What's happening here?

Started by Holby, May 11, 2003, 12:39:31 AM

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 What's going on!?
I came back from a 24 hour trip to find only an odd new post or two, and Aus and Ad gone! What's up with this place? This forum seems to be slowing down and getting smaller...
I will not deleted this

TR Shadow

 *Stomps foot*  NO!  RWL will never die!  Not as long as there are people here to play it.  I'm not planning on leaving soon, and I hope no one else is.


 Nor will I! I will stay and keep redwall alive for ever! Heh, a bit too dramatic I think........
"It has purple inside, purple is a fruit.." Homer Simpson

 When I first started playing, I made a promise to myself never to leave until : a) I had become Empress or B) I had reached 1000 posts. Now I am considering going back on this promise... I won't leave unless anyone particularly wants me to, though...

Ad's still here, I think...


 RIGHT. There is something really WRONG here. My account's VANISHED. What happened??
*kills low post count*


 Ad and Aus are gone? *blinks* Woo, what did I miss?

Anyway, I feel bad about this. It seems whenever I join a message board, it dies. Hrmm. RWL will not die! *pokes it* No dying!  


 We seem to go through this every month or so- an oldbie or middlebie who we all know and love vanishes... generally, they come back... sometimes, they don't. It doesn't mean that the boards are dying. Last time it happened, we grew carebears, and life was better.

Now it's time for Barney!

Abby The Rat


Where did you get the idea of me leaving ??

I'm a mod and I have to be here to look after it and keep it safe and to be a fun place to be.

If it because I died in Aus topic, that because of the shock of Aus leaving.
Not around, please ignore.

Could be found on discord: [https://discord.gg/9CkfKWD]


 People are posting uniteresting and dumb topics, and people have nothing to say on dumb stuuf except it's dumb.  So dumb topics, few posts.
"Ever since using Strongbad's Ab- Abber 2000, the ladies have been all up ons"

Lend me some sugar, I am your neigbor!

Whats cooler than bein cool? ICE COLD!
Shake it like a Polroid Picture!


 I think that once the Regular server is reset, the forums will pick up... I mean, besides some rather spammerific topics on the spam board, what is there to discuss?

topics to discuss:
- The Deltas on Turbo, and how evil they are
- various annoying newbs that are cropping up
- Aus leaving
- Julie and I clinging to Ad/other Ad-worship topics

That's pretty much it... there's usually a clan war or two to keep us in turmoil, but that seems to have died down. We're all content to wait for the reset before fighting tooth and claw again.

Also, nobody seems to be having any wild ideas or new topics to pop up with out of the blue... some of this may have been caused by the creation of the spam board- we're all scared to post oddness elsewhere, in fear of the mods and admins, and somehow the spa room 101 stuff seems silly and kind of cliche'd.


 We get Kilk back when the reset comes :)
And we /could/ talk about how cool the Ninja Turtles are. We could also talk about the latest Delta shock. Check out the news section in Turbo...
I will not deleted this

Ashyra Nightwing

 Ninja turtles? BARNEY!!!! That's a great idea, Cal! Go to http://www.hitentertainment.com/barney/index2.asp
I'm looking forwards to the reset too..

TR Shadow

 That site is so cool!  I -heart- it!  Mehthinks I've given you all the coolest site on the internet, no?





Let's not go back into Carebears... it's as bad as the rennovation of cheese!



 I... I think I'm going to be scarred for life. Barney? Barney?! AIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!

Mommy! *runs away*

*pets the care bears*