Religious Discussion

Started by ~>John<~, April 26, 2003, 07:43:10 PM

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 I'm posting one of ours, then we can talk more
Boggs88: First off, I'm going to church(boring), then I'm having dinner/lunch/whatever at my house to celebrate my g-pa's b-day...Then at 4:30pm I'm going to go to see a movie for a 5:15pm showing
Ruatine: rofl
Ruatine: Yes it is.
Boggs88: Lol
SMSsoccerkid: *calls in Aus for Religious back-up*
Boggs88: Well, its not really boring, but the songs are dumb
Ruatine: *dies laughing*
SMSsoccerkid: *performs civilian exorcism*
Ruatine: I don't mind the songs in my church, but I'm not a Christian anymore so it makes thing very interesting....
SMSsoccerkid: Mass rocks
SMSsoccerkid: WHAT@!
SMSsoccerkid: -THE @
SMSsoccerkid: MINUS THE @
Boggs88: lol
Ruatine: Nope
Boggs88: I just get tired of sitting there for like an hour and then getting up when we're supposed to "sing"
SMSsoccerkid: *performs civilian exorcism[many, many times for the many many demons inside you *
ShadowOfRedwall has left the room.
TheRealBloodrath has left the room.
Ruatine: *raises eyebrow*
SMSsoccerkid: *j'k*
SMSsoccerkid: but why?
SMSsoccerkid: and if your not, which is bad, how come you still go to church?
Ruatine: A lot of reasons...none that I'm going to confide in somebody that I don't know. But I have to go to church, b/c my whole family, including my parents, are Christians, and I haven't told them yet that I'm not a Christian anymore.
Boggs88: Ummm...question are you catholic?
Boggs88: *to josh*
Ruatine: You mean John , don't you, TJ. ;-)
Boggs88: Yeah
SMSsoccerkid: you DARE call me Josh?
SMSsoccerkid: Yes I'm Catholic
Boggs88: Yes, I do
SMSsoccerkid: *wonders why Aus hasnt showed up, as its 2 against 1]
Boggs88: O.o Catholic .........
SMSsoccerkid: You got aproblem with that!
Boggs88: Yes
Boggs88: No
Boggs88: Maybe
SMSsoccerkid: And, Ruatine, you can't suddenly decide to not be a christian
SMSsoccerkid: I'm assuming you were baptized
Boggs88: Yes she can
Ruatine: I didn't just ~suddenly~ decide.
Ruatine: I've thought of it for a long time.
SMSsoccerkid: well then a 5 mile an hour transition, it doesnt matter
SMSsoccerkid: ARG
SMSsoccerkid: \have you been baptized?
Boggs88: I've not been baptized....
SMSsoccerkid: not you bogga
Ruatine: Yes, I was the name of Jesus Christ at the age of 12
Boggs88: I question the certainty of the book
Boggs88: BOGGA!!!!!
Boggs88: It's Boggs, get it right
SMSsoccerkid: Bogga
SMSsoccerkid: now
SMSsoccerkid: Why were you baptized at age 12?
Boggs88: Don't type my last name wrong when it's right there infront of your face
SMSsoccerkid: and what were you before that
Ruatine: B/c I'm not a Catholic.
Boggs88: BECAUSE SHE WAS!!!!!!
SMSsoccerkid: Bogga Bogga Bogga Boogie
Ruatine: I've been in the United Pentecostal Church my whole life.
Boggs88: I'm not catholic either.....Catholic are weird and their ceremonies take forever to end
Ruatine: rofl
SMSsoccerkid: eH?
SMSsoccerkid: BOGGS!
SMSsoccerkid: YOU INSULT ME!
Boggs88: No, I just say you're weird
Boggs88: Not the ones I HAD to go to...
SMSsoccerkid: er?
Boggs88: and the ones I've seen
SMSsoccerkid: oh, let me guess
SMSsoccerkid: Christmas and Easter
Boggs88: Take more like 2hrs
SMSsoccerkid: ?
Boggs88: No
SMSsoccerkid: what ones
Ruatine: If you don't know what UPC is....
Ruatine: And yes, Catholic services are strange to me too.
SMSsoccerkid: how/are/they/strange?
Boggs88: I'm Methodist and we're cool
SMSsoccerkid: methodists/are/wrong
Boggs88: They do weird blessing thingies
Boggs88: NO
SMSsoccerkid: please dont tell me your for abortion
SMSsoccerkid: we dont do weird blessy thingies
SMSsoccerkid: we get baptized
Boggs88: Catholics think they have to be involved in everything
SMSsoccerkid: maybe we do
Ruatine: The ceremonies are so remiscent of Old Testament Jewish customs...with the incense and the way the communion is blessed...
Boggs88: Abortion is wrong
SMSsoccerkid: good
Ruatine: *remniscent
SMSsoccerkid: Boggs
Ruatine: Abortion is extremely wrong.
SMSsoccerkid: I've seen their is something good in both of you
SMSsoccerkid: actually
Boggs88: OMG!
Ruatine: I've not become bad just because I'm not a Christian anymore.
SMSsoccerkid: I didnt say that
Ruatine: I'm exactly the same as I was...
Boggs88: I think I'm gonna go gothic now
Ruatine: Eep!
SMSsoccerkid: I'm assuming you've been bad the whole time *smiles*
Ruatine: rofl
Ruatine: No, not at all
Fox At A Trot has entered the room.
Ruatine: Hmm...Trident, right?
SMSsoccerkid: Maybe their like jewish ceremonies because JESUS WAS JEWISH AND THE EUCHARIST WAS INSTITUTED AT A JEWISH CEREMONY!
SMSsoccerkid: Fox
SMSsoccerkid: please tell me you are catholic
Ruatine: *smiles* I still think they're weird.
Boggs88: Eucharist???
SMSsoccerkid: or against abortion'
Fox At A Trot: I'm a christian
Ruatine: Communion, TJ
Boggs88: No, say you're not Catholic
Fox At A Trot: I'm not
SMSsoccerkid: eUCHARIST
SMSsoccerkid: E
Ruatine: *has nothing against Catholics in particular*
DaCombatWombat has entered the room.
SMSsoccerkid: except you think they are weird
dXtKiD 4 has entered the room.
SMSsoccerkid: Catholiv?
SMSsoccerkid: c
DaCombatWombat: What?
Boggs88: AH! Who is this?
Heark! For the City of God comes before us!
And so he asked, "How is a man to judge in such times as these?" and he was answered, "As he always has judged, for good and evil have not changed and the differences are as great as they have ever been."

Former Emperor

Former Member of Rome

TR Shadow

 Do you Have to copy EVERY chat?


 ROFL!  I found this so dang funny!

Boggs88: Wait what is Bush?
Fox At A Trot: a president
Ruatine: Bush is conservative
SMSsoccerkid: hes asking relig

Hehehehe, I'm soooo stupid LOL...


 you think that was  funny, look at the stuff after words

Boggs88: Is he Democratic or Republican?
Ruatine: Oh...
SMSsoccerkid: I think
SMSsoccerkid: WHAT!
Ruatine: Republican
SMSsoccerkid: you dont know are presidents party? *tsk tsk*
Heark! For the City of God comes before us!
And so he asked, "How is a man to judge in such times as these?" and he was answered, "As he always has judged, for good and evil have not changed and the differences are as great as they have ever been."

Former Emperor

Former Member of Rome