A 10 page story

Started by Dead Eye, May 12, 2003, 03:12:38 PM

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Dead Eye

 If you read the sequel I am writing, you will see that it is not the end of the world. He is defeated, but that my friend, is another story.
Dead Eye Trueflight of the Seas, Servent to the Emperor and Empress of the Northlands<br><br><a href='http://kevan.org/brain.cgi?Itha' target='_blank'>http://kevan.org/brain.cgi?Itha</a><br><br>Spokesperson for The winter clan. <br><br>Part of the ROC since some time in October-Nov

Dead Eye

 Ok, The sequel is up. Please read it!
Dead Eye Trueflight of the Seas, Servent to the Emperor and Empress of the Northlands<br><br><a href='http://kevan.org/brain.cgi?Itha' target='_blank'>http://kevan.org/brain.cgi?Itha</a><br><br>Spokesperson for The winter clan. <br><br>Part of the ROC since some time in October-Nov