RWL: 3.0 "Worker's Paradise" Development Thread

Started by Kilkenne, January 01, 2012, 08:41:06 PM

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It's basically a drop down menu that you select from that will spend loyalty along with food etc to increase production or decrease expenses. I'll be screenshotting and writing this up as soon as Shadow gets back to me, the system should make more sense then. None of them are "missions" perse in that they can't fail unless you don't have enough loyalty, like missions now fail when you lack a certain ratio. They will just amplify your production less.

Masked Wolf, you're about to get moderated, consider making posts longer than about two words.

The Masked Wolf

Quote from: cloud on February 02, 2012, 06:40:08 PM
Aggressive and weak have no correlation. I know a bunch of weak people that are aggressive, and if they get aggressive towards the wrong people they get put in their place. Know your place.

Let's go, say that to mah face...5 words: I don't give a crap! >:


lol for kilk's last comment and the last post.

OK, I think I understand now. Man this will be hard.
Quote from: Pippin on October 13, 2011, 04:40:07 PM
Quote from: Kilkenne on January 30, 2012, 08:23:56 PM
"I want in. Only I want to be a nazi."-Rakefur 2012

The Masked Wolf

Quote from: cloud on February 02, 2012, 06:40:08 PM
Aggressive and weak have no correlation. I know a bunch of weak people that are aggressive, and if they get aggressive towards the wrong people they get put in their place. Know your place.

Let's go, say that to mah face...5 words: I don't give a crap! >:


Quote from: Pippin on October 13, 2011, 04:40:07 PM
Quote from: Kilkenne on January 30, 2012, 08:23:56 PM
"I want in. Only I want to be a nazi."-Rakefur 2012

The Masked Wolf

Quote from: cloud on February 02, 2012, 06:40:08 PM
Aggressive and weak have no correlation. I know a bunch of weak people that are aggressive, and if they get aggressive towards the wrong people they get put in their place. Know your place.

Let's go, say that to mah face...5 words: I don't give a crap! >:


Alright, a little more information:

I have always found it bothersome that the most intuitive way to run turns, which is to make your cash and food green, is the worst way to play RWL. This makes it difficult for newbies to get into the game and discouraging when they can't get ahead as well as veterans, who are playing in the red all the time.

So we made it so that you pretty much have to run in the green all the time, or at least as much as you run red. Leader production missions are gone, so you can't just build huts and make resources, and merc sell prices are very, very low, so you can't just sell troops for the resources to run - you have to produce it, turn by turn, using workers, markets, and foragers.

Kilk already mentioned that workers are stored in all building types, and workers form the backbone of your economy for both cash and food. Markets and foragers both produce some resources passively, but most of it will come from workers via taxes. You will find that the optimum tax rate for spending turns is somewhere between 25% and 35% in the long term, though you can micromanage to suit the game situation in the short term as well.

Leaders will provide an important addition to any economy, though buffs. There are buffs that increase income or decrease expenses (and more, which will be covered later). Note however that these do not produce directly, they only multiply what your workers produce. Which means that building all huts will not work - since huts hold less workers overall, your economy will suck, and multiplying a bad economy doesn't add much.

Economically, you stop getting a benefit from more leaders after 20 leaders/land, and any more leader beyond that are purely offensive/defensive in nature, and represent a blow to your economy. More on the specifics of leader changes later.

Workers join you much like leaders did in the past - they trickle into your buildings up to a certain point, and they leave if you go over this point. You can expect to spend about 100 turns filling up your workers to capacity. This means, of course, that losing land will cause a major hit to your economy, and so it will be in your best interest to defend your land if possible. Land passing will be a bad idea for pretty much everyone.

As of right now, you will probably find the numbers you see will be a little more sane. Hundreds of billions of dollars and hundreds of millions of troops/net are going to be tougher to get. Don't get discouraged by the change of pace! Everyone is experiencing it.

Stay tuned for more information! This just scratches the surface.

<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


The more I hear about this release, the more exited I get . . .

The Masked Wolf

1st...are there new races

2nd... How do you get into the beta (not that i would be in it)

3rd...will there be a new server for this
Quote from: cloud on February 02, 2012, 06:40:08 PM
Aggressive and weak have no correlation. I know a bunch of weak people that are aggressive, and if they get aggressive towards the wrong people they get put in their place. Know your place.

Let's go, say that to mah face...5 words: I don't give a crap! >:


1) There are no new races yet, though there are plans for one more. We have not changed the existing races (except to remove race specific spells, for the moment), but we may rebalance existing ones if it becomes necessary, and we may implement race specific buffs depending on feedback

2) There will be an open beta in a couple of weeks

3) Initially yes, if all goes well then this code will go into the regular game as well, but that is a fair way away
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..

The Masked Wolf more question. How do you get picked for the Beta
Quote from: cloud on February 02, 2012, 06:40:08 PM
Aggressive and weak have no correlation. I know a bunch of weak people that are aggressive, and if they get aggressive towards the wrong people they get put in their place. Know your place.

Let's go, say that to mah face...5 words: I don't give a crap! >:


<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..

The Masked Wolf

oh....well anyway i know i won't be picked because i'm still a NOOB
Quote from: cloud on February 02, 2012, 06:40:08 PM
Aggressive and weak have no correlation. I know a bunch of weak people that are aggressive, and if they get aggressive towards the wrong people they get put in their place. Know your place.

Let's go, say that to mah face...5 words: I don't give a crap! >:


That's no way to talk.  In the beta, everyone would be a noob, so you experience now would have no impact on getting into the beta or not.  Or at least that is how I feel
Question Mark (?)
Life is chaos, some of it is just more orderly.
Not liable for anything a Spa mod may change in my posts

The Masked Wolf

oh...well i thought they were picking people by experience and popularity
Quote from: cloud on February 02, 2012, 06:40:08 PM
Aggressive and weak have no correlation. I know a bunch of weak people that are aggressive, and if they get aggressive towards the wrong people they get put in their place. Know your place.

Let's go, say that to mah face...5 words: I don't give a crap! >: