To get back to the game..

Started by Fenix, January 07, 2003, 02:37:43 PM

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 **laughs at ALL of you!*
to you who called me a newb, to you who scoffed at me, to you, to all, Who doubted me!
i strived to continue my substantial account, with peace and integrity, and i think i succeeded.
i only invaded those who deserved invasions! and, with this, i think i did more than substantial damage to those that deserved it!
I invaded 386. he joined clan alliance to leave his veil of protection, and he got what he wanted. a few attacks ( i was prolly only one who had guts to attack an alliance or eo, (to you cowards))
then, during the wonderful death to the forums, i was betrayed by an allaicne member, and invaded w/o peace talks, by none other than northern hordes.
a drastic loss of pride and land struck me/my account, i lost 50 thousand acres in one day, and with his newfound land, put austin, himself, in first place!
It was time for my stoats to march, and they did march.  I destroyed austin unto a point of surrender, only once again to be backstabbed by the 'peaceful' clan of alliance (this time by DoD.)
I hereby pledge, i proved i am not a 'whining newb,' but a proud veteran.
you of the top 10, you have been defeated.  May war and havoc bring downfall to the wrong, and the trecherous, i must now depart, good bye.
The reign of Tarsonis, and Tarsonis II was ended, by 40(some) attacks from DoD, 2 days ago, leaving Imperial's leader with a mere 4000 acres, and with that, ideleted my final account.  this game has been exploited and defeated.:) good bye.

Valuable players:
Kilks Marauders
Sovereign Guard
Northern hordes (very good talker, who needs an army when you have allies?)
Revolution of the valiant light (he wasn't attacked much, but he still rocks.)
Germania (played straight 'till then end!!)

Schmucks who couldn't play if their life depended on it:

Special forces (you wanted your protection taken away, then cried after it was.)
Ratimacs tribe( Drazil torku ) I suggest people attack this one, hes a tricky little backstabber!
Daughters of Delor (not too bright in game, nice person though)
Orcrist (just kidding :P )
sons of delor (zero skill, folks.)

Forumers who deserve attention :

General Austin

There you have it folks, and Good Game!*

Defeated I stand,
Reborn am not,
Revived not again,
Never a thing you could do,
Over and over again,
To the wind I blow,
Away must I go.



 You are a jerk. That is all I have to say to you. It may sound quite, er wrong, and I know that but I am not sure what else to say.


 I do feel a bit obligated to commend Germania also, for doing very well (and continuing to), by keeping up your power so that none of us could defeat you in stoats (though...not so with everything else), and for what I consider to be the brilliant stroke of going clan-less once you reached 1/3 of our networths (when we [Alliance] could not attack you without being at war with you, and you can't be at war with allied people)

Fenix...I have admiration for most warlords who attack higher than them to get into and stay in the top 10, and you are no exception. I may think that some of your strategies leave gaping, painful holes, but overall, you pull off what I think very few others could.

To both you, and Fenix, well done. I didn't expect you to last half as long as you did, and was very surprised at your continuing skill in playing.
The 'ittle otter,

Shael of Torethevel

 Who really cares? Many people have complained about you, and I'm no exception. Germania I have to admit is a good player, even though he's been a thorn in my side ever since he joined. Now Tarsonis, I remember way back when you started your first account, and I did one guerrilla attack on you, and I took less than 200 acres. We were both around in the 20's/30's sorta ranks. (I was either the Black Raiders or Band of Rebels...not sure which) With just that ONE attack, you messaged me back and cussed me out, yelling about people trying to prevent from doing good and stuff. You've made a definite improvement, because I didn't get one message from you complaining about it. Don't blame me for your end, if you hadn't attacked Austin, who is Northern Hordes, I wouldn't have attacked you as hard as I did. I would /never/ attack a person more than three times in a day, (unless I was on a bounty or avenging someone) which is an EO principle I haven't gotten rid of yet. I suppose that's the biggest reason why you dislike me.
~The Lady Shael, Once Empress and Third Ruler of Mossflower Country and Beyond

Warlord(ess) of The Black Raiders, #55
Leader of The Band of Rebels, #225
Founder of The Rebels of Mossflower
Leader of El Queso, #419
Commander of the Daughters of Delor, #679
Lady of The Realm of Unspoken Darkness, #1235

"Good evening, I am the main Dish of the Day. May I interest you in parts of my body?"
~The dairy animal, The Restaurant at the End of the Universe


 Austin invaded me first, also, i've never cussed in a redwall msg, my account would have been disabled, you are a liar.


 Bloodrath, you are what I'd call a true jerpalger.  You are exactly what we all hate- a nilj who just judges everybody without even knowing them.  I can't admit that I know Fenix too much, but he's a good guy with a clean heart and a good valuble friend.  Most people hate him, but I'm proud to say that I don't.

General Austin

 Ooh. Thanks, Fenix! I don't have time for a long post, but it was good playing iwth you, I admired every single one of your tactics. If the forums were up, it would have been a FAR more political War. Heh.  but the guys who didn't attack us were smart, not wimps. :angry:

But other than that. I commend you, Germania, Tarsonis, and others that stood by them until the end. Goodbye!
In God I trust, and in Him alone shall I put my faith.


 General Austin, what exactly would you call your mood in that post?  Extremely sarcastic?  Maybe it's just how I'm thinking it sounded... <_<  


 no, trident, i've found austin to be a very sincere person, i dont' believe he was hinting at sarcasm, we are friends.


Quote from: RettoI do feel a bit obligated to commend Germania also, for doing very well (and continuing to), by keeping up your power so that none of us could defeat you in stoats (though...not so with everything else)
Nah I had more than just stoats, just when this happens...

3% of your forces were eliminated by Blueeyes (#59)!
3% of your forces were eliminated by Blueeyes (#59)!
3% of your forces were eliminated by Blueeyes (#59)!
3% of your forces were eliminated by Revolution of Valiant Light (#587)!
3% of your forces were eliminated by Revolution of Valiant Light (#587)!
3% of your forces were eliminated by Revolution of Valiant Light (#587)!
3% of your forces were eliminated by Revolution of Valiant Light (#587)!
3% of your forces were eliminated by Revolution of Valiant Light (#587)!
3% of your forces were eliminated by Revolution of Valiant Light (#587)!
3% of your forces were eliminated by Revolution of Valiant Light (#587)!
3% of your forces were eliminated by Revolution of Valiant Light (#587)!
3% of your forces were eliminated by Revolution of Valiant Light (#587)!
3% of your forces were eliminated by Revolution of Valiant Light (#587)!
3% of your forces were eliminated by Revolution of Valiant Light (#587)!
3% of your forces were eliminated by Revolution of Valiant Light (#587)!
3% of your forces were eliminated by Revolution of Valiant Light (#587)!
3% of your forces were eliminated by Revolution of Valiant Light (#587)!
3% of your forces were eliminated by Northern Hordes (#201)!
3% of your forces were eliminated by Northern Hordes (#201)!
3% of your forces were eliminated by Northern Hordes (#201)!
3% of your forces were eliminated by Northern Hordes (#201)!
3% of your forces were eliminated by Northern Hordes (#201)!
3% of your forces were eliminated by Northern Hordes (#201)!
3% of your forces were eliminated by Northern Hordes (#201)!
3% of your forces were eliminated by Northern Hordes (#201)!
3% of your forces were eliminated by Northern Hordes (#201)!
3% of your forces were eliminated by Northern Hordes (#201)!
3% of your forces were eliminated by Northern Hordes (#201)!
3% of your forces were eliminated by Northern Hordes (#201)!

It just appears that way  :rolleyes:  


 no, trident, i've found austin to be a very sincere person, i dont' believe he was hinting at sarcasm, we are friends.


 Trident, I have been at this game for a while, with different accounts and such. Do you have any clue why I called him a jerk? You don't. Fenix might. I am not saying he as a person is a jerk cause I have never met him in real life so I wouldn'r know, but from the way I have observed things and such I have came to the conclusion that he is. True that is a harsh word but that is the only thing I can describe him as.

So, keep yourself out of matters you know little of please.


 Hmm... Fenix, Trident, you just don't understand.

Being a newbie isn't about the amount of time you spend somewhere, what your skills are, or anything but your additude. Newbies are brash, annoying, and generally type like an AOLer. While Bloodrath may make spelling mistakes and such, they are not any where near the severity or numbers of your's.

I personally find survival more gratifying than success, but that's just me.

~Shy, Myuh!
"Like a song,
Out of tune and out of time,
All I needed was a rhyme for you.
C'est la vie."
~C'est la vie, Emerson, Lake, and Palmer

~Assisstant to RFF, Rubinsky's Renegades (#15)


 *shakes head*

well, Josh, if you're going to be bitter about this game, at least you left me with the knowledge of the value of stoats. thanks for that.

*applaudes* lovely dramatic post, though


 shy, i'm gonna get you killed.
you are extremely intolerable and ignorant, being a "newbie" is about playing the game and having the skill to keep up with others in your field ( relatively spending same amount of tunrs :P )
you don't know how to play the game, thus, making you a newb.