To get back to the game..

Started by Fenix, January 07, 2003, 02:37:43 PM

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Sun Jian

  :lol: I liked it,Everyone was against Fenix and he got all scared and tried to make friends again! :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  
Knowledge speaks, wisdom listens.

caedo caelestis

Quote from: RettoI do feel a bit obligated to commend Germania also, for doing very well (and continuing to), by keeping up your power so that none of us could defeat you in stoats (though...not so with everything else), and for what I consider to be the brilliant stroke of going clan-less once you reached 1/3 of our networths (when we [Alliance] could not attack you without being at war with you, and you can't be at war with allied people)

Fenix...I have admiration for most warlords who attack higher than them to get into and stay in the top 10, and you are no exception. I may think that some of your strategies leave gaping, painful holes, but overall, you pull off what I think very few others could.

To both you, and Fenix, well done. I didn't expect you to last half as long as you did, and was very surprised at your continuing skill in playing.
Thank you Retto.


 Wow- Sun Jian, I understand that you're pretty new here, but that was not at all what happened. Josh was so strong, that the only way people could snipe at him was on the forums. That's why some people were so vehement: they got decimated and could do nothing about it. Those were interesting times.

"We will win the is a simple case of mathematics." -Samuel Grant