Your Names

Started by Ryu, May 23, 2012, 11:48:48 PM

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Thats true.I never thought about it like that.
Quote from: Ashyra Nightwingi have work to do and that is why i'm playing rwl, this is how it always works


And thats why only short people should get to grow.


But we all have to be short at one point.
Quote from: Ashyra Nightwingi have work to do and that is why i'm playing rwl, this is how it always works


... darn my plans are foiled again well fine then you and I can pick who grows and who stays short.


Alright. You and I can grow, but Camaclue has to stay short.
Quote from: Ashyra Nightwingi have work to do and that is why i'm playing rwl, this is how it always works


Huzzah tallness shall be mine. -runs around like a happy moron-


*sits on your shoulders* ONWARD!
Quote from: Ashyra Nightwingi have work to do and that is why i'm playing rwl, this is how it always works


CHARGE!! -runs onward-


Quote from: Ashyra Nightwingi have work to do and that is why i'm playing rwl, this is how it always works


Oh no Krowdon you okay? -picks up-


*turns to dust and blows away*
Quote from: Ashyra Nightwingi have work to do and that is why i'm playing rwl, this is how it always works


-falls dramticlly to knees- NOOOOOOOOOO -camera zooms out slowly beforfe end credits-


That was a beautiful movie. I cry every time. ;__;
Quote from: Ashyra Nightwingi have work to do and that is why i'm playing rwl, this is how it always works


I know right even worse than doby's death.


Not as bad as Titanic. That movie was so sad I cried all my tears.
Quote from: Ashyra Nightwingi have work to do and that is why i'm playing rwl, this is how it always works