Viking Invasion RP (Closed)

Started by Flitchaye Warrior, July 08, 2012, 01:19:49 PM

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Western Sea:

" Start talkin' about wot, boss? Why I'm fed up with bein' on this boat? why we could have been nice an' happy on land before you dragged us out here on some fools errand? What are we even doin'?"

Road to the Abbey
"Aye. I only think they've gone soft. Dont you want to check? Why dont you let me take care of intelligence? Better safe than sorry."
Quote from: Ashyra Nightwingi have work to do and that is why i'm playing rwl, this is how it always works

Flitchaye Warrior

Western Sea:
Those were the last words that Thrane would ever say. Ivan swung his axe and crashed it down upon Thrane's skull spilling his back teeth onto the deck " Now anyone else feel like challenging my authority and you'll end up like him." he motions to the two crew members who brought him in"Throw him into the sea. It's where the scum belongs."

Road to the Abbey:
"Fine. Go and pick forty able-bodied beast then come back and report to me. I want no mistakes."

((no arguments with me calling Thrane?))


Western Sea:
The crew members did as they were asked and then returned to their posts.

The road to the Abbey:
"Yes sir."
Krowdon picks out 40 beasts, and leads them off into Mossflower. Once inside the woods, she orders them to split up and find anybeast at all, and bring them back to her.
(( Bring me ur prisoners.))
Quote from: Ashyra Nightwingi have work to do and that is why i'm playing rwl, this is how it always works

Flitchaye Warrior

Western Sea:
Longboat arrive at the shore at midnight.

Road to the Abbey:
A hedgehog hermit named Dorkul ((couldn't think of anything better)) had fallen asleep after eating a hearty lunch. He was rudely awakened by a ((of all creatures)) weasel. "Unhand me you vermin!" He struggled all the way but was eventually subdues and brought before their leader. "What do you want vixen((I think))?"

((I will never do that again))


(( Krowdon is a Vixen. :3))

Road to the Abbey

Krowdon kneels down so she's eye level with the Hedgehog. " I want your name, spikedog. Then I want you to tell me what you know about Redwall. Dont bother trying to keep the information to yourself, I have ways of getting it out of you, and you wont like them very much."
Quote from: Ashyra Nightwingi have work to do and that is why i'm playing rwl, this is how it always works

Flitchaye Warrior


Road to the Abbey:
The Hedgehog was still defiant. "I ain't no spikedog for your  information...brommtail."

((curse ye! ye forced me to do it again! AAAAAAGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!))


Road to the Abbey:
"Very well." She snaps, and a rat immediately rushes to her side.
"Yes, m'lady?"
" Bring me my bag. Now, hedgepig, you're going to tell me what I want to know. This is your last chance before I get my bag."
Quote from: Ashyra Nightwingi have work to do and that is why i'm playing rwl, this is how it always works

Flitchaye Warrior

Road to the Abbey:
Orkul had no about Redwall Abbey. "I'm not going to take anymore of this ye hear! I want my lawyer! I don't bow my head to vermin like you."

((I so want to see something happen to him:D ))


Road to the Abbey

   The rat returned with Krowdons bag and handed it to her. Krowdon opened the top and dug around inside, until she found what she was looking for.  "You don't bow your head, hmm? Ah! Do you see this?", she asked, holding up a length of metal, with two pronged forks at either end, and a long leather strap around the middle.
   "You dont have to bow your head to me. In fact, you dont have to put your head down at all."
   Placing one pronged side right above Dorkuls breastbone, she tilts his head back until the top prongs are right underneath his chin. The rat who brought her the bag ties the leather strap securely around Dorkuls neck.
   " Try to look down, and the prongs dig into your neck and chest. And my, isnt it getting late? The sun looks like its about to set. I sure hope you dont fall asleep. I'll come check on you in a half hour, and see if you're ready to talk."
Quote from: Ashyra Nightwingi have work to do and that is why i'm playing rwl, this is how it always works

Flitchaye Warrior

An hour later on the road to the abbey:
Orkul was going to crack when he heard a rustle in the bushes. At first he thought it was just his mind playing tricks on him but when he looked over he saw some squirrel warriors. To distract the vixen and her vermin he decided to tell lies to the vixen about Redwall Abbey. " Ahoy vixen I'm ready to talk!"

((Ya don't mind me adding the squirrels in do ya?))


(I don't mind. )

The road to the Abbey
"Oh good. And you better tell the truth, because if you don't, that heretics fork around your neck will be the least of your worries."
Quote from: Ashyra Nightwingi have work to do and that is why i'm playing rwl, this is how it always works

Flitchaye Warrior

Road to the Abbey:

"Those Redwallers, they've got balista, longbows, pikes, spears, javelins, short swords and long swords, shields, rocks, slings, and they even have a badger in the premise." Orkul hoped that would fool them. If not at least the squirrels would kill the vermin. 

((anyone who wants to be the squirrels can))


Meanwhile, back at the ranch Abbey:
"Unhand me, you wild furball!" Martin yelled, while his handsome face was being majestically forced into the ground. "Oh, the little runt tinks he kin outwerd me? Well, news flash, bud, YER MOTHER WER A-"

Back at the ship
"Cap'n. We've landed on the shore," The short, chubby weasel we will name Chubbs the Ravager, "Shall I get some scouts to look around before we leave?

((Sorry, didn't have internet for a while. I will be posting now like a madman, so beware.))
Quote from: Ungatt Trunn II on November 12, 2012, 09:10:32 PM
ey M8 ur cheeky i swear ill wreck ur [poop]

Flitchaye Warrior

At the ship:
Sure.  Pick twenty able-bodied beasts and a good leader, unlike you. After they are done finding the out the lay of the land have them report back to me.


At le Ship:
"Yessir!" Chubbs replied, hobbling off to send a group to scout out the land, nearly tripping over his own footpaws.
At the Abbey:
After the verbal and physical ravaging of Fresca, the whole Abbey was outside, watching the two arguing and scuffling. Finally, Abbot Jakes walked up to the arguing couple. "All right, break it up. Sister Beech, you know it's not right to invite strangers with a fight. Those hares may like it, but this youngish traveler may not. What is your name, anyways?" The not as handsome mouse got up, dusting off his clothes. "The name's Martin. Martin Matin." Suddenly, he decided to smile and pose, possibly to win the interest of the Abbeybeasts, but instead getting a few giggles. From the men. "How nice to meet you Martin. Did you know that one of the founders of our Abbey was also named Martin?" the abbot inquired, now somewhat interested in the dirty, yet somehow-still-better-looking-than-mouldy-bread face of the mouse before him.
Quote from: Ungatt Trunn II on November 12, 2012, 09:10:32 PM
ey M8 ur cheeky i swear ill wreck ur [poop]