Just some Simulation ideas

Started by scotish223332, February 22, 2012, 04:49:49 PM

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I'm really enjoying this text-based game more then I should be, but there are some things important to Redwall lore that would be interesting to think about;

Weaponry; Different weapons would have different effects on certain creatures, as seen such as long range bows or the low range javelins. Possibly sub-race weaponry that counter certain vermin?
Woodlanders; The woodlanders are by far usually the arch enemies of Vermin. I find it interesting that there are just usually non to be found, fight against, or in other words enslave. Enslaving is always a nice thing for a warlord, yes? Captives, prisoners, and slaves are a major part in the series, but I don't know how it would work in this nice ol' game.
Sea Combat; Cosiars and pirates are a hot topic in most Redwall lore, usually being major villains. It would be nice to own a small fleet to battle in sea battles, just wondering.

If any of you could spot out ideas on how these 3 things could work, I would love to hear them myself :/.


All right first off welcome to RWL.  :D

1. I have no idea how this would be able to fit into prom. Seriously.
2. Welcome to RWL v3.0, where your slaves actually matter! They are called workers here. Check out turbo, we are having an open beta for v3.0.
3. Yep they're called skiffs. Join the skiff races for an extra thrill.

BTW who are you ingame?
Quote from: Pippin on October 13, 2011, 04:40:07 PM
Quote from: Kilkenne on January 30, 2012, 08:23:56 PM
"I want in. Only I want to be a nazi."-Rakefur 2012


Thanks  ;)

I'm Hurb Ratbane for now.

Hmmmmm, well that explains a lot. I though the ships were usually galleys rather, but I guess that answers most questions.
Danks, me hearty.


I think it might be possible to add weapons in, code depending. A set number of items could be created that allows either each warlord to equip 1 total, or 1 per troop type (having it only effect that troop type). The items could be traded, purchased, stolen, or somehow randomly generated for players. Some ideas:

Shield: decreases troop loses by 10%
Longsword: increases attack 5%, defense 5%
Bow: Increases enemy casualities by 10%
Plate Armor: Decreases attack by 10% increases defense 20%
2-handed sword: increases attack 20% decreases defense 10%

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