were u ppl from?

Started by Grath26, January 16, 2003, 08:28:43 PM

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 ok cmon ppl vote, the country w most votes wins!!!!!!!

im form Usa, hope Usa wins!!!!!

:ph34r:  :rolleyes:  B)  :unsure:  :huh:  :P  :o  <_<  :ph34r:

ok, theres some tipos, but its ok nmind you gt it.

:rolleyes:  :angry:  :angry:  B)  B)  B)  :P  :)  :unsure:  



 0|-| |\/|`/ 60|)! i \/\/i$|-| `/0U \/\/0U1|) 134/~/\/ +0 $P311. $33 |-|0\/\/ \/\/3 |=331?

If you can understand that, you feel my pain, here. 'Webster's your friend'... keep saying that.

~Shy, Myuh!
"Like a song,
Out of tune and out of time,
All I needed was a rhyme for you.
C'est la vie."
~C'est la vie, Emerson, Lake, and Palmer

~Assisstant to RFF, Rubinsky's Renegades (#15)

The Beatles

 That was... painful. I won't go into it.
What's your message, Shy?

Shael of Torethevel

 I have it, but it took me a while....

I know exactly how you feel Shy, I've experienced that feeling ever since I joined the ROC. It gets soooo annoying......
~The Lady Shael, Once Empress and Third Ruler of Mossflower Country and Beyond

Warlord(ess) of The Black Raiders, #55
Leader of The Band of Rebels, #225
Founder of The Rebels of Mossflower
Leader of El Queso, #419
Commander of the Daughters of Delor, #679
Lady of The Realm of Unspoken Darkness, #1235

"Good evening, I am the main Dish of the Day. May I interest you in parts of my body?"
~The dairy animal, The Restaurant at the End of the Universe

The Beatles

Quote from: Shytalon0|-| |\/|`/ 60|)! i \/\/i$|-| `/0U \/\/0U1|) 134/~/\/ +0 $P311. $33 |-|0\/\/ \/\/3 |=331?

If you can understand that, you feel my pain, here. 'Webster's your friend'... keep saying that.

~Shy, Myuh!
"Oh my God! I wish you would learn to spell. See how we feel?"

That was hard to decipher. I hope it's not that Badbranch character again.


 wat u mean

cmon ppl vot, u ned to vote, we nd votes!!!!!!

:blink:  :)  :)  :blink:  :)  :unsure:  :rolleyes:  B)  :D  :angry:

1 like smls



That's all for you...

For Beatles: I used what I call 'cheet leet'... My little secret |337 translator...

~Mwaa!, Shy, Myuh!
"Like a song,
Out of tune and out of time,
All I needed was a rhyme for you.
C'est la vie."
~C'est la vie, Emerson, Lake, and Palmer

~Assisstant to RFF, Rubinsky's Renegades (#15)

General Austin

 I've got all but the last couple words. That's cool, Shy!
In God I trust, and in Him alone shall I put my faith.

The Beatles

 Shy, Mwah!

Um, I've got a cool little program called "Foggy". Wait a sec...
It's officially called a BS Generator.

Here's what it creates: (Sorry, it's long)

    However,  the product assurance architecture adds overriding per-
formance constraints to the preliminary qualification limit.   In par-
ticular,  a  constant flow of effective communication must utilize and
be  functionally  interwoven with the postulated use of dialog manage-
ment  technology.   To approach true user-friendliness, the interrela-
tion of system and/or subsystem technologies effects a significant im-
plementation  of  the  philosophy  of commonality and standardization.
It  should  be  noted  that the fully integrated test program requires
considerable  systems  analysis and trade-off studies to arrive at the
sophisticated  hardware.   In  summary, any associated supporting ele-
ment mandates staff-meeting-level attention to the subsystem compatib-
ility  testing.   It is further assumed that a large proportion of in-
terface coordination communication necessitates that urgent considera-
tion  be  applied to the evolution of specifications over a given time
period.   To further describe and annotate, the independent functional
principle is functionally equivalent and parallel to any discrete con-
figuration  mode.   Specifically, initiation of critical subsystem de-
velopment  is  further  compounded  when taking into account the total
system  rationale.   As  a resultant implication, the characterization
of  specific  criteria  maximizes  the probability of project success,
yet minimizes cost and time required for the anticipated fourth-gener-
ation equipment.

    Similarly, a constant flow of effective communication adds expli-
cit  performance limits to the evolution of specifications over a giv-
en time period.   We can see, in retrospect, any associated supporting
element  maximizes  the  probability of project success, yet minimizes
cost  and time required for the greater fight-worthiness concept.   It
is  further  assumed that initiation of critical subsystem development
recognizes other systems' importance and the necessity for the postul-
ated  use of dialog management technology.   Interestingly enough, the
characterization of specific criteria mandates staff-meeting-level at-
tention  to  possible  bidirectional  logical relationship approaches.
On  the  other  hand,  the  incorporation  of  additional mission con-
straints  necessitates  that  urgent  consideration  be applied to the
structural design, based on system engineering concepts.   In this re-
gard,  the  product  assurance architecture is functionally equivalent
and  parallel  to the total system rationale.   Without going into the
technical details, a large proportion of interface coordination commu-
nication  is  further compounded when taking into account any discrete
configuration mode.  It is assumed that the fully integrated test pro-
gram  adds  overriding  performance  constraints  to  the  anticipated
fourth-generation  equipment.   Based on integral subsystem considera-
tions,  the  product  configuration baseline must utilize and be func-
tionally interwoven with the philosophy of commonality and standardiz-

    To further describe and annotate, the product configuration base-
line adds overriding performance constraints to the philosophy of com-
monality and standardization.   Of course, the interrelation of system
and/or  subsystem technologies must utilize and be functionally inter-
woven  with the subsystem compatibility testing.   In summary, the in-
corporation  of  additional  mission constraints effects a significant
implementation  of  the  anticipated fourth-generation equipment.   We
can see, in retrospect, the fully integrated test program presents ex-
tremely interesting challenges to the structural design, based on sys-
tem engineering concepts.   Conversely, any associated supporting ele-
ment  requires  considerable systems analysis and trade-off studies to
arrive at the preliminary qualification limit.   In particular, a con-
stant  flow of effective communication is further compounded when tak-
ing  into account the total system rationale.   Similarly, the charac-
terization  of specific criteria is functionally equivalent and paral-
lel  to the greater fight-worthiness concept.   For example, the inde-
pendent functional principle maximizes the probability of project suc-
cess, yet minimizes cost and time required for any discrete configura-
tion  mode.   As a resultant implication, the product assurance archi-
tecture  mandates  staff-meeting-level  attention  to the evolution of
specifications over a given time period.

    As a resultant implication, the characterization of specific cri-
teria necessitates that urgent consideration be applied to the subsys-
tem  compatibility  testing.   Interestingly  enough,  the independent
functional principle adds explicit performance limits to the prelimin-
ary qualification limit.  However, a constant flow of effective commu-
nication  mandates  staff-meeting-level  attention  to the anticipated
fourth-generation  equipment.   Specifically,  initiation  of critical
subsystem development recognizes other systems' importance and the ne-
cessity for the philosophy of commonality and standardization.   It is
further  assumed  that  any associated supporting element must utilize
and  be  functionally interwoven with the sophisticated hardware.   Of
course,  the product assurance architecture is functionally equivalent
and  parallel to any discrete configuration mode.   We can see, in re-
trospect,  the incorporation of additional mission constraints is fur-
ther  compounded when taking into account the structural design, based
on system engineering concepts.  It should be noted that the fully in-
tegrated  test  program  presents  extremely interesting challenges to
possible  bidirectional logical relationship approaches.   In summary,
a  large proportion of interface coordination communication adds over-
riding performance constraints to the management-by-contention princi-

    On  the  other hand, the interrelation of system and/or subsystem
technologies  effects  a significant implementation of the anticipated
fourth-generation equipment.   Specifically, a large proportion of in-
terface coordination communication is functionally equivalent and par-
allel to the greater fight-worthiness concept.  For example, the char-
acterization  of  specific  criteria maximizes the probability of pro-
ject  success, yet minimizes cost and time required for the total sys-
tem rationale.  Conversely, any associated supporting element must ut-
ilize  and be functionally interwoven with the sophisticated hardware.
It  should be noted that a constant flow of effective communication is
further  compounded  when  taking  into account possible bidirectional
logical  relationship  approaches.   It  is assumed that initiation of
critical  subsystem development necessitates that urgent consideration
be  applied to the structural design, based on system engineering con-
cepts.  Based on integral subsystem considerations, the fully integra-
ted test program recognizes other systems' importance and the necessi-
ty  for  the  subsystem compatibility testing.   Interestingly enough,
the  independent functional principle adds overriding performance con-
straints  to  the management-by-contention principle.   Of course, the
incorporation of additional mission constraints adds explicit perform-
ance limits to the overall negative profitability.
The conclusion that can be drawn is, I hope, self-evident.

Hehehehe... (The last sentence is mine.)

 Was I supposed to understand that??


 Longest post ever...well besides those crazy religion ones on the old board. In which they actually wrote stuff.

Yes, the grammar is quite paintful...the worst part is he doesn't know what we're talking about.


  :wacko: Having looked at all the poll choices, I have only this to say:

My eyes! Oh, how they burn!  


 nu sealand? Whaaa...?


 Maybe he meant New Zealand?  I like that place, very pretty and untouched like an arctic wilderness jewel or something :)