The Christian corner

Started by Wyanor, May 09, 2013, 03:08:44 PM

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Oh you'll see one day. Everyone will know. Might make an effort to avoid that place. Or dress lightly because I hear it's hot. Very, very hot and  painful. But if you want to take a risk...
I am an Orthodox Christian.


You religious folk 'r funny. to base your lives on a fictional story someone wrote a couple thousand years ago. MAKES PERFECT SENSE!


Yes it does. I like the sound of eternal life and streets paved with gold better than eternal damnation. And would rather not risk it. And besides the universe is to complex to have just evolved out of nothing. There was and is a designer.
I am an Orthodox Christian.


And I'll have you know that we religious folk out number the non religious folk and there are more Christians than non Christians. God is there whether you see him or not. Can you see air, no, but it's there. You don't have to see to believe.
I am an Orthodox Christian.


I don't see why it's so hard to try believing. Why is it so hard to say "He lives" I know you can't see Him. But, the fact is you do. You see him in every man, woman, and child. They are His image and children. He breathed life into them. he sends us trials to test our faith, to see if we will believe in Him or give up because everyone else didn't. I believe.
I am an Orthodox Christian.


Quote from: Wyanor on May 10, 2013, 11:39:28 AM
Yes it does. I like the sound of eternal life and streets paved with gold better than eternal damnation. And would rather not risk it. And besides the universe is to complex to have just evolved out of nothing. There was and is a designer.
Because it sounds nice it must be true!
As an agnostic (a big word you probably dont know) i also believe there was some....cosmic force that created us. But its name wasnt jesus


Quote from: Wyanor on May 10, 2013, 11:45:48 AM
I don't see why it's so hard to try believing. Why is it so hard to say "He lives" I know you can't see Him. But, the fact is you do. You see him in every man, woman, and child. They are His image and children. He breathed life into them. he sends us trials to test our faith, to see if we will believe in Him or give up because everyone else didn't. I believe.


Agnostic is someone who believes we were not created by a god. And no I didn't grab a dictionary you dimbo.
I am an Orthodox Christian.


maybe you should have jack [Behind]
"a person who holds that the existence of the ultimate cause, as God, and the essential nature of things are unknown and unknowable, or that human knowledge is limited to experience."
Meaning we a higher being may or may not exist

Ungatt Trunn II

If god is benevolent he should be incapable of evil and incapable of creating anything capable of evil. But he did by your words. Thus god is evil and so are you, heretic!



did you by chance laugh while reading any of his posts?


oh and your going to burn in a fictional place of hotness for that post!


Quote from: Wyanor on May 10, 2013, 11:27:47 AM
"... the toast is burning say far well! Cause they don't serve breakfast in Hell!"

far well?

And hell isn't really mentioned in the bible as far as I'm concerned