Redwall Duels

Started by TSR, April 23, 2003, 03:33:28 PM

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 Yes, it's true! Redwall Duels is restarting! Most of you last time voted for a "3 Clan" version of the game, so that is what is going to happen. 3 clans of 10-15 people are gonna war it out till the bitter end. We don't have links yet, there will be a forum and chat, but stay tuned, 'cause about next week we'll have it all up.

Protection is 40 turns, and diplomacy is important: There will be, as it were, temporary alliances between clans, before they turn on each other. So backstabbing is important...   :D

This time, there will be clan leaders, and assistants, and diplomats, so everything will be similar to the normal warbands, but at signup you can join one of three clans, I haven't decided on names yet. Message system will be working. You guys will vote for the clan positions in each clan forum. We haven't decided on clan names yet. Perhaps I will just let you be shuffled at signup, and then you vote individually in each forum for a name. Also, we might have a "historian" or "recorder" who updates a storyline based on the game on a daily basis.

Last time, there were admin cheating accusations, so I will set down a few things. 1. I, the admin, will not play. 2. There will be one admin, me. 3. Nobody with a cheating record will be allowed to play. Few exceptions will be permitted to this third rule.

Rules: No profanity, no multiple accounts, no deserting clans, no deleting, no gaining forum passwords, no outsiders in the clan forums, no hacking, no insulting, and that's about it I think. Obviously we can't mod you in the chat, so you can do what you want there, but you can also report people. Oh well. Admins reserve the right to immediately and without question boot players whom they feel violate the rules, or got in despite a cheating history.

So, stuff will be up in a week, and HAVE FUN!


Badrang the Tyrant

 I may get to join this time??  YES!!!!


 Yeah, that is part of it.


 *campaigns* Vote for Jason the Assassin as clan leader! Woohoo! *adds signs on roadsides and at service stations/homes/business fronts*
Glory, Glory, Man United!


 THe forums are up for advertising, you know... :)

Redwall Duels Forums



 This is will great fun, and a different challege with many new edditions and such. Hmm, maybe I will get voted for the leader. *shrugs* We shall see.

~A rare post from Bloodrath :blink:  


 Sounds good... I don't know which clan to be in...Da Funky Ferrets!!!!!!   Everybody's a ferret!
On a rock climbing trip

-Mother has tripped five times-

Mother- "Matt, these shoes have great traction!"

Me- "Inwhich you have demonstrated so well..."

The following is going to be my extremely stupid bumper sticker:

Honk if you love peace and quiet.


 Comon people.  There are still many spots open for Redwall Duels.  If we can get all 60 people then the game will be much more fun.

Click here for the Redwall Duel site.  Redwall Duels Round II
Who turned out the lights?

"Actually, a woman is more like a beer. They smell good, they look good, and you'd step over your own mother just to get one!" ~ Homer Simpson