My poem

Started by CoolClaw, April 15, 2003, 04:30:07 PM

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Here's my wonderful poem that I thought up 10 seconds ago:

There once was some guy named Brock,
Who liked to talk and talk,
Then somebody said "Brock be quiet!"
And so he started a riot.

Hmm... not very good.  Here's another one I wrote for school:  never mind I can't remember it.  Maybe I'll post it later if I find it. :P  
I like Chicken, I like Liver, Meow Mix,Meow Mix, Please Deliver!


 I like it!  Very spiffy!  Humm... *makes up another poem*

The once was a girl Calan
And people thought she was a man
So the punched in their face
With her huge badgerish mace

"Death death death death death death la la la la death" -- The Woad to Wuin


 There once was a maiden named Cal,
Who corrected all of her pals
On their spelling mistakes
which they chronically make
Yeah, she's a spelling-proof gal.



 Good job, Cal! I pride myself on not making that many spelling mistakes at all, and getting one step away from the Scripps and Howard National Spelling Bee, barely losing by a couple words. I have a little more time to make it, so who knows?
Glory, Glory, Man United!