quickly threw the thief?s body into the arrows, than ran towards the trees. The captive thief had no chance. He saw two men emerge from the woods, each dashing at him with swords drawn. He threw both knives, one hitting one man in the heart, the other in the head of the second man. He dashed into the woods, and around to the hill.

He saw three humans on the hill. Two carried bows that were aimed at the woods. They also carried swords on their belts. The other man was big and had leather armor on. He was big for a human, almost the size of a full-grown orc. He had a doot sword in his hand, and was commanding the other two.

Gormish went through his weapons that he had gathered. A nice rapier, a short sword, and his own personalized war axe. He had got it from the body of a dead orc chief he had killed. It was big and needed two hands to swing. Most men could not lift such a weapon. He took the two swords in hand, and rushed from cover.

An arrow from one archer took his unprotected shoulder, while the other archer hit his protected chest. Seizing the rapier like a spear, he threw it had the archer who had hit him in the shoulder. Than he jumped upon the other man. He slashed down at the man, and killed him in one blow. Than something hit him hard across the back. He rolled over a few times than got up. The big leader had hit him with the sword.

?A little nice halfling come to fight? You ain?t even a real man or orc. I?ll crush you like a bug!? the man had a northern accent. He rushed at Gormish, swinging the big sword. Gormish jumped and rolled under the swing, than tripped the big fighter. He pulled out his axe and snarled.

?You ain?t seen nothing yet, human!? And than the fighting started.

It was obvious that the big man was an expert fighter. He was able to parlay every swing Gormish had thrown at him, and had even got a few swings of his own in. Gormish decided that he was quicker, but this man matched in strength. Gormish threw a swing at the man?s feet, and was able to nip the man?s leg before he had jumped back. The big fighter screamed in pain, than threw a massive attack at his opponent. Gormish almost blocked every wing, but one caught him in the chest, and he fell back on the ground. His weapon slide out of his reach, and he found a sword point at his neck.

?Ain?t you a feisty one! Killed 11 of me men ya did, and hardly a scratch on you. Except for that arrow sticking out of your shoulder. Go ahead lad, pull it out!? the man yelled at Gormish. And Gormish did just that.

Pulling out the arrow, Gormish screamed ?Drakon!?(Which happened to be his war cry) He pulled the arrow out, than jabbed deep into the man?s chest. While the man screamed in alarm and pain, Gormish dug the arrow deeper and deeper into the man?s chest. The man tried speaking, but couldn?t get the words to come out. His eye?s clouded over, and he fell on top of Gormish. Than the whole world went black.

When he awoke again he could smell the rotting carcass over his body. He opened his eyes to see the dead man still on top of him. He could feel insects over his body. He rolled over, the dead body getting moved off of him. He felt sweaty and sick. He felt a sudden pain in his shoulder. Going up to touch it, he took a look around. It was a little after night fall, so he had only been unconscious for a few hours. Or days. He prayed not days.

He looked at his hand that had touched his shoulder. It was blood red. His blood. The arrow had done more damage than he had originally thought. His head jerked up as he heard a howl. He remembered where he was. Right by the woods of Alzarn. The forest was full of wild animals. And other things much worse. He got up, but the loss of blood had made him dizzy, so he fell back down. He had to try a few more times before he could stand up straight.

He quickly tore pieces of shirt and bandaged up his shoulder. Not a good job, but enough to help heal the wound. He gathered his things, and started walking north, towards Gathmill. He heard a far off bark, and hoped it would stray far off. Using his axe as a walking stick, he took a few steps forward. At least he could walk.

As he walked, he remembered about Nortil. He remembered how his first love had kissed him. Had made him feel good. He recalled how she had been the first other half-orc he had ever met. And she had been the one. He had had more passion for her than what he had had for his own family. Not that that was much. She had made him feel good. And he had put down his axe for her. She had more of a human way about her, but she was a strong woman. He had admired her forever growing up with humans.

They had lived together for a year. But it had seemed like more than that. It had seemed like eternity. He had loved her. And he thought nothing could harm them. He was wrong. He remembered the night. That night he had been out working late. He had worked at blacksmith?s shop. He was making good money, and his experience with weapons had helped him earn the job.

He had come home that night, and saw that the door was opened. He wasn?t worried about it, for it was summer, and the open door would cool the house. As he walked in he saw that plates, silverware, and other objects were broken and scattered on the floor. Than he saw it. His lovers hand coming out from behind the couch. He ran over, and saw it. Nortil lay dead on the floor, two daggers in her and scratches all over her body. He lay next to her, and cried. He didn?t know for how long. But when he got up, his eyes were blood red. He grabbed the axe that he had hid in the upstairs attic.

For the expert killer, it took but a minute to find the smell and fingerprints of the murders. He followed the trail. He was led to a ship in the bay. He saw about 20 men on and around the ship. And he saw two of them carried his dead lover?s jewelry box. He picked up his axe in both hands and jumped from the hill above the lance. He plunged down 30 feet, right on top of the two caring Nortil?s things. They died quick. Than he rushed at the others, slashing and hacking at anything in front of him. He was beyond reason. First his family, now his first true love, everything he touched died.

He had slain them all, and sunk their boat with their treasures on it. He had walked away that day. And he had gone back to being a mercenary and bounty hunter. And he had got only what he needed to live by. He had first killed for money and to get by. But after she had died, he did it for revenge.

His head lifted as he heard horses coming close. To close for his liking, for he had no where to run. He positioned himself for battle, axe in two hands. He saw two riders coming close; neither had a sword drawn. They wore studded armor, and one had a patch over his eye. They didn?t seem like knights, or thieves. As they came closer, he noticed one was an elf. The other was a tall, slick human. They halted in front of him, and the elf spoke.

?Master Gormish? We are riders sent from Master Sidour, to find you,? he spoke with an accent that did not sound elf.

?And who is this Master Sidour, and why does he send to riders to find me??

?He is a wealthy investor, and he has need of your service. He was told you were coming to the city, but when you did not show yesterday, he sent us to find you.?

?I had a problem with a few bandits. Well lads, one of you better move over and let me up on my horse, before I faint of loss of blood, or?? he couldn?t finish, because loss of blood had knocked him out.

When he awoke he was in a feather bed. His wound was bandaged, and he only felt a little pain. His cuts were also bandaged. The last thing he remembered was an old man standing over him.

?So you are awake,? Gormish jumped up, looking for a weapon. ?Easy my friend, I am no enemy.?

He looked over to see an old man dressed elegantly sitting on a chair next to the bed. He seemed to be a wizard of some type, and a wealthy wizard at that. At the door he saw the elf that had showed up before he was knocked out. He now wore robes and had a short sword at his side.

?I am Master Sidour. I believe you already know Lelion Swift Night, your rescuer. Or one of them anyway.?

?Who are you people??

?Your new employers, well I hope anyway. Let me begin at the beginning.?

?I was once a wizard of the Council of the Light, the legion in order of keeping peace and freedom. Well, while on the council I learned of a mighty artifact, The Gold Stone. It enabled its master to get magic. Magic more powerful than the whole council together. I started reading journals and books about it. I did extensive research, which ended up leading to my banning. I was so fascinated with the Stone that I sought to own it. I read so much about it that I skipped my duties as a council member. And because of that, a war between the gnome tribes happened that I was supposed to fix. But I was away finding information at the time, so the pointless war happened. I was banned. Well, after being banned I did even more research. I learned more and more of the stone, and how to use it. I believe I know where the stone is. But the treacherous council found out too. They knew before me, and hid it from me. They hid it in the most dangerous spot that anyone could think of. Now I need warriors to go with me and help retrieve it. I heard about you and knew that you must help get the stone. I promise you 20,000 gold now and 40,000 gold when I have the stone. Not only that, but when I have the stone I promise to enchant your weapon with magical powers,? the man finished, and for a few minutes Gormish said nothing.

?You forgot one thing. Where is the stone? What is guarding it?? he asked after a few minutes.

?The dragon Drakon.?

Gormish showed no sign of emotion. Inside his heart pumped quickly. The dragon that had killed his father, his family, his friends. His chance to have revenge. And it was good pay too. He knew more about the dragon than most did, and he had hurt it when he was a kid. Maybe he could get the job done.

?Master Sidour, you got yourself a deal. This my room? Good. Oh and Lelion is it?? he walked up to the tall elf. He snarled, ?You never saved me, understand? I could break you like a trig, so get out!?

He was surprised, because the elf didn?t move. Didn?t even flinch. Gormish turned to walk away, than turned and threw a punch full blast. Even with a wound in his shoulder, his punch still threw the elf out of the room and flying into the wall behind him. The elf staggered up, than rushed at Gormish, his fist raised. Gormish ducked, than threw a fist into the elf?s ribs. He raised his hand in the air, and aimed his fist at the elf. His hand rushed down, but than it felt like a giant was holding onto his fist. It wouldn?t move, something was holding on to it.

?What the hell?? he said, than turned around. Sidour?s staff was raised; some type of light force coming out of it, and aimed on his fist. The mage smiled.

?No need for fighting. Lelion, get out of here and clean yourself up,? as the elf left Sidour smiled. ?Very impressive friend. A serious wound, and you are still able to destroy one of the best elf rangers in the woods of Eleanor. He knows all about you, seeing that he hunted you for a while after you killed his general. But you two mustn?t fight. I need both of you. Now get some sleep, there is a bar down stairs where the rest of my warriors eat and drink. We leave in 3 days,? the mage walked to the door, than turned around, ?Here?s the money I owe you for going with us.?

Gormish counted it, than laid on his bed. After a few hours he decided to go down stairs. As he opened his door he could hear the men drinking and having a good time down stairs. He walked down stairs and looked around. There was a bar at the end of the room with a wrench giving out beers. At the tables there were men drinking, eating, laughing, playing cards, and having a good time. He looked at the warriors. Most of them were human, with a few dwarves and elves thrown in. He saw one gnome, but was sure that he was just some type of mage or wizard. He saw no half-orcs or orcs.

He walked over and ordered a beer from the girl. She gave him one, than walked away to flirt with one of the drunken warriors. Gormish drink the beer, but was disappointed that it was only weak man beer, not like the strong orc liquor that he drank. He noticed that all the men carried some sort of weapons. He was glad, because that meant that they were not wet behind the ears.

?So, you the man who will be leading us?? Gormish looked up to see a tall, almost giant man at his side. He looked like a happy warrior. He carried a long doot sword across his back. Gormish guessed that he was an expert fighter. Next to the giant was a shorter and skinnier man. He wore two rapiers at both sides. He looked like one of those quick slashing type warriors.

?That?s what I?m told. Gormish is the name,? he said as he shook hands with the two men.

?Gormish err? Sounds orc. Well, you look orc to me. Name?s Hollan. And this one?s name is Forgan. We travel together. And we want to get in on this gold,? the tall one said.

?Ah, so does every other mercenary. Tell me, Hollan is it? Well Hollan, you been here longer than me. Should I watch out for any of these men??

?Ha!? the small one, Forgan laughed, ?You could probably take out Hollan, and that?s a task. Nah sir, only one you got to look out for is Lelion. We all heard the fight you two fought. And saw him come down here bleeding and being in pain. That one and a few of his cronies have gone into their room.? Forgan?s voice was higher than his companion?s was.

Gormish looked around, than stood up on the bar table. He threw a glass of beer on the floor, causing the whole place to become quiet. Everyone was looking at him. He looked around for a second than spoke loud and clear.

?Listen you lot. I am your captain on this mission. I am number 1. I am the leader. You will take orders from me. If any of you see things differently, speak now! I?ll take the lot of ya!? he shouted. The room went dead silent, than Hollan got up on the table.

?If anyone fights Gormish, they have to fight me too!? he shouted. Gormish smiled at him, than saw Forgan get on a chair.

?Me to! I stick with my captain!? his voice shrilled.

?Me too!? a voice called from the group. ?Aye, me too!? soon everyone was chanting and yelling. Gormish stepped down and walked to his room. The men followed him. He was in control. Life felt good. He lay down, and went to sleep.

The next 2 days went by with out any trouble. Gormish went to a black smith and got all his weapons and armor repaired with the money Sidour had given him. On the third day they were ready to go. Sidour had provided horses for the people. Gormish?s was a big black stallion named Fear. He got a good relationship with it right away.

As the started, Gormish stayed back with Hollan and Forgan, rather than go up front with Sidour and Lelion. As they rode they swapped tales of old times. Gormish did not speak about his family or of how he knew of the dragon already. Instead he told of the old missions he had done. Both men had been mercenaries like him, and they had similar stories.

From what he gathered, Hollan had grown up as traveler. His parents had been merchants of some type. They had been slain by the undead. Gormish shivered. The undead were ruthless. From there Hollan had traveled the world, and doing what Gormish had done, he had fallen into being a mercenary for money and food.

Forgan was a different matter all together. He had never known his parents, and had ended up running away from his orphanage at age 7. From there he grew up on the streets. He got money by pick pocketing, stealing, and doing small jobs for the town thieves. From there he had grown up and became a bounty hunter. From what he heard, Gormish didn?t think he was that good. Than one time the bounty had been on him. He was trapped, and about to be killed, but Hollan had shown up, and killed the enemies. From there on, the two had traveled together, and had become best of friends.

Gormish wished he had friends like that when he did his jobs. But he had always done well by himself. He liked his new friends, and decided that they were probably both good warriors. As they walked he looked up at Lelion. The elf had galloped ahead of Sidour, probably to scout. But Gormish noticed that the elf seemed to be talking to some one. But he saw no one else around. Than he caught it. Some type of shadow was moving by the elf. But before he could identify it, Sidour called him.

?Oy! Gormish, come up here!? Gormish galloped up to the human mage, leaving behind his friends. Sidour seemed to be happy about something. ?How is everything friend? Good? Well that?s good. See that mountain?? he pointed his finger to a far off mountain. As Gormish looked at it, he noticed smoke coming from it. ?The mountain where the Stone of Gold is.?

?The stone. A very powerful weapon. You never told me what you would do with it when you got it.?

?Ha! Noisy one, aren?t we. I intend to use the stone to pass magic into the world. And to study it. I will transfer it?s power to my staff, than let the magic leave little by little. After I study it of course. I will make myself a mage as powerful as the council, but not powerful enough to take over. Don?t worry, I don?t intend to do anything evil.? The mage narrowed his eyes, ?Not that you should care, as long as you get your money.?

?I wouldn?t have another job if you ruled the world. And I don?t like people being more powerful than me.?

?Ha! You are very wise to be a descendant of an orc!?

?What is the elf doing?? Gormish asked after a while. ?Where did he go??

?To find a place to camp tonight. Why?? But Gormish was already gone, back into the line with the other two warriors.

As they walked, a distant shout was heard. And then they turned their heads and saw Lelion galloping on his horse towards them. Gormish noticed that blood was flowing openly from the elf?s head.

?Orcs! Bunches of them! They came from the south!? the elf yelled as he came into the group. Than they saw the orcs. They were galloping on horses, about 50 of them traveling fast. Gormish, knowing the most about orcs, started shouted commands.

?Archers in rear! Melee fighters in front and on horses, prepare to charge. Any magic fighters charge after us. Ready, set Charge!? and they did just that.

The mercenaries charged. Battle lit in their eyes. Their horse in a race, and Gormish?s was winning. He saw the on coming orcs charge. He noticed one with the war paintings of a chieftain in the lead. He carried a giant war hammer. Drawing his axe he charged at the orc. The two met head on, each was getting a hit in before falling off their horses. Battle was all around them as they circled. Blood and war cries circled them. The orc spat at Gormish, challenging him.

?Halfling! Pt! You make me sick!? he growled. Battle set in Gormish?s eyes, and he charged yelling his battle cry.

?Drakon!? he screamed as he threw his axe in a wide sweep. It hit the orc in the side, sending him flying. The orc got up and spat out blood. His sides were bleeding. He charged forward and swung his hammer down hard at the spot Gormish was. Gormish did a flip and rolled, seeing the hammer hit where he had been a second ago. The orc brought up the hammer again and swung down hard. This time Gormish was ready. He had two swords drawn, and blocked the attack. The hammer hit the ground after being reflected off of the swords. Gormish stabbed forward with both of them, getting them both sticking out of the orc, one in the stomach, one in the side. Gormish rolled over to his axe and drew it. He looked up to see the orc take hold of the swords and rip them out, blood going everywhere. He threw the swords, than grabbed his hammer.

Charging forward the orc threw his hammer down hard. Gormish dodged it, but it hit had hit the ground so hard that the ground shuck, making Gormish lose his footing and fall. He looked up to see the orc, breathing hard, lift his axe and prepare to strike down. Thinking quickly, Gormish kicked out, hitting the orc in his wounded sides. The orc bent double, his hammer flying down 2 inches from Gormish?s head. Gormish jumped up and threw his axe down. It took the orc?s shoulder down. The orc screamed in pain, but got up, trying to fight. Gormish threw his axe in a sweep, taking the head of the orc.

Gormish looked around, to see the orcs fleeing. He saw 10 dead mercenary bodies around him. He also saw about 20 dead orcs. He lay down, exhausted from his battle. He saw Hollan and Forgan walk up to where he sat. Hollan had scratches all over his body, but nothing bad. His giant doot sword still in his two hands. Forgan had a giant slash across his cheek and a gushing wound in his shoulder, but he looked good. As he walked he cleaned his bloody rapiers on the grass. Hollan looked at the dead orc than sat next to Gormish.

?Well, you know how to pick them! That one looks like he put up a fight.? He smiled at the orc. Forgan went over to a medic while they talked.

?How?d we do? What happened??

?Well, the charge worked well, and they were thrown off guard. But than they started working around, got us in a circle. Than Sidour and those mages showed up. I tell ya, they know their magic. Nearly blew half the dam plains apart. And that Sidour, why, he killed half of these ones. Lightning and fire coming from him like he was a god. Well, we hit them hard when they turned to fight Sidour. Took them off guard. Than those archers dropped their bows and ran up here with swords and such. The orcs couldn?t take it. Than they saw you finish their leader, so they ran.? The big warrior finished as he counted his war wounds.

?The old man fought?? Gormish was surprised. He had figured that Sidour wasn?t a fighter, and that was why he had hired them.

?Yea, and there was Lelion at his side. Injured as he was, Lelion fought well. Don?t think he got a kill though.?

Gormish was surprised at this news. The two people he thought would have stayed behind were up fighting. As they lay out camp he thought a lot. What was that shadow by Lelion? Where did the orcs show up from? Would he have to fight Drakon? Questions filled his mind as he lay down and slept.

A day later they were under the mountain. Smoke was coming from it. Sidour had said that he sensed that the dragon was around. Gormish decided to set an ambush. He set archers around the grove under the mountain. They would all fire, and the dragon wouldn?t be able to take them all at the same time. Than Gormish would rush the dragon, swinging with his axe. While this happened, Lelion and Sidour would be in the mountain, taking the stone.

That afternoon, Gormish set a fire arrow into the cave of Drakon. That should awaken the dragon. He turned to Sidour and Lelion. The mage had dark robes on, and staff in hand. The elf wore a leather jerkin with a coat over it. He had two swords at his belt sides, a long bow across his back, and about 20 daggers attached to his body. Gormish figured that if they failed, the elf would at least do some damage.

?The dragon will be coming soon. You two better get going. When you get that stone, get down he as fast as possible. We may need some help. So hurry up. Now get going,? he said quickly, than turned around and got out a giant long bow. He saw the two run off into the night. Than he heard it. A loud screech into the night. The dragon was coming. He positioned himself behind a bush, long bow ready. He saw all his men raising their long bows too.

Than he saw it. A black shadow came out of the mountain. As it came closer, he saw Drakon for the first time in 30 years. The dragon had grown bigger, the massive red head filled with sharp teeth. The dragon made his mouth open. It was a massive creature. Gormish saw that one of it?s eyes had a giant scar over it, and it seemed to be blind from that eye. It landed in the middle of the archers. Gormish raised his hand, than brought it down. As soon as he did, 20 arrows speeded into the dragon.

It screeched and howled, its head swinging about. Most of the arrows had bounced off, but at least 5 were sticking out of the dragon. He screeched, than rushed to one of the bushes. Throwing its head in, it bit at a human form. It?s head came up, to revel one of the mercenary?s swinging from its mouth. The man screamed and howled, but no one tried helping him. Than his leg tore off from his body, and he fell on the ground. Where his leg had once been was now just a stub. Blood went everywhere, and he screamed in pain. The dragon?s head went down once more, and it gulped the man down in one bite. Gormish signaled for the arrows to be shot again. This time the arrows were more efficient, three of them going into the dragon?s face. The dragon roared in pain, than rushed a group of archers.

Hollan was one of the archers that Drakon had rushed. Deciding that arrows wouldn?t help, he dropped his bow, than drew his mighty sword. Hollan rushed the dragon, seeing no other options. He swung a mighty blow into the creature?s face. It screamed in pain, than it brought it?s head back, and blew fire at the giant warrior. Hollan jumped, but he wasn?t quick enough. The fire burned his left leg. Hollan rolled on the ground, his sword falling 20 feet away from him. He lay on the ground, and screamed in pain. Drakon lifted his body over the warrior, and made as if to drive his head down on Hollan. As his head snapped down, something rushed at the dragon?s head. Before Hollan could blink, the creature was rolling on the ground, blood pouring from its face.

Gormish was in front of Hollan, his mighty axe in front of him. He growled dangerously at the dragon, than whispered to Hollan. ?You ok buddy??

?I?ll live. I?ll get to the others, and tell them to start firing every time you aren?t fighting it. Fight good!? and with that Hollan started crawling from the spot. Gormish turned to the dragon, which was now standing up on his four feet, growling. Gormish tightened his axe grip, than rushed at the dragon.

?Drakon!? he screamed the creature?s name that he was trying to kill. He jumped up onto the creature?s face, slashing and hacking at the face. The dragon screamed in pain, rolling its head back and forth. Gormish was flung off, hitting the ground hard. He lost his breath, and his axe went 3 feet away from him. He got up slowly, and saw that blood dripped from the dragon?s face. It got up, than went in to strike down at Gormish. Gormish closed his eyes, figuring that this was the last time they would be opened. But all the sudden he heard the dragon screech, and when he opened his eyes he saw arrows coming from the bushes hitting Drakon. He heard Hollan giving orders. The dragon screamed in pain, than flew up in the air. Than it erupted. Fire came from its mouth, flying all over. It hit the bushes, and mercenaries came running out of cover, fire feeding off of them. They screamed in mercy, but no one could save them. He saw Hollan and Forgan unharmed come from cover bows in hand. The dragon shot down at Gormish. Knowing there was no where to hide, Gormish ducked down, and covered his body in the chain mail Sidour had given him.

He ducked his head as soon as the fire came out of the mouth. Pain in which he had never experienced hit him. His whole body burned. He was hot, but the fire wasn?t actually touching his body. The heat stopped, and he got up. The dragon was staring at him, as if confused why he wasn?t dead. Gormish looked at the chain mail. It had black scorches along it, but his body had no burns. He realized that Sidour must have enchanted the armor to protect him from heat. Thinking quickly, he grabbed his axe and threw it as hard as he could. It hit its target, buried deep into the dragon?s skull. The dragon hissed, than feel to the ground in a pile of death.  

?That?s for my family you little worm! I am Gormish the Great, Slayer of Drakon the Dragon!?

Gormish pulled his axe out of the skull, than turned to Hollan and Forgan. ?You two stay here and get all of the wounded healed. I am going to find the mage and elf.? And with that he walked away.

As he walked up to the mountain, Gormish swore he could feel power coming from it. He traveled the trail that the elf and wizard did. As he heard voices he slowed. It sounded like Lelion. He peaked over a corner and saw an incredible sight.

There was a giant carved chamber. Gold literally flooded the chamber. But none of the gold even could be compared to the thing in the middle of the chamber. On a gold table was a small gold stone. He could feel the power coming from it. He saw Lelion and Sidour standing around it. Sidour was staring at it, while Lelion stayed back with his bow out.

?Magnificent, isn?t it Lelion? The power I shall get from it. Just imagine! Those mercenaries will probably have taken care of the dragon. The power the stone can give to the world!? Sidour spoke to himself and Lelion. Gormish saw Lelion notch an arrow to his bow. What was that elf doing?

?Yes Sidour. Too bad you won?t be there to see the power!? the elf spoke. Sidour turned around and saw the bow aimed at his chest.

?What the hell?? but he couldn?t finish because an arrow was protruding from his chest. The elf smiled, than let another arrow go in the old mages chest. Sidour fell over and his eyes clouded over. The elf laughed, than grabbed the stone. Power and light erupted from the stone. When Gormish reopened his eyes he saw the stone attached to Lelion?s chest. It seemed like he was sucking power from it. He laughed. He seemed to get faster and stronger. Gormish realized what happened, and with out thinking fired arrows at Lelion.

It was the strangest sight ever. When the arrows came within 5 feet of the elf, they were burned. Lelion turned around and started laughing. ?Ah! Gormish! I was going to kill you anyway. Come here!? he shot his hand forward and a green beam came from his hand. Gormish jumped out of the way, but saw that where he had been standing was completely gone! He decided not to stand and fight, so he started running.

At the end of the cave in the mountain there was a steep climb up or down. Deciding it would take to long to climb down, Gormish threw himself off the cliff. He plunged 50 feet, landed on his feet, and rolled. He got up and saw that Lelion was floating down the side of the mountain. He ran as fast as he could.

He got to where the camp was and started screaming orders, telling archers to get ready. His heart sank as he saw that only 10 men remained. Hollan didn?t ask questions when he saw the stone attached to the oncoming Lelion. Ten arrows flew towards Lelion?s head, yet not one touched his body. The elf laughed again, than fired the green beam at the men. 5 went down right away, one of them Forgan, who was killed right away. Hollan roared like a wounded animal, than threw himself upon the elf.

Hollan?s big sword hit the elf right in the face. If it had hit any other person, they would be dead. But all it did to the elf was make a tiny scratch. The elf drew two swords, which seemed to be on fire, and stabbed into Hollan. Hollan screamed in pain, than his eyes clouded over.

By this time the other 5 men had started running, realizing that they could not defeat the elf. Gormish also ran, for it was pointless to fight this monster. They still had to climb down the rope ladder that had got them on the ridge. He saw the other 5 fighting to be the 1st one on the ladder. He turned and saw Lelion?s hand aimed at him. This time flame erupted from his hand. Thinking of nothing else, Gormish flung himself off the ridge. Down he plunged, falling and falling. He remembered his love, his family, and was glad that he had at least killed the people responsible for the killing of his love ones. Than everything went black.

Pain! Never had he known the true meaning of the word. Pain in such that he had never experienced now rattled through his body. It felt like lightning had gone through his body. His eyes snapped open, and he saw something he hoped never to see.

Right next to his face was a twisted horror. One of the mercenaries? faces had been completely changed, into a mask of horror. He tried screaming, but stopped himself. He saw the other 4 men with the same descriptions on their faces. He also saw the rope ladder lay out on the ground. Some one had cut it off. He saw tracks through the ground. Lelion. The elf had been this way. He figured that the elf had killed the other 5 men, and taking Gormish as dead, left. Gormish found his axe a few feet away. He gathered his things together.

He was going to chase Lelion. He couldn?t let the evil of the elf ensnare the world. He got a few daggers, a short sword, a long bow, a small composite bow, and a club together. He strapped everything onto his body and clothes. He than found the best armor out of the dead, and put it on. Throwing a cloak over his body, he started walking. He picked up the elf?s tracks, and realized the elf was on his way to Eleanor woods, the home of the elves. He figured that Lelion wasn?t planning on giving them the stone. No, Lelion planned on taking over the elves. Gormish decided to walk faster.

Gormish smelt smoke. He rushed over a hill and saw it. Maybe in it?s time it had been an elven base on the edges of their home. Now it was it ruins. Everything seemed to have been on fire. He passed dead fighters, dead children, dead parents, and dead old ones! He threw up then and there. He searched through the village.

He heard a soft sound come from a ruined stable. He rushed there and found a black and white horse. It looked strong, and Gormish saddled it up. He spoke a few orc words to it, and he was on his way. He galloped over the plains, following the tracks. The sun was hotter here, and he was sweating hard. He saw footprints on the ground.

Than he saw it, the forest of Eleanor. And he saw Lelion, walking slowly. He quickly dropped off the horse. He remembered that Hollan had hurt Lelion, so that means he wasn?t invincible. He lit a small torch, than set his arrows on fire.

He sent three flying into Lelion. Lelion?s fire just made them turn hotter, and one actually got through, right into Lelion?s foot. The elf turned around and smiled. He started walking towards Gormish. Gormish sent all his fire arrows into Lelion, but Lelion was using more power for his defense against arrows now.

Good, thought Gormish. If he keeps using up power, I will be able to hurt him. Gormish dropped the bows, and gathered his daggers. He started throwing them at Lelion, but they seemed to hit an invisible wall, because they just dropped. Lelion laughed.

?Ha! Stupid halfling! Can?t even hit me with a dagger. I shall have fun killing you, again!? he spoke, than laughed.

Gormish took the two swords and rushed the elf. Lelion had his two swords ready, and he was parrying with out a problem. Gormish stabbed him in the side, but while his left hand was holding onto the sword in Lelion?s side, the elf dealt a giant punch into Gormish?s side. The half-orc flew back 20 feet, and skidded on the ground another 10.  He looked up to see the elf pull the sword out of himself.

Than Gormish couldn?t believe his eyes. The wound actually healed up within seconds. The elf laughed than shot the green beam at Gormish. It missed Gormish, and Lelion swore. Gormish drew his axe, and rushed Lelion. It hit the elf in the check, but the wound healed quickly. Lelion threw a magical punch that took the wind out of Gormish. He flew back and landed on his side. He lay there, and when he looked up he saw the elf standing over him.

?It ends here halfling! My shadow spirit has lead me to victory! I shall rule this world. And you can?t stop me.? He leaned over Gormish; the gold stone?s light reflecting into Gormish?s eyes. ?Good bye friend.?

Lelion leaned down, and raised his hand up. In one last desperate attempt, Gormish threw his hand up. It caught hold of the stone, and he pulled as hard as he could. The stone popped out of Lelion?s chest. Gormish threw his knees up into Lelion?s chest and pushed. Lelion fell back on the ground, screaming and howling. Not until Gormish looked up did he see why Lelion was screaming so much. Where the stone had once been was now a giant gash. Bloody poured from the elf. Gormish could see the living heart of Lelion beat again and again. The elf screamed in pain, than rushed Gormish.

With one sweep of the axe Lelion?s head was not part of his body. Gormish sat down and breathed heavily. And than he saw it. The stone, the Gold Stone. It promised power, riches, and strength. He could rule the world with the stone. The power it had. He grabbed his axe, and took the stone.

A year later in the Council of Light the wizards were in session. Wison the Wise ruled the council. He was old and was said to have lived over 100 years. He was very powerful. While council was fighting over one war or another, a commotion was heard outside. The great doors, which only opened for wizards burst open. The council guard, which were some of the greatest warriors in all the land, protect the council. They burst in, all fighting one man. He seemed to be all over at once. He hit and stabbed with his fists, and his fists killed. The council guard hadn?t hit him once. The man seemed on fire.

The man wore a robe over his armor, and the hood was over his face. A great axe was strapped on his back, and the council could feel a magical presence had entered the room.

The council jumped up. Wison yelled over the noise, ?What is the meaning of this!? and such was the power of Wison that the fighting stopped. The man who had been fighting took off his clock, and there was a mighty half-orc, a champion. He had scars all over his face. Battle wounds came from his body. His face was red, red like blood. His dark eyes went through the room. He stepped forth and was pulling something from his pocket.

?Council, I am Gormish the Great, slayer of Drakon the Dragon, keeper of the Gold Stone.? They had known that the dragon protected the stone, and after hearing rumors of a half-orc killing the dragon, they had searched the cavern. The stone had been missing, and from than one the council had kept a close eye open for it. They had found the dead body of Sidour in the cave, and had found the bodies of the dragon and the mercenaries. But after a year, no magical being had stepped forth with the stone.

?You hold a mighty power than my son. Where is the stone?? Wison almost made it sound like no big deal. No big deal that the power that could destroy the world was in the same chamber as him.

The fighter took off all his armor and shirts, and the council sighed. The man?s chest was full of scars and slashes, but that wasn?t what made the council hush. There, connected to the man?s chest, was the Gold Stone. They felt the power increasing in the room. The council jumped up, staffs raised at Gormish, but he was quicker. Power erupted from him and the stone. The whole castle went complete bright, and than it left.

And standing in the room was only Gormish. He went to each staff, and had the stone suck the magical power from each staff. When he came to Winson?s he felt the power it held, and knew it would make him all the more powerful.  He placed his armor and cloaks back on, and walked out of the burning castle. Now he was the strongest creature in all the lands. He left to reek hell on the world, the world that had destroyed his life, the world that he needed revenge on.

Dead Eye Trueflight of the Seas, Servent to the Emperor and Empress of the Northlands<br><br><a href='http://kevan.org/brain.cgi?Itha' target='_blank'>http://kevan.org/brain.cgi?Itha</a><br><br>Spokesperson for The winter clan. <br><br>Part of the ROC since some time in October-Nov

Ashyra Nightwing

 *fascinated by its long-ness*

I couldn't read all that. My attention span is way too short. From what I did read of it, that's a really good piece of writing.

Rough Raiders

 Somebody has too much time on thier hands *COUGHDEADEYECOUGH*

Official Forum Acorn Thrower
Holbs is the Master Slicer of MY Acorns with Twin Katana Swords
Leader of the TMNT Alliance

Martian Da Warrior

Quote*fascinated by its long-ness*

I couldn't read all that. My attention span is way too short. From what I did read of it, that's a really good piece of writing.

Ha Ha mine too  :P !

Dead Eye

 Ok, Rough, I love writing. It is one of my favorite things to do. I love writing and reading. I worked really hard on that stroy for a few weeks. And I wanted to hear how I did. I DO NOT NEED LITTLE SNOTTY NOISE BRATS MAKING FUN OF ME. I TRIED REALLY HARD, AND I WANTED TO HEAR OPIONS. NOT OPIONS ABOUT HOW I SPENT MY TIME. I SWEAR YOU ARE SUCH A JERK. SORRY IF I AM GETTING OVER ANGERED, BUT I TRIED HARD, AND A LITTLE SNOTTY NOISE BRAT IS MAKING FUN OF ME!
Dead Eye Trueflight of the Seas, Servent to the Emperor and Empress of the Northlands<br><br><a href='http://kevan.org/brain.cgi?Itha' target='_blank'>http://kevan.org/brain.cgi?Itha</a><br><br>Spokesperson for The winter clan. <br><br>Part of the ROC since some time in October-Nov


 I liked the story. :)  

TR Shadow

 Chill, Deadeye.  He was only stateing the obvious.  Not that it's not a good story, it is, but that doesn't make what Rough said wrong.  It didn't look offensive to me, and I really don't think you should thake it like that.  It looked to me like he was joking.  There's no need to get all bent out of shape about it.  *Hugs Deadeye*  It's ok.


 I'm sure its great but I' m too lazy too read all that.
"Ever since using Strongbad's Ab- Abber 2000, the ladies have been all up ons"

Lend me some sugar, I am your neigbor!

Whats cooler than bein cool? ICE COLD!
Shake it like a Polroid Picture!


 From what I've read so far, It's awesome.  You should be a writer when you're older.  I'll finish reading it later but I'm in a hurry.
I like Chicken, I like Liver, Meow Mix,Meow Mix, Please Deliver!


 Your story was okay in spite of several punctuation, grammatical and spelling errors. Note: You need to learn the difference between than and then.
"Courage is the price that Life exacts for granting peace, The soul that knows it not, knows no release from little things." - A. Earhart

Dead Eye

 Thanks for the help you guys. I have been rewriting it on my vacation and it is getting better and bigger.  
Dead Eye Trueflight of the Seas, Servent to the Emperor and Empress of the Northlands<br><br><a href='http://kevan.org/brain.cgi?Itha' target='_blank'>http://kevan.org/brain.cgi?Itha</a><br><br>Spokesperson for The winter clan. <br><br>Part of the ROC since some time in October-Nov


 keep it up deadeye.  Rough needs to watch his mouth.
The Dark Lord
Warrior since the First Era
Emperor of the Dark Ages
Leader of TBV, TOL, ROME and Mordor
Win with class, lose with class, always respect your opponet.
*Walks Out Of Shadow*


 Bah..you're going to be famous, Deadeye.

Dead Eye

 Thanks a lot you guys!
Dead Eye Trueflight of the Seas, Servent to the Emperor and Empress of the Northlands<br><br><a href='http://kevan.org/brain.cgi?Itha' target='_blank'>http://kevan.org/brain.cgi?Itha</a><br><br>Spokesperson for The winter clan. <br><br>Part of the ROC since some time in October-Nov


 I liked the writing, but it made me sad in the end because everybody died and he destroyed the world. Other than that it was one of the best stories I've ever read!