Bounty Hidden Fox (#16)

Started by cloud, December 05, 2011, 12:40:25 PM

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1tril cash to anybody who kills Blood Wake, because Hippies are a drain on society.

As an aside, I do think Peace has little leeway to complain and should just adapt his strat if he has such problems with being attacked as his strat does go against the main aim of the game, but then again he has been a key driving force developing the game and he does help newer players. Killing him achieves nothing and takes this a step too far and is, to be frank, little more then petty bullying. He's not going to be a major challenge for 1st place playing passively.
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.

Peace Alliance

OK but Firetooth I'm not just banging my head against a wall here. I don't have "problems with being attacked." The Masked Wolf has attacked me 129 times within the first week of this round. That is more attacks then I took the entire month last round.

Just because I'm passive doesn't mean I don't have a right to call people to account. This is a diplomatic issues, it has nothing to do with the fact that I'm passive. You guys aren't passive, but you would be irritated if somebody was attacking you every minute of every day.

The difference is my tone. People are apparently "annoyed" because I am deviating from the norm. Instead of going on the forums, puffing up my chest, and beating my hammer on my shield, I am conversing, persuading, and being diplomatic. Enough machismo RWL! It's time to accept that this game - despite the fact that it has the letters W. A. R. in it's name - involves diplomacy!

That never used to be a problem. Where has that gone?

The Masked Wolf said is a war game ;)
Quote from: cloud on February 02, 2012, 06:40:08 PM
Aggressive and weak have no correlation. I know a bunch of weak people that are aggressive, and if they get aggressive towards the wrong people they get put in their place. Know your place.

Let's go, say that to mah face...5 words: I don't give a crap! >:


The question is, what do you get out of being a jerk to a player with almost no land?

(Hint: not much)
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


Quote from: The Masked Wolf on December 06, 2011, 12:14:03 PM said is a war game ;)

Answer me this, what has a warlord got to gain from killing a passive player who's on little land?

I can just imagine slaygar yelling out "Look at me! I killed a passive warlord who can't fight back!"

I can't believe I missed the last 3 pages . . . time difference sucks

The Masked Wolf

well is a warlord gonna say "oh wait yer passive, i'm not gona attck you"
Quote from: cloud on February 02, 2012, 06:40:08 PM
Aggressive and weak have no correlation. I know a bunch of weak people that are aggressive, and if they get aggressive towards the wrong people they get put in their place. Know your place.

Let's go, say that to mah face...5 words: I don't give a crap! >:


when there is nothing to be gained from attacking? Of course. The passiveness is irrelevent in that situation. Your attacks got you nothing.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..

Peace Alliance

Not only that, but he keeps having to drop his NW to attack me. I am routinely aiding him out of attack range.


okay that is just plain dumb, sorry for being frank but it true.
Question Mark (?)
Life is chaos, some of it is just more orderly.
Not liable for anything a Spa mod may change in my posts


I think you miss my point, Peace. My problem is more that instead of complaining, it would be more productive if you found a method of stopping this being a problem,

Land is a commodity, to most people this wouldn't be damaging as they could just attack for land back, but for you it is a crippling flaw in your strategy. You need to find a way to stop it being a problem, like building towers, or not aiding those who attack you, or diplomacy. If you can't find a solution, then your strategy is the problem here and not masked wolf's behavior. If most people were being attacked every minute of the day, they would attack back. You can't, so find another way to resolve the problem, because coming here and saying they're mean and horrible isn't going to make them less inclined to attack you.

Quote from: Shadow on December 06, 2011, 02:00:12 PM
when there is nothing to be gained from attacking? Of course. The passiveness is irrelevent in that situation. Your attacks got you nothing.
Well they get him land with no fear of retaliation, plus by the sound of it a lot of aid to keep him out of range, and of course he is getting a lot of attention. (which I think is probably the main reason, and the principle that he doesn't want to stop attacking somebody who won't fight back)
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.

Peace Alliance

The land farm has 3-4 times my land - always. And if part of my diplomatic strategy involves appealing to people on the forums then I am resolving the problem.

Lastly, I'm here to spread the love! Where on earth do you see me calling people mean and horrible?!?

I didn't miss your point firetooth, I'm simply correcting you. Apparently to no avail since your last post continues to call my diplomacy a 'complaint.'


Your "diplomacy" is a complaint, lol.

Definition of DIPLOMACY
: the art and practice of conducting negotiations between nations
: skill in handling affairs without arousing hostility

Where as complaining is defined as "expression of grievance." Which suits your earlier thread, peace?

What part of creating a thread because you don't like a guy attacking you entails diplomacy? Diplomatic action would be talking this through behind the scenes instead of trying to name and shame the guy, who is just a newb, publicly, and then seeing it backfire. You haven't made any negotiations, just demands, and you've only created further hostility.

Also, I don't mind you playing the way you do, it's interesting, but you chose a hard road. Nobody's forcing you to play passive, and if you chose to play a strat which doesn't work because it is a war game and some people are playing particularly aggressive, then you can't blame other people for the failings of your strat.
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.

Peace Alliance

Which thread, Firetooth? Have you even been reading what's being written? I feel like I'm arguing with a broken record...


Technically you didn't make the thread I'm referring to, but it's more or less the same thing. Just replace the "making thread" with "making a post." I'm getting confused as you've made at least one other thread recently complaining about being attacked.

Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.

Peace Alliance

I don't understand why you would bring that up here, or why you feel the need to start criticizing me for sending aid, giving detailed and advanced advice, and generally trying to help out the Masked Wolf, who has been absolutely wasting his turns on me. Your response would be to attack him back? Mine is to help him. I think we can simply agree to do our own thing without trying to create conflict out of nothing.