Lonely Highlander

Started by Stella Remorse, December 29, 2012, 12:50:38 PM

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Stella Remorse

**It was dark,stormy and cold. The sea raged on, a vixen hefted her bag and walked away from the sea. She was grayish black and had blue eyes. She was currently looking for her friends, they had gotten separated from each other during the storm. Her soft paw steps could not be heard on the wet sand, she had no fear of the storm. The only thing she really feared, by herself was the squirrel, he was after something. She shrugged and started into the woods, it was cold and dark in the forest, she kept on going. Then she heard a soft noise behind her. She panicked, she took off running for her life. The sounds behind her stopped, she turned and saw a squirrel in the path. She turned and kept running, then a large stump was in her way, she couldn't stop in time. She tripped over it and lay on the ground, she gasped for air, her arm hurt badly, she lay there and wept softly and silently. Hoping one of her friends would pass by and find her before it was to late, then she heard a noise, she raised her voice and called.**
I'm over here! It's Valka!
"Veni, Vidi, Vici" ~ Julius  Caesar

Nunc aut Numquam


Gideon whistled in response to Valka's call. He had been up the road a ways from where the vixen had fallen, and had been camped there for several days waiting for her to arrive.  The weasel took his time walking through the woods to Valka, not knowing she had been hurt. his friend laying on the ground, he dropped the apple he had been snacking on, and ran to help her sit up. "Wot're ye doin' on t'ground missy?"
Quote from: Ashyra Nightwingi have work to do and that is why i'm playing rwl, this is how it always works

Stella Remorse

**Valka sighed in relief, it was Gideon's whistle. He came walking up the path, he dropped his apple and ran over to her.**
Wot're ye doin' on t'ground missy?
**Valka tried to move her arm and pain shot up through, she was able to move it tough, which meant it was not broken or sprained. She glanced fearfully up the path, the squirrel was gone. It was empty, she looked back at her friend and said fearfully.**
There was a squirrel, he was chasing me. I tripped over that stump there and hurt my arm.
**She took his help and sat up, she then stood up and brushed her tunic and pants off. Her earring had fallen off though, she cast about trying to find it. She saw it and picked it up and polished it gently. She then put it back on and grinned at her friend.**
Have any supper? I'm hungry.
** She looked around one last time, the path was still empty. She nodded and looked towards the path that Gideon had come down.**
"Veni, Vidi, Vici" ~ Julius  Caesar

Nunc aut Numquam


There was supper back at his camp, but Gideon was more concerned about Valka at this point. "Sure there is. If'n ya know me, ya know there's something to eat. But ya look like yer arm is hurtin' and we can't have that. No supper until ye agree to let me take a look at it. I know a little something something about injuries of t'arm and wotnot. One time I fell off t'trapeze and popped t'entire shoulder out of place. Had to get my pa to pop it back in it's spot ya know."
He held on to her arm gently. "Can I look?"
Quote from: Ashyra Nightwingi have work to do and that is why i'm playing rwl, this is how it always works

Stella Remorse

**Valka's face clenched up in pain as he held it gently, it hurt like crazy. She nodded and sat down again. She looked around and sighed, today had not been her day. She let him hold her arm, her facial features showed her pain.**
Aye, go ahead and check it out.
**She noticed her bag had fallen, there was a note propped up against it. She could barely make it out, she reached over and picked it up with her good arm. It was very neat writing, but the message was not friendly.**
Check this out. "Leave my woods, you have no business here. If you don't leave, I will come after you." Heh, not very friendly.
**She crumpled it up into a ball and tossed it away, her arm all of a sudden hurt even more than before. A single tear coursed down her face. She held still to let him check.**
"Veni, Vidi, Vici" ~ Julius  Caesar

Nunc aut Numquam


Being as gentle as possible, Gideon runs his paw across Valka's back and down her arm. "I thought so. Just out of place. Easy fix. Brace yerself."
He held her arm in one paw, and used the other to press on the arm and smiled when it popped right back in to place. "Yer gon' to be sore a bit but t'pain should lessen up."
Gideon went over to where Valka had tossed the note and picked it up. "I'm keeping this. Goning to find the beast wot wrote this and give them a piece of my mind. Writing threatrning notes and not haveng the decency to fight me right out. C'mon Valka, let's go get ye some supper."
Quote from: Ashyra Nightwingi have work to do and that is why i'm playing rwl, this is how it always works

Stella Remorse

**She flinched when it popped back into place, she sighed and moved the sore arm a bit. She grinned and stood up again, she was hungry enough she thought of nothing but food. She said and asked in one breath.**
The note is probably from the squirrel, and where is your camp?
**She laughed a merry laugh, and grabbed her bag and swung it up on her shoulder. It contained her things, a change of clothes, her diary, a sketch book and a pencil. It was her stuff that she brought along everywhere, she chuckled and brought out her sketch book. She handed Gideon a picture, she had drawn a picture of him. She laughed again.**
Maybe that'll be good enough, for pay for helping me! I sketched that earlier this morning.
"Veni, Vidi, Vici" ~ Julius  Caesar

Nunc aut Numquam


(delete this please)
Quote from: Ungatt Trunn II on November 12, 2012, 09:10:32 PM
ey M8 ur cheeky i swear ill wreck ur [poop]


Taking the sketch, Gideon gave it a good look, smiling at how good it was. "Ye made me handsome, just how I am. Thanks. Keep it with ye though until we get back to t'camp. It's not far up t'road."
He took Valka's bag for her, then started walking back towards his camp, which was a breif walk towards the north.
"I hope ye didn't have too much trouble getting out here. I havent seen ye in a while. What's t'news?"
(( I'd rather do time-locked Redwall, but it's up to Stella))
Quote from: Ashyra Nightwingi have work to do and that is why i'm playing rwl, this is how it always works

Stella Remorse

** Valka grinned and took it back, she took pride in her sketches. She smiled as he took her bag, it did get kind of heavy eventually. She followed him up to the place where his camp was, she listened to all his questions and did her best to answer.**
"Nothing much, I went tae me ol' hut up in the northlands. It's gone, no idea what happened, so I tried tae find you guys. I got lost, that's how I met the squirrel. No idea why he dislikes me."
** She thought back to the look of vengeance upon his face, the squirrel had something troubling him. She looked back to Gideon, he was stronger and older since they had last seen each other, it was nice to see him again. He had changed only a little bit, maybe taller and stronger. But, he was still the Gideon she knew. She felt a deep warning inside, she half turned and the squirrel was standing in the path behind them. He had a bow in his paws, he pulled back the arrow, aiming at Gideon. Valka screamed and jumped at Gideon hoping to knock him down out of harms reach.**
"Veni, Vidi, Vici" ~ Julius  Caesar

Nunc aut Numquam

Stella Remorse

((Alright, I got an idea. I'm going to play the squirrel also. It will be great fun. I start from beginning. Let's get the old RP going.))
**A young male squirrel sat up in the trees, he was a sandy red with a white underside. He was slightly taller than most squirrels and muscular. He watched as a pretty young vixen looked around fearfully, looking for her friends obviously. He smiled inwardly; he would give her a surprise and then kidnap her if she didn't leave! His thoughts raced wildly, he silently dropped from the tree, and he followed her silently, not letting her know he was there. Then he did, she jumped in fright and ran, she ran and then tripped over a stump. His first instinct was to help her, then he stopped, he hid in the tree and turned his face away. He heard a shout and then a whistle he turned back to the scene. A weasel was helping her up gently, he saw that something was wrong with the vixens arm; he saw the weasel do something with the arm. The vixen started moving her arm, then they gathered up their stuff and started off, deeper into his forest, he sighed but happily, now he had to dispose of the weasel and take the vixen. He followed them quietly and then pulled an arrow out of his bow; he notched it to the string and pulled back. Then the vixen turned it let loose, the arrow went directly for the vixen, he jumped in front of it and felt as it pierced his own fur, he pulled it out, nodded his emotion. He turned to Valka and walked over to her, he pulled an arrow out and set it directly in front of her chest, he motioned to Gideon, and he wanted to talk, about the pretty vixen.**
"Veni, Vidi, Vici" ~ Julius  Caesar

Nunc aut Numquam


Regaining his balance after Stella pushed him, Gideon stepped outward a bit to place himself somewhere between Valka and the squirrel, since there seemed to be something going on between them that unsettled the weasel. He drew one of his knives when the squirrel drew the arrow out and pointed it at Valka. He hoped he could hit the squirrel before he harmed either of them if it came to that, but he didn't quite understand what was trying to be said.
"Now just hold on a minute there squirrel. I don't know what ye want, but Put t'arrow away an' I'll give ye a chance t'run before I put this knife in yer hide. Now either speak up or get running."
Quote from: Ashyra Nightwingi have work to do and that is why i'm playing rwl, this is how it always works