Were are you from?

Started by Shores of Tripoli, August 31, 2012, 03:56:35 PM

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Shores of Tripoli

Were are you guys from? Tell me a bit about your home town.

I'm from High Shoals NC, it's basically a redneck small town. As far as population goes, the 2000 census was the last one that we were officially counted separate, and it was at around 600 people. After that, the mills and factories in this area moved to mexico so we pretty much dried up. We don't even have a post office anymore, that's why we weren't included in the last census. The population is about 40-50 people now. There's nothing out here so the only people who are left are the ones who are rich enough to stay, some of us commute to the city of Charlotte (about 50min), a few work from home, or run a private business. Over all we are a fairly wealthy community, simply because it's expensive to live here now. The nearest grocery store is 20min away, that's kinda like our mall. Every time you go there you run into friends and stuff.

As far as in the town it's self, we have a small gas station that doesn't even have a convenience store attached to it, and we have a small one room shack thing with a pickup truck that passes for a volunteer fire department and a firetruck. It's kind of nice not having anything around, you can see a hole lot of stars at night, and it's real nice and quiet. Crime is almost non existent because everyone is pretty successful and wealthy, and everyone knows that we all have lots and lots of firearms. The high school is a few towns away, the same town the grocery store is in, so a 20min drive for me every morning. Not to bad, it's a pretty good school (even by northern standards). We don't really have much problem with drugs, sex, violence, or anything like that. Tobacco is pretty rampant but that's just about the only problem in the school. The school has a football team, wrestling team, and a baseball team. That's it.

All in all it's a small town but it's different than most because we are all pretty wealthy. It's nice to be out here because there is plenty of land to get for relatively cheap, and you really don't get messed with. The county police don't even patrol our one road. There hasn't been a cop within 10 miles of here in about 15 years. (unless there called of course).

I know this wasn't done very grammatically tidy, but I hope you got my point. I'd love to hear about were you guys are from.

Ashyra Nightwing

I'm from Camberley in Surrey, a godawful suburb of London. I actually lived in London up until this morning, I've now moved back in with my parents while I look for somewhere to live :'(
I do whine about Camberley but all in all it's actually pretty boring. It's an army town which formed around the officers' academy nearby and now has a population of 30,000. It's got a cinema and a shopping centre and is pretty much the same as any other suburban town in the UK.

There are some nicer parts. Here's the woods at the back of the local estate:

They actually make a lot of movies in the woods around here. Gladiator, Robin Hood etc were all filmed near where I live.

Your area sounds pretty interesting, Tripoli. There aren't many places that isolated in the UK at all. Things are bigger and more spaced apart in the US, I've observed. Here we're all kind of squeezed together.

Shores of Tripoli

 Yea I know, it's nice to have all this land. The average person in my town owns about 50 acres. It used to be tobacco farms but if you know anything about tobacco, you'll know that it destroys the land, so now nobody can farm it. The richer people in this area who are making like $300,000 a year off of their 5 man roofing company just use it all as their own personal playground. They have ATVs, Dirt bikes, and lots of firearms. It's a pretty great lifestyle.
I live with my mom here, she's an accountant so we are one of the poorer people in this town, but that's relative. We have about 18 acres, and once again, plenty of firearms. So it's all pretty nice.

Captain Mortspear

I live in Springville, Alabama it's a fairly small town with a Wal-mart, it's own high shool, and a couple of fast food restaurants, most people are redneck, and cops do make regular patrols, but it's a quiet place, and it's really quite boring. That's just about it. 
SEMPER FIDELIS, EULALIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I live in Palmyra which is a town right next to Riverton. It's right across from Philadelphia, but it's pretty boring. That's about it.:P
Uhh, it's needs to be about 20% cooler.
Quote from: Krowdon on April 28, 2012, 07:53:37 AM
*beats Night Wolf with a penguin*


I am from Indian Trail NC which is a satellite town of Charlotte NC and is mainly noteable for having a Wal-mart. It's best described as being on the other side of NC-74 from Matthews and down I-485 from Kannapolis. People there are a pleasant mixture of rednecks and 1st-gen immigrants and everyone is nice to each other and helps each other out.

Right now I live in Cape May NJ which is a little bit south of where they film Jersey Shore. The population of Cape May is about 2,000 people from October-April and 10,000 during the rest of the year. So in winter the only people that are around are bartenders, the people who work at the gas station, and Coasties. In summer the place is inundated with tourists from NY and Philly. None of them can drive and all of them are jerks. The other day I stopped to let a guy through an intersection and he flipped me off afterwards. I was mature and didn't ram my little car into his stupid rich snob Escalade.
I work at the "applied training hall" in the back corner of the Coast Guard base, which is a 110 year old hand-me-down from the Navy. Before the Navy got the place in WWI it was an amusement park. Some of the buildings on board are over 60 years old. There's a huge really nice beach, but we can't go there because of either:
(a) "endangered" shorebirds
(b) unexploded ordnance
(c) riptides
The place is overrun with rabbits, but they are now mysteriously dissapearing and I suspect it has something to do with my chief's pellet gun. I think there also used to be a punch of pigeons, but those aren't around as much either suddenly.
My building is old and has a fire trainer and range simulator in it. We have a N64 in the lounge. There's also an Xbox but we don't have any controllers. Sometimes I take my dog there when everyone leaves and we play catch up and down the main hallway.

Anyway yeah my life.
and it hits like a brick to the back of your head. like, goodbye, five times.
one for each finger.
and you say,
"my, my, the ways i've changed since then--the ways i've changed."
and all i ever say is,
"i'm tired."

Shores of Tripoli

Quote from: stormsight on August 31, 2012, 06:48:32 PM
I am from Indian Trail NC which is a satellite town of Charlotte NC and is mainly noteable for having a Wal-mart. It's best described as being on the other side of NC-74 from Matthews and down I-485 from Kannapolis. People there are a pleasant mixture of rednecks and 1st-gen immigrants and everyone is nice to each other and helps each other out.

Right now I live in Cape May NJ which is a little bit south of where they film Jersey Shore. The population of Cape May is about 2,000 people from October-April and 10,000 during the rest of the year. So in winter the only people that are around are bartenders, the people who work at the gas station, and Coasties. In summer the place is inundated with tourists from NY and Philly. None of them can drive and all of them are jerks. The other day I stopped to let a guy through an intersection and he flipped me off afterwards. I was mature and didn't ram my little car into his stupid rich snob Escalade.
I work at the "applied training hall" in the back corner of the Coast Guard base, which is a 110 year old hand-me-down from the Navy. Before the Navy got the place in WWI it was an amusement park. Some of the buildings on board are over 60 years old. There's a huge really nice beach, but we can't go there because of either:
(a) "endangered" shorebirds
(b) unexploded ordnance
(c) riptides
The place is overrun with rabbits, but they are now mysteriously dissapearing and I suspect it has something to do with my chief's pellet gun. I think there also used to be a punch of pigeons, but those aren't around as much either suddenly.
My building is old and has a fire trainer and range simulator in it. We have a N64 in the lounge. There's also an Xbox but we don't have any controllers. Sometimes I take my dog there when everyone leaves and we play catch up and down the main hallway.

Anyway yeah my life.
yea, I know were Indian Trail is, I'm about an hour away from there.


I live in a town full of old, middle class conservatives. Oh, and no firearms. Crime is fairly bad, somebody robbed a corner store with a water gun one time.

It's a nice area, but pretty boring. If me and my friends want to do anything, we usually go to Cambridge nearby.
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


Currently in college in Pittsburgh. Home is a suburb of Philly, about 45 minutes north of it. 
Question Mark (?)
Life is chaos, some of it is just more orderly.
Not liable for anything a Spa mod may change in my posts

Shores of Tripoli

Quote from: Durza on September 19, 2012, 11:12:33 AM
Currently in college in Pittsburgh. Home is a suburb of Philly, about 45 minutes north of it.
Cool, what are you studying?


Question Mark (?)
Life is chaos, some of it is just more orderly.
Not liable for anything a Spa mod may change in my posts


I live in York, PA, a couple hours away from Pittsburgh. It's a really nice place, out in the country (ish) and not too many bad things.
I void warranties
Silence is golden, but duct tape is silver
What happens if you get scared half to death twice?

Gen. Volkov

I live in South Bend, Indiana. Well, technically Mishawaka, but for all intents and purposes, South Bend and Mishawaka are the same city, also two towns called Granger and Roseland. All part of the same urban-ish area, well Granger is more of a suburb. South Bend has a population of about 100,000, and the South Bend-Mishawaka metropolitan area has a population of about 300,000. I grew up in Granger, now live in Mishawaka, and I can walk for 5 minutes and be in South Bend. South Bend is most notable, at this point, for being the home of Notre Dame University. We used to have the main Studebaker plant, but Studebaker went out of business in the 60s. So these days South Bend is more or less a parasite off Notre Dame. The huge crowds the home games bring in are what keep most businesses in the town in the black. South Bend's population probably at least doubles during Notre Dame home games.

Despite being a fairly small city, we have many of the problems of much larger urban areas, because we lie on the most direct route from Indianapolis to Detroit, which means all the drugs pass through here. So we have gangs and such that you normally don't see in other cities our size. Despite that though, South Bend is generally a pretty nice place to live.
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES

Stella Remorse

Can't tell
"Veni, Vidi, Vici" ~ Julius  Caesar

Nunc aut Numquam