Playing the game

Started by Shadow, July 05, 2012, 02:21:20 PM

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Quote from: Shadow on July 06, 2012, 04:58:47 PM
          __      _.._
      /--'  '-._.'    '-._./

this shall be place  V HEER V
Quote from: Ungatt Trunn II on November 12, 2012, 09:10:32 PM
ey M8 ur cheeky i swear ill wreck ur [poop]


Alright, so I need some ideas for random events. I would like them in 5 categories:

really bad luck
bad luck
good luck
really good luck

most are self-explanatory, but the neutral ones I am thinking should be stuff that could go either way - eg, converting cash into food, or rats into stoats, or something.

If you can think of a game appropriate story to accompany each one, even better.

I want at least 5 different events for each category, but the more the merrier.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


also the storehouse is pretty much done, so feel free to work it into your event ideas.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..

Ungatt Trunn II

Quote from: Shadow on July 07, 2012, 04:25:19 PM
Alright, so I need some ideas for random events. I would like them in 5 categories:

really bad luck
bad luck
good luck
really good luck

most are self-explanatory, but the neutral ones I am thinking should be stuff that could go either way - eg, converting cash into food, or rats into stoats, or something.

If you can think of a game appropriate story to accompany each one, even better.

I want at least 5 different events for each category, but the more the merrier.

Consider it done. And it will be, in the future. But the certainty of this event makes doubting the occurrence unnecessary and therefor we can disregard the passage of time. Also I'm the Emperor so don't give me any lip.   

Ungatt Trunn II

really bad luck
  • Revolt
Revolt! One of your officers has seized power...
  • Drought
The skies have brought you no rain. Half your food supply has been destroyed!
  • Heist
A crack team of expert fox thieves has managed to steal half of your entire fortune!
  • Psyops
Enemies are passing out propaganda in your own palace! You have lost half of your loyalty.
  • Plague
A plague has consumed (x) percent of your army!
  • Bad weather
Unfavorable weather has taken its toll, you lose half your turns.
  • Riots
Riots of your workers have lowered the health of your empire.

bad luck
Basically toned down versions of really bad luck.

Neutral should be a get some lose some kinda deal.

Someone else can get all those not bad things.


good, good

I'm thinking now, seeing these, that there should be two classes of random events: stuff that happens when you use turns, and stuff that happens to you randomly even when you are offline. Some of those (plague, revolt, etc) fall into the second category better than the first I think.

Keep the ideas coming - now I need ideas for both categories.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..

Ungatt Trunn II

yeah I don't know about that but perhaps a thing that temporarily slows the rate at which you receive turns? Or restore health? Basically something that stunts growth of anything for a period of time.


losing some health randomly is a good one

I don't want to mess with turns at all, it screws with schedules, which is not really a random game element.

By the way, just saying, this storehouse kicks butt. Really excited for next month.

You all had better join and make a spa room clan.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


Plus, all this butt-kickery happens completely automatically, so there is absolutely no extra complication to playing with it. It's ridiculously complicated behind the scenes, and was fun as all hell to code, but all you guys see is the awesome without ever having to deal with the complex.

<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..

Ungatt Trunn II

I wish I could code. But alas, I can only break code.


Quote from: Ungatt Trunn II on November 12, 2012, 09:10:32 PM
ey M8 ur cheeky i swear ill wreck ur [poop]


I'll try and think up some things.
Quote from: Ashyra Nightwingi have work to do and that is why i'm playing rwl, this is how it always works

Dark Claws

i don't play cause me too lazy to stay active or fix sentence.
Welcome the most annoying person on Earth, oh look Dark Claws just walked in.

@(*_*)@. Either a monkey, or Princess Leai on drugs.

What happens when a permanent resident deletes their account?

Like an assistant


Everyone just lost the game
Quote from: Ungatt Trunn II on November 12, 2012, 09:10:32 PM
ey M8 ur cheeky i swear ill wreck ur [poop]

Dark Claws

Welcome the most annoying person on Earth, oh look Dark Claws just walked in.

@(*_*)@. Either a monkey, or Princess Leai on drugs.

What happens when a permanent resident deletes their account?

Like an assistant