Forum Rules

Started by Abby The Rat, April 13, 2003, 07:27:47 PM

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Abby The Rat

These forums are a part of the RWL game, and all rules from RWL apply. There are some added rules that only apply to these forums.

To avoid confusion, I am listing the rules for the forums below.

1. NO profanity or offensive words allowed, including use of @$$ and f***. These will not be allowed. This includes uses of religious icons' names etc.

2. Only Redwall type insults are allowed.

3. Using any form of the word "gay" is not allowed out of context or unless having a serious, civil discussion.

4. Spamming is not allowed. Including one line posts (a line that has less then 5 words) unless it has a strong point.

5. No flaming. Be nice to each other. The RWL forum's definition of flaming: Deliberately and intentionally insulting another member on these forums, with serious intention to put that person down. This includes semi-flaming, which is a "hinted" flame, not a direct or outright flame, but still with intention to insult.

6. Do not add more topics on the topics that are already there. One in each forum is the utmost limit.

7. Advertising for games not affiliated or associated with RWL or RWL's Team are not allowed.

8. Posting of messages that do or could make another member uncomfortable (confessions of undying love etc.) are prohibited.

9. Attempting to set up real-life meetings with other forum members is not allowed on these forums. It introduces a legal risk we are not prepared to assume.

10. No "yelling" or "shouting", ie: Typing a post or sentence in all caps. Capitalizing an entire word is allowed, but not more than three words in a row, or an entire sentence.

11. No double/triple posting on any forum except the Spa Room. That edit button is there for a reason.

12. Use of the words "newbie" and "oldbie" are allowed, ONLY if they do NOT present a stereotype of any kind.

These rules can be changed at the whim of the admins and mods.

The punishment will start with a warning then penalites.

The penalites will increase and can include a temporary and/or permenant ban from the forums and post reset.

You have been warned.
Not around, please ignore.

Could be found on discord: []


Ha! I found some remnants of the forum rules from when Ad was still here!

After furthermore looking around for other rules that might've been posted before these I found none, considering that pages 40 and up have nothing on them that I can look to, cuz I believe they were lost to us.

Member of the ROC: 03/14/2000
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