
Started by Wyanor, May 10, 2013, 11:03:17 AM

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Quote from: Ungatt Trunn II on November 12, 2012, 09:10:32 PM
ey M8 ur cheeky i swear ill wreck ur [poop]


 If you aren't American then why do you care about our politics. Obama completely sucks. I don't care about the color of his skin. Im not racist he just sucks.
I am an Orthodox Christian.


Quote from: Wyanor on May 14, 2013, 12:51:49 PM
If you aren't American then why do you care about our politics.
Uh, seeing as you diehard 'muricans love (I generalise here) bragging about how you are the greatest nation in the world, surely us little 'uns have every right to see how the big dog is governed? Especially here in Britain, considering the close historical and current ties we have with America. Plus, in today's world, most countries are connected. How America is governed has a profound impact on the rest of the world.

As for Obama, at least he hasn't started a ridiculous war based off of imaginary WMDs.
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


One, I am not proud of my country right now. Two, if you new anything about us you'd know that our government is buying tons of hollow point ammunition which can only be used on your own country. Three, America didn't oppress colonists who fled the Britain for religious freedoms and tax the lance out of them. America had earned the right of being a super power. And Obama is tearing that apart. Fuel prices rise every single day here and he's trying to ban our guns which will help nothing. North Korea has been threatening us and China is a possible threat. This is all since Obama got in. Not many presidents have been good lately, Ill grant you but Obama is horrid. Now tell me please (and I'm not trying to be aggressive) how can you ( who live in another country and don't have to deal with him) know if he's not that bad.
I am an Orthodox Christian.


I am not trying to sound mean. Just stating some well known facts in the States.
I am an Orthodox Christian.


I'm fed up of the whole American conspiracy that the government are planning to commit democide for some unknown reason, probably just because OBAMA. If they were, you're not going to be able to stop them, and I know you didn't mention guns, but gun ownership is always justified as a way of preventing this. Guess what, a bunch of unarmed civilians will easily be routed by trained soldiers.

North Korea threatening is an issue since the Korean war, and it is ridiculous to blame that on Obama. It's also all hot air-note how they have not nuked you. Partially because they lack the technology, and partially as they know it is a suicidal move. China being a possible "threat" is more of a gradual change in global power that's happened over a long time, and they are not nearly as advanced as your military. They have a juggernaut economy, but this is at the price of poor living standards and rights (though I believe this is improving).

What do you actually know about Obama's policies, out of curiosity? I admit, I don't know much as he's not my PM. He gets big props for attempting free healthcare and gun control/regulation, though.
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


I can tell you now, that the majority of Americans approximately I don't know a lot are against him at least 90%. Many people are coming out and saying they shouldn't have voted for him. When he ran for president he mad many speeches with an I quote " I will not oppress Americans liberties to own firearms." Now, he has tried to enforce gun banning laws. He has failed at first but popular belief is that he isn't done trying. He was dealing with the Jews big leader he smiles and acts all nice and friendly. One time he forgot to turn off his microphone, he whispered to a colleague unaware of the mic being on that he couldn't stand that man. He sends free money to tons of countries, some of which could use it, others who don't need it at all. If you lived here you would understand him better and you would probably not agree with him. Just wait if you here about civil war in America then you'll know something was going on. The guy openly dislikes America.
I am an Orthodox Christian.


At least 90% are against him? Really, considering he was only recently re-elected? I'm sorry, but it is abundantly clear that is an invented number. I don't know about his pre-election talks, but politicians never meet all their pre-election promises. As for gun control, he doesn't want to prevent American's from owning guns. He wants more rigorous background checks, and to prevent sales of automatic rifles. Which is logical-why on earth do you need a weapon designed for killing as many people as possible as quicly as possible? "Derp hunting," more like "derp pose with it on gun forums." ::) His ideas are certainly more reasonable than the insane NRA plan to put an armed guard at every school.

I don't know about the "Jews big leader." If you mean the Israeli head of state, then you are falling into the trap of assuming Israel is a Jewish state. It isn't, even if the majority of the populace are Jewish. Far as I can see, this remark was made two years ago, and was just a joking aside. Moreover, Obama isn't obliged to like him. That's not a part of your constitution, is it? :P I don't know much about his relationship with Israel, but considering America have always supported Israel, I doubt an aside comment about the Israeli president really amounts to much.

Free money to countries, well yes, that is called "aid." As you are, as you put it, a "superpower," it is your responsibility to help smaller and poorer countries, surely? I agree aid must be kept in perspective of national finances, but frankly I have no clue how America deals with its aid.

Civil war in America? Please.

Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


Since his re-election people are starting to go against him. Many who voted for him beside those that didn't.
I am an Orthodox Christian.


Civil war here? :o Yes. >:( it has already happened and though the government would win it could happen again. Many idiot militiamen are rallying. They're so stupid to think they have a chance. But I'm not going to role over on my back for the government.
I am an Orthodox Christian.



Wyanor - why do you need guns?

And I hate to break it to you, the price of petrol is rising everywhere at the moment, it's about $2 a litre here atm, apparently it's $1 a litre in America.

Ungatt Trunn II

Guns are needed as a form of self defense and a deterrent against tyrannical governments.


A tyrannical government will not be deterred by a bunch of untrained civilians running around with automatic rifles. Really, Ungatt? You can't actually believe that would stop a tyrannical government.

And don't go all constitutional, because the 2nd amendment was talking about muskets and the like, and there was a genuine threat back then. Now America is populated so widely, and the military is so powerful, the guns would be of know use.

Guns for hunting are fine, but semi-autos/autos are completely unnecessary.

edit: As for self-defence, that's not necessary if guns aren't in circulation to begin with. Only organized criminals would (theoretically) still have access to guns, who are not the kind of opportunity killers or w/e you would need to defend yourself from. We manage fine in the UK. Different situation, but guns aren't necessary for self-defence.
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.