Knights of the Honor Code

Started by wolf bite, September 05, 2016, 11:23:04 PM

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Ah, the time-honored strategy of arguing by putting words in peoples' mouths.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


Quote from: wolf bite on September 14, 2016, 10:28:38 AM
Thank you firetooth for admitting that if not for using the capture/sack you would not be pounding on people so hard.


Wolf Bite
I have not sacked all round. As for capture, you and I both know those leaders are lost to desertions. When you first complained about the captures, you tried to get around that by saying that I didn't know how many leaders you had - even though I had espied you, and knew you had far too many leaders to support after I'd done scraping land off you. Stop being so disingenuous, as it does your "honourable" clan no favours when you can't even be honest.
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.

wolf bite

Let us put this into perspective. Members of the dominating and unopposed clan are belittling me for playing with one hand tied behind my back. If Capture and Sack are such a benefit, than I am the one disadvantaged by not using the features which did not exist in the original Old Code, as your clan continue to use those on the rest of the game.

There was no drop down under warlord's hut for about the first 3 years, with returning players from that era we are competing based on the Old Code. You guys really don't understand the nostalgia on a RtR game.

But if I am forced to untie my other hand playing by the New Code and logically go after the current leaders of the game, I am making a threat?

So it is being said I am not honorable to be neutral and not honorable if I play competitively? Would seem to Woof's benefit to have neutral players as they take over the game.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


Nobody has ever objected to you using capture and sack! Nobody has ever said that you playing competitively would be dishonorable! In fact, I've said precisely the opposite. If you are going to threaten people for playing competitively, you should be playing competitively yourself.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..

Gen. Volkov

QuoteThis from the clan who has taken over the game based on numbers and allies. Is sacking the rest of the players sending it up to create an emperor. Takes everyone under 8K in land in coordinated attacks, then drops the land to the land farm to separate the land and put it out of reach, until other players struggle to bring it back on top ... then repeats.

We haven't taken over the game, if we had, you'd know it. We have no allies that I'm aware of, and there are 4 members of Woof, same as Honor. Last I checked there are 31 active players in the game. As far I can tell, you are mad because we are good. I haven't sacked anyone all round, Firetooth hasn't sacked anyone all round, I don't believe Lucy or Shadow have either. I make no apologies for trying to do well in the game, but we aren't creating an emperor. It would be difficult, if not impossible, with the aid limits to effectively do so. All Woof has done to date is break Juska's attempted landlock a couple times, because it is in our best interest to keep the land flowing. It kinda sounds like you are trying to build a case against Woof, but we haven't really done anything. We don't take everyone to under 8k land, and the only coordinated attack we've done was on Juska to break his attempted lock. If we are dropping to the farm, its to boost the leader ratio to 175, there is no strategy beyond that, though I suppose when we broke Juska, that did have the additional benefit of stopping him from taking all the land right back. Are we trying to do well in the game? Yeah sure, but we aren't running coordinated and trying to create an emp. If we were trying to take over the game, you'd know, because we would have already done it, and would be bragging about it right now on the forums. Between Shadow and myself we've done it enough to practically be able to do it in our sleep. In fact, thinking about it, attacking us is probably the last thing you want to do, because then it would be in our best interest to expand Woof, lock land, and try to create an emp. That's pretty much the best way I can think of to keep people at bay.

Let us put this into perspective. Members of the dominating and unopposed clan are belittling me for playing with one hand tied behind my back. If Capture and Sack are such a benefit, than I am the one disadvantaged by not using the features which did not exist in the original Old Code, as your clan continue to use those on the rest of the game.

I would say you are actually gaining more of an advantage by not having those attacks used on you. The only way to hurt players in RTR, since there are no kills, is to take away resources. If basically the whole game isn't using capture or sack on you, that's a net benefit to you, despite you not using them yourself. So I can see where Firetooth and Shadow are coming from.

There was no drop down under warlord's hut for about the first 3 years, with returning players from that era we are competing based on the Old Code. You guys really don't understand the nostalgia on a RtR game.

I get what you are going for, but you have to realize that the game is far different from the one you and I first started playing in. That's the game Shadow and Firetooth know, so your rules don't come off the same way to them that they do to the returning oldbies. I remember when you would just sit in like 20th place, training new players and occasionally rousing yourself to stop and emp attempt. They don't, and since you stopped playing, the game has seen a lot of schemes that seemed innocuous at first, but turned into game takeovers. So they are naturally gonna be suspicious. Hell, I'm a little suspicious of you myself right now, since it seems like you are trying to build a case for war against Woof when we haven't really done anything. We certainly aren't dominating or taking over the game.
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES


Wolf Bite has addressed Ereptor's attacks, no harm was intended. Probably should of kept it off the forums, but it was just so odd.

Also, when Woof broke me two days ago Shadow purposefully dropped the land to the land farm for Firetooth to run on it. All 4 of the Woof members were online over a 15 minute period and Volkov definitely was aided and most likely aided Shadow. You guys are making coordinated runs, good for you, but don't deny it.

Also, dropping land to the landfarm for your clanmate to run on is low. If you're going to pull that then drop tag and play like friendly solo's and land pass.

Woof also hit TS to sub 5K land during the same run...

Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19

Gen. Volkov

QuoteAlso, when Woof broke me two days ago Shadow purposefully dropped the land to the land farm for Firetooth to run on it. All 4 of the Woof members were online over a 15 minute period and Volkov definitely was aided and most likely aided Shadow. You guys are making coordinated runs, good for you, but don't deny it.

I don't deny doing any of this. It looked like you were trying to lock land, we decided that was not in our best interest, or the game's best interest, so we put a stop to it. Dropping land was more so it was harder for you to recreate the lock. Firetooth being able to get a good run in was kind of a side benefit.

I'm not sure what's so bad about dropping land to the land farm anyway. The land is still in the game, and none of us have any real defenses when we are on high land. We are doing our best to keep land flowing.

Woof also hit TS to sub 5K land during the same run...

We did? I honestly don't remember that. But then you had 63k land, so you had already hit everyone down pretty far. We had to do a bit of scraping to build up enough stoats to break you. Apologies to TS, I guess, we were trying to make sure the whole game wasn't land-starved.
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES


Yes, sucked for you that you couldn't open attack ops on me. Guess leaders are useful for something.....

I had just run, you saw my stats, you knew I wouldn't run for at least 24 hours. You dropped the land to landfarm to pass it to Firetooth rather than give someone else in the game a shot at grabbing from Shadow and making a decent run.

Earlier Firetooth denied making coordinated runs with Shadow.
Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19


I've been part of one coordinated run this round. It's not a regular thing due to time zones and schedules, but we'll do it when convenient. I've dropped land once this round.

Not that I see why anyone would apologize for that.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..

Gen. Volkov

Quote from: JuskaYes, sucked for you that you couldn't open attack ops on me. Guess leaders are useful for something.....

Yup. That was frustrating.

I had just run, you saw my stats, you knew I wouldn't run for at least 24 hours. You dropped the land to landfarm to pass it to Firetooth rather than give someone else in the game a shot at grabbing from Shadow and making a decent run.

Yeah, I also saw that you had a bunch of saved turns. They build back pretty fast in RTR. We broke you in just one troop type, you could have made a partial run and built back to high troop levels pretty quick. As for not grabbing from Shadow... OK. So what exactly prevents them from grabbing from Firetooth and still getting a decent run in? Someone did that not long after. If Shadow had dropped and Firetooth had run and then we had stacked him with troops, you might have a point here, but nothing of the sort happened. We didn't impede land flow even a little bit, so I'm not really seeing much to complain about here. Especially from you, the guy who had 63k land, tons of troops, and was threatening massive retals to anyone who used leaders to take his land. We did the rest of the game a favor, and you know it.

QuoteEarlier Firetooth denied making coordinated runs with Shadow.

Yes, runs, plural. Which we aren't doing. We did_A_coordinated run to take you down. That has been the sum total of our coordinated clan activity to this point.
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES

Twilight Shadow

Basically only read my name part. Yeah I was dropped to lower land than I'd like but I am not too worried. At Juska- Land dropping to land farm can also be for ratio (not sure if someone said that already or has replied to your statement about land dropping being a "low move").

Secondly, please don't try to drag me into an argument I was never a part of, even if its a use of an example.

I am planning on soloing unless someone starts to landlock. That will not be until October more than likely.

Good luck to everyone! 


Quote from: Juska on September 14, 2016, 07:42:24 PM

Earlier Firetooth denied making coordinated runs with Shadow.
Besides the run to take you down, we haven't. All I've done is drop land when I've finished when shadow run, and supply him resources sometimes for these runs; we haven't been coordinating attack to both hit everybody below 5k land with a million capture-sacks or whatever. (I was overzealous capturing a few like TS after your lock as I needed to rebuild my leaders fast to produce more resources for the clan, not make more loyalty than I need)

Also, like TS alluded to, most leaders drop land to ratio. That's what I do when shadow runs after me, which is something I'd usually do anyway, unless I was making loyalty.
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


Yes. Shadow dropped 40K+ land to get the right ratio for his 300,000 leaders........

I don't promote dropping for a ratio as a general practice, but I understand the tactic and don't care that much.
Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19


I dropped land to pass it to my teammate because I am indy. That will happen on the rare occasions that we coordinate runs.

firetooh drops land to ratio because he is a leaderer

what's wrong with that?

<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


Drop tag Shadow. Or better yet you guys should all make your own Woof clans, then Woof 1/2/3/4 could alternate between declaring war on each other for the unlimited attacks and no desertions and allying for the aid benefits. You'd lose the shared troop bonus, but when you don't try to hold land that clan benefit is fairly useless.
Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19