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Started by TWRWMOM, March 28, 2018, 11:13:03 PM

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The game's code uses the default promi names and displays our custom Redwall related theme. 

'shops' = Markets
'homes' = Tents
'industry' = Barracks
'barracks' = Camps
'labs' = Huts
'farms' = Foragers
'towers' = Towers

Also lol I forgot about the Barracks/Camps thing, blame Boze our founder.

Food production: (not worker related)
   $foodpro = round((($users[freeland] * 10) + ($users[farms] * 100)) * $urace[farms]);
Food use:
   $foodcon = ($users[peasants] * .01) + ($users[wizards] * .25);
   while (list($key, $val) = each($trplst))
       $foodcon += $users[$val] * $config[$val][cost][food];
   $foodcon *= $urace[food];
   $foodcon = round($foodcon);

Cash production:
   $size = calcSizeBonus($users[networth]);
   $income = round(((pci($users, $urace) * ($users[tax] / 100) * ($users[health] / 100) * $users[peasants]) + ($users[shops] * 1000 * $urace[pci])) / $size);
Cash use:
   $expenses = ($users[land] * 8) + ($users[wizards] * .5) + ($users[cities] * 750000);
   while (list($key, $val) = each($trplst))
       $expenses += $users[$val] * $config[$val][cost][cash];
   $expenses = round($expenses);
   $expbonus = ($urace[costs] - (($users[barracks] + ($users[cities] * 500)) / $users[land]));
   if ($expbonus < 0.5)    // expenses bonus limit
       $expbonus = 0.5;
   $expenses *= $expbonus;

where pci = round(60 * (1 + $user[shops] / (3*$user[land])) * $race[pci]);

Normal (not leader) Loot / Feast adds +25% to production.

Normally I'd agree with Shads that Casher/Farmer don't really work with the way reg is currently, but Sevz did manage to run Farmer with Ferret for like half of last round and seemed to do well with it..

So yeah,  Homes = Tents
And once you exceed your bank cap the excess cash leaks out at 3% per turn cycle.  You don't lose anything.
iirc this was implemented when we started having proceeds from market sales go directly to the bank.  Some players were buying troops then immediately stealing the cash back.

Banked cash counts half as much as normal cash towards networth, a loan deducts double.  But cash is worth so little it doesn't make much of a diff.

Here's the full net calc
   $networth = ($user[wizards] * 2) + ($user[peasants] * 3) + (($user[cash] + $user[savings]/2 - $user[loan] * 2) / (5 * $config[armtrp][market])) + ($user[land] * 500) + ($user[freeland] * 100) + ($user[cities] * 750000);
   while (list($key, $val) = each($tplst))
       $networth += $user[$val] * ($config[$val][market] / $config[armtrp][market]);

Cash and Troop net are calced based on how much rats (armtrp) are worth.
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't


Hi! Me again!

I'm trying to create an excel file to calculate stuff...I wanted to know:

1 - calcSizeBonus formula

2 - What exactly is and the difference between:

I guess I made some people angry today, and Asmodeus very happy.....but then, I have no idea what the teams are, so I guess I can't be blamed XD

Many many thanks! :)


function calcSizeBonus($networth) {
    if ($networth <= 100000)
        $size = 0.524;
    elseif ($networth <= 500000)
        $size = 0.887;
    elseif ($networth <= 1000000)
        $size = 1.145;
    elseif ($networth <= 10000000)
        $size = 1.294;
    elseif ($networth <= 100000000)
        $size = 1.454;
        $size = 1.674;
    return $size;

And no diff between $race[pci] and $urace[pci]

The pci function is just:
  function pci($user, $race) {
      return round(60 * (1 + $user[shops] / (3*$user[land])) * $race[pci]);
Which can be used to determine pci for the user's race ($urace) or enemy's race ($erace)

The two main cliques at RWL at the moment are Sevs/Shoot/Disl/Snare/+  and Volkov/Briar/Firetooth/Sharptooth/+
There's a handful of independent players and some who float closer to one side than the other. 
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't


Those are more or less the teams, but generally there aren't any problems with merely taking land provided you're not online hitting (attacking people who are actively playing turns). 20+ attacks to grab land is normal and generally nothing to be alarmed at here, especially if you have a relatively high amount of land. When things change from merely grabbing land to directly messing with your opponent's progress (standard attack, sacking, damaging missions, online hitting, etc.) then people tend to take that as an act of war, teamed or not.


How does the 'available mercenaries' work? Does it recharge over time, or over turns spent? Is it capped per your Networth?

Also, what is the ratio for determining mercenary prices? What's the golden ratio for best possible prices?

Gen. Volkov

It recharges over time based on the amount of land you have. Its capped by how much land you have. As for the ratio, I assume you mean camps? If so, 40% camps is the ideal ratio for the best merc prices.
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES


Quote from: Gen. Volkov on April 18, 2018, 06:26:08 PM
40% camps is the ideal ratio for the best merc prices.

Well, darn. I was doing 30%....I kinda thought the public market were somewhat too cheap but didn't think much of it lol


I've stopped playing, but maybe someone would appreciate the spreadsheet I made.

It's mainly about Income and interesting finding is that taxes are pretty much irrelevant, at least in production.


A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't