Classic Redwall RP Planning

Started by Krowdon, April 30, 2015, 12:23:19 AM

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Anyone interested in doing a Redwall roleplay?

I was thinking the classic "We've got to save the Abbery from vermin" type of deal because I had a villain idea in the shower I kinda want to use.
Quote from: Ashyra Nightwingi have work to do and that is why i'm playing rwl, this is how it always works



Okay cool. What roles would you be interested in??

I'm going to be the main antagonist, and probably some kind of abbeybeast as well.

You are welcome to any of the roles in Redwall, and even one in the vermin horde too. I'm going to work on fleshing out stuff and make a more comprehensive post tomorrow.
Quote from: Ashyra Nightwingi have work to do and that is why i'm playing rwl, this is how it always works


A hordebeast and some hedgehog, definitely.
Will there be a forum to fill out?


There will be! Up at the top of the roleplay board topics there is a character sheet. I would suggest filling that out as a basic reference for your character.

I'd suggest waiting until I post my bad guy (which will be sometime in the next day or two as I am moving out of college for the summer and have quite a bit of packing)  then decide what kind of hordebeast you want (there will be some roles close to him you can choose from if you'd like)

But you can fill out your Abbeybeast whenever. I don't care if they're just a plain Redwaller, the Abbot, or even the Warrior. All Abbey positions are available.
Quote from: Ashyra Nightwingi have work to do and that is why i'm playing rwl, this is how it always works


Raventail is teaching me how to roleplay, so I might join later on (if that's not a problem) :)
"Yesterday we obeyed kings and bent our necks before emperors, but today we kneel only to truth" - Deus Ex.


That's not a problem!!

You don't have to have a ton of experience to join in though!! Everyone starts somewhere, and I don't mind if you're inexperienced!

Join when you are ready. :)
Quote from: Ashyra Nightwingi have work to do and that is why i'm playing rwl, this is how it always works


"Yesterday we obeyed kings and bent our necks before emperors, but today we kneel only to truth" - Deus Ex.


Quote from: Krowdon on April 30, 2015, 12:59:29 AM
There will be! Up at the top of the roleplay board topics there is a character sheet. I would suggest filling that out as a basic reference for your character.

I'd suggest waiting until I post my bad guy (which will be sometime in the next day or two as I am moving out of college for the summer and have quite a bit of packing)  then decide what kind of hordebeast you want (there will be some roles close to him you can choose from if you'd like)

But you can fill out your Abbeybeast whenever. I don't care if they're just a plain Redwaller, the Abbot, or even the Warrior. All Abbey positions are available.
Okie dokie. Should I do it here, or are you gonna make a separate thread?


Go ahead and do it here, I don't want to make too many threads.
Quote from: Ashyra Nightwingi have work to do and that is why i'm playing rwl, this is how it always works


Here's my woodlander.
I'll wait to do the vermin.

Full Name: Tanya Snowspike
*Nick Name(s) (None yet. She usually goes by Tanya.)
Gender: Female
Age: 24
*Species: Hedgehog.
Appearance: A very light-furred hedgehog that wears a light blue and purple striped skirt.
Personality: Adventurous and spunky, but awkward around newcomers.
Allies: Redwallers, friendly animals.
Enemies: Anyone who hurts those she cares about.
Strengths: She is a good cook and is loyal to her friends.
Weakness: She can be lazy and is terrible at fighting, and tends to turn tail and run whenever a fight breaks out.
*Goal: (Who knows?)
Background: Tanya was raised in Redwall with no siblings but two loving parents, who one day decided to move into Mossflower. By that age, Tanya was old enough to stay behind so she remained at Redwall and became their Cellarkeeper.
She's scared of the rain and allergic to all flowers except pansies.
*Weapons: Frying pan.
Other things that may be important:
Gosh, she sounds like a Mary-Sue here!  :o I promise that won't be the case. XD


Sorry it's so long.

Full Name: Margorr
*Nick Name(s): Hide
Gender: Male
Age: Adult
*Species: Stoat
Appearance: Hide is a little short for a weasel, but otherwise of average build. His fur is a light brown color, with a creamy underbelly. His eyes are a striking blue color, which is what most beasts remember of him, because his eyes are the most of him they usually get to see. He dresses in a nondescript tunic and trousers, with a heavy, dark blue cape. Hide is a skilled maskmaker, often skinning his fallen enemies and using their fur to create costumes for himself, using their head fur to make a mask, and wearing the paws and tails to give the impression he is another beast. He wears a different skin every day and has quite a collection.
Personality: Hide is fairly reclusive and quiet, but is courteous when spoken to. He's timely with anything you ask him to do, and hates it when other beasts are late. He doesn't take well to being double crossed, if you do that, he'll get you back. You just won't know when. He enjoys cards and drinking in his spare time, and will often buy a fellow he finds pleasant a drink. He keeps his sentences short and to the point when speaking.
Allies: The vermin he is with
Enemies: ????
    -Light on his feet, he's fairly sneaky and makes little to no noise.
    -Experienced with disguises.
    -Good memory, you never need to write down directions for him.

   - He has no sense of smell.
    - Not the best fighter, he struggles if attacked head on.
    - The mouths on his masks don't have great movement, he can't talk in disguise if confronted by an enemy.
    - Scared to death of birds.
*Goal: TBD
Margorr was born near what used to be Loamhedge. His family moved around a lot throughout his lifetime, so there's not one place he called home. He had two older brothers, both stronger and bigger than him. His father took a shine to his brothers, not so much to Margorr, because of his small stature and average strength. Instead he spent a lot of time with his mother, and picked up some more domestic skills. He can make his own clothes, clean, and cook far better than most vermin seem to be able to.
   When he was fifteen, a fox wearing a cloak made of a squirrels hide came to their camp. Margorr and the fox instantly took a shine to each other, and when the fox left the next day, Margorr went with him. The fox was an assassin, and taught Margorr everything he knew about the assassin's trade.
   When he was twenty, Margorr made his first real kill, an otter. The fox showed him how to skin and preserve the hide, so Margorr could keep it as a trophy, much like the fox wore his first kill as a cloak. Margorr didn't want to keep his as a cloak though. The otter was bigger than him, and so he made the beast into more of a headdress than a cloak. Margorr loved feeling the otters silky fur, and decided he wanted to get more furs for himself.
   At twenty one, Margorr set out on his own. The fox helped establish Margorr as an assassin, and he got quite a bit of work. This is where he taught himself maskmaking and gave himself the name Hide, for the hides he wears and his skills in sneaking.
     He's joined up with a fair sized horde, and is making his way towards Redwall Abbey.
*Quirks: ????
*Weapons: A Dirk, a short sword, and a skinning knife
Quote from: Ashyra Nightwingi have work to do and that is why i'm playing rwl, this is how it always works


Full Name: Razco
*Nick Name(s): (Formerly; Emporer Raz Bloodpelt)
Gender: Male
Age: Adult
*Species: Rat
Appearance: Razco is kind of tall, but noticeably underweight. He has white fur and red eyes (the fur around his eyes is dark grey.) The rat wears a dark red cloak.
Raz used to be the Emporer of a small chain of islands in the East. He earned the title after his father, the previous king, was killed in battle but soon proved to his soldiers that he was better than his dad. He earned the nickname of "Bloodpelt" because he would paint his fur red with the blood of his enemies. Raz soon grew sick and tired of his surroundings and took his horde with him to Mossflower Country--and that was probably the worst move of his life.
They thrived at first and tried to take down Redwall, which proved a terrible idea and resulted in half of his horde perishing. Soon enough, he came across Margorr's horde which he attacked in order to take whoever survived from it and force to join his own ranks.
Alas, they were defeated again and Razco was the only one left standing. He had no choice but to comply to the triumphant leader and stay as a prisoner.
None living.
-Good fighter
-He's a TERRIBLE attack planner. The reason they failed twice was not because of weak horde members, but because they'd announce their presence by carrying lit torches. He thought it looked scary.
-Gives up too easily.
-Kind of a coward.
To become ruler of Mossflower!
As of recently, kind of defeated.
He doesn't care about anything anymore. In the past, he was commanding and bossy, and liked to rub the fact that he had lots of treasure in other creatures' faces.
-Terrified of bugs.
He carries a rapier, but prefers to simply bite the enemy.

(Tell me if this is not okay, I'll change it. ^w^ )


Quote from: Ashyra Nightwingi have work to do and that is why i'm playing rwl, this is how it always works


I'm ready to start whenever.  ;)