Who Writes?

Started by Stella Remorse, December 03, 2012, 06:36:19 PM

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Stella Remorse

I write myself..... does anyone else? I write Fan-fics
"Veni, Vidi, Vici" ~ Julius  Caesar

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Ungatt Trunn II

Would you object to posting any of your work?


I do to. Short ones though.

Last thing I wrote....

My friend asked for  nightmares for one of her characters. So I wrote a brief story in which one of her characters has a transorbital lobotomy while still awake.
Quote from: Ashyra Nightwingi have work to do and that is why i'm playing rwl, this is how it always works

Stella Remorse

I might post some, they are mostly Redwall Fan-fics though
"Veni, Vidi, Vici" ~ Julius  Caesar

Nunc aut Numquam


I like to write a variety of stories with other people. Lately my brain has been brewing about destroying a planet full of Mary-Sues.
Quote from: Ungatt Trunn II on November 12, 2012, 09:10:32 PM
ey M8 ur cheeky i swear ill wreck ur [poop]



Quote from: Ashyra Nightwingi have work to do and that is why i'm playing rwl, this is how it always works

Stella Remorse

A Redwall Fan-fic
Maybe Someday: The story of the lonely highlander?

Both are unfinished long books
"Veni, Vidi, Vici" ~ Julius  Caesar

Nunc aut Numquam


Either. Whichever you like better.
Quote from: Ashyra Nightwingi have work to do and that is why i'm playing rwl, this is how it always works

Stella Remorse

A Redwall Fan-fic is better.

Chapter 1: Keita Swiftfoot the Vixen

Keita had been walking for a long time, but she would not rest till she reached her goal........Redwall Abbey.........
The vixen smiled as she recalled memories, Friends ,Family and Food!
Keita started running towards the sound, there it was Redwall Abbey.

"AHOY! Are ye Friend, Foe! or Food?"
Keita smiled then started laughing.

"Is that a Great big Pudden-headed Stream-dog Named Skipper Arfell?"

Then there was a booming laugh and the gates opened, before the Vixen had set one paw inside the gate, she had been seized in a crushing hug of joy from her buddy.

"Get off of me! Afore ye squeeze me to death!"

Then she fell to the ground, then she looked up into the face of a huge Otter. The otter had a apologetic look on his face.
" I didn't hurt ye did I mate? we gave up hope of seeing you again, we thought you were........"

Keita looked up knowing what he meant.
" If I don't get food soon you won't be able to hug me to death Skip!"

Just then the Abbey doors opened and dibbuns came pouring out.
Just before they made it to the pair ,Keita took off towards the Kitchen.
" Good Grief was that the Rascal Keita Swiftfoot? I thought she had perished long ago!"
A Mouse came walking over staring in disbelief.
Skipper replied slowly " We all did, yes we did."
Keita  looked at the Abbot.
" No Father I'm not here to stay.... I'm going to the north-lands as soon as I get Provisions and Rested, I'm going Father Abbot."

The Abbot sighed, it had been to good to be true. of course she wouldn't stay, she never had.
The abbot walked out of the room and then came back carrying Martins Sword.
" Then take this with you my child... But don't forget to stay a while longer see your old Friends."

This is introducing the main character.
"Veni, Vidi, Vici" ~ Julius  Caesar

Nunc aut Numquam


It's a good start, but I think you need to add a few details. Why is Keita a fox who is friendly with Redwallers? Why did the Abbot give her Martins sword?
Quote from: Ashyra Nightwingi have work to do and that is why i'm playing rwl, this is how it always works

Stella Remorse

Whoah your horses Krowdon! I forgot your not a part of DAB so here goes nothing on Keita.

A long time ago, A young vixen was born. She was a golden vixen with a unusual silver stripe. She was the only one of her litter to survive, this upset her father terribly. As she grew older her father started plotting on how to get rid of her and her mother. Finally and idea clicked and he knew what to do. He took the mother down to the creek and she followed because he had lied and she had believed him. It was but the work of a moment and the mothers head rolled into the creek. An otter came dashing out of the water not seeing Keita and snapped the chieftain's neck and killed him. He heard a noise in the shallows and saw Keita trying to wake up her mother's dead body, he took her to Redwall and she grew up there and everybeast loved and trusted her.

There! and now! Chapter 2!!

Chapter 2: Old and New Friends

   Keita had been searching for a while she had been trying to find her old friends nothing had changed much since she left, when she ran straight into a young mouse.
" Will you watch where your going?! Hey... I haven't seen you round here my names Kess!"
The young mouse brushed her red skirt and looked at Keita and said.
" Where did you get that scar? Is the stripe fake what's your name?"
Keita decided she liked this mouse and started walking down the hall with the mouse.
" My name is Keita Swiftfoot I was raised here but not while you were here. The scar is from a battle with a wildcat. Is Fishtail and Tannsrall still here?"
Kess nodded and started walking towards the Kitchen " You'll probably find Fishtail here. Say I've got a Idea here's what were gonna do..."
Sure enough the plan was fantastic, Kess walked into the kitchen and sitting on the counter was Fishtail Dirkslash eating a pie.
" Fishtail get your lousy  face out of that pie right now or you won't be able to see Keita Swiftfoot!"

Fishtail bounded off the counter and raced to the door pie in hand and saw Keita standing there he slowed to a walking pace.
" Why if it isn't Keita! I'm starting to think your doing this on purpose going away waiting till we think your dead and then show up anyways, want some pie?"

Keita laughed and took a slice of pie, and began walking with Fishtail and Kess down to the pond to find Tanns.
" Is Tannsrall still here? If he is, my guess is that he's down by the pond am I right Mateys?"
Fishtail Laughed as she tried to sound like a pirate and began running down to the pond yelling back.
" Yes he is! Last one down is a Pokey Snail!"
Keita and Kess began running Keita surpassed Kess and Fishtail, and Kess passed Fishtail, because Fishtail Dirkslash was trying not to drop his pie.   
" Hey Fishtail and Kess...... Keita! I knew you hadn't passed through the dark gates yet!"
Keita once again was seized in a grip from her friend.
" Tanns ye grew mate lemme go! Shiver me timbers yer stonger!"
Tannsrall Seapaw dropped Keita to look at her and try to glare at her but ended up smiling at her happily. Just then the bells rang and The young people all started walking and chattering on they're way to the Feast.

"Veni, Vidi, Vici" ~ Julius  Caesar

Nunc aut Numquam


No no no mang. THIS is how you do it.

Quote from: Stella Remorse on December 03, 2012, 06:59:41 PM

Chapter 1: Keita Swiftfoot the Vixen

Keita had been walking, but she would not rest
The vixen smiled
Keita started running

"AHOY! Food?"
Keita smiled

"Is that a Great big Pudden?"

Then there was a boom and the gates opened the Vixen set one paw inside the gate had been seized in a crush from her buddy.

"Get me! squeeze me to death!"

Then she fell, then she looked up. The otter had a face.
" I hurt ye did I? we gave you, we thought you were........"

Keita looked
" If I get food soon you won't be able to hug me!"

Abbey doors opened and dibbuns pour out.
Just before they made it to the Kitchen.
" was that the Rascal foot? I thought she had perished!"
A Mouse staring in disbelief.
We all did, we did.
Keita  the Abbot.
Father I'm not here .... I'm north I get going Father."

The Abbot had been true. of course she wouldn't had.
The abbot walked  and then came back carrying Martin.
" Then take this  child... But forget  your old Friends."

This is the main.
Quote from: Ungatt Trunn II on November 12, 2012, 09:10:32 PM
ey M8 ur cheeky i swear ill wreck ur [poop]

Stella Remorse

Quote from: Camaclue on December 03, 2012, 07:30:12 PM
No no no mang. THIS is how you do it.

Quote from: Stella Remorse on December 03, 2012, 06:59:41 PM

Chapter 1: Keita Swiftfoot the Vixen

Keita had been walking, but she would not rest
The vixen smiled
Keita started running

"AHOY! Food?"
Keita smiled

"Is that a Great big Pudden?"

Then there was a boom and the gates opened the Vixen set one paw inside the gate had been seized in a crush from her buddy.

"Get me! squeeze me to death!"

Then she fell, then she looked up. The otter had a face.
" I hurt ye did I? we gave you, we thought you were........"

Keita looked
" If I get food soon you won't be able to hug me!"

Abbey doors opened and dibbuns pour out.
Just before they made it to the Kitchen.
" was that the Rascal foot? I thought she had perished!"
A Mouse staring in disbelief.
We all did, we did.
Keita  the Abbot.
Father I'm not here .... I'm north I get going Father."

The Abbot had been true. of course she wouldn't had.
The abbot walked  and then came back carrying Martin.
" Then take this  child... But forget  your old Friends."

This is the main.

"Veni, Vidi, Vici" ~ Julius  Caesar

Nunc aut Numquam


Quote from: Camaclue on December 03, 2012, 07:30:12 PM
No no no mang. THIS is how you do it.

Quote from: Stella Remorse on December 03, 2012, 06:59:41 PM

Chapter 1: Keita Swiftfoot the Vixen

Keita had been walking, but she would not rest
The vixen smiled
Keita started running

"AHOY! Food?"
Keita smiled

"Is that a Great big Pudden?"

Then there was a boom and the gates opened the Vixen set one paw inside the gate had been seized in a crush from her buddy.

"Get me! squeeze me to death!"

Then she fell, then she looked up. The otter had a face.
" I hurt ye did I? we gave you, we thought you were........"

Keita looked
" If I get food soon you won't be able to hug me!"

Abbey doors opened and dibbuns pour out.
Just before they made it to the Kitchen.
" was that the Rascal foot? I thought she had perished!"
A Mouse staring in disbelief.
We all did, we did.
Keita  the Abbot.
Father I'm not here .... I'm north I get going Father."

The Abbot had been true. of course she wouldn't had.
The abbot walked  and then came back carrying Martin.
" Then take this  child... But forget  your old Friends."

This is the main.

Camaclue I might have you do that to something I write.
Quote from: Ashyra Nightwingi have work to do and that is why i'm playing rwl, this is how it always works

Stella Remorse

...... Yes it is very good, but y'know. I take my book writing very seriously and right now I just want feed back.
"Veni, Vidi, Vici" ~ Julius  Caesar

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