I have a Hamtaro wristband...

Started by calria, April 12, 2003, 11:51:54 PM

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 It is 11:36 PM here, where I live. I know you all need to know that. Anyway, I am completely and totally hyperactive at the moment, waiting for my boyfriend to get online. I want all of you to know first of all that I am absolutely weird, as if you didn't know already. Secondly, I have a fun idea. This may not catch on or anything, however, since my sense of what's fun is completely odd at this time of the night, even for me, which is bad since my sense of what's fun is generally thought to be rather disturbed and depraved by most of normal humanity. However, you guys are not what most of us consider normal humanity, so I think this has a chance at not being completely scoffed at... maybe...

Therefore, I introduce....

The Big Huge Forum Survey of Fun Forum People Stuff

Copy and paste and put in your own answers... This will be FUN!


Name: Lady Calria Ulloa, Queen of all Grammatica

R/L name: Sarah

Where you got your screen name: I thought it up once for an RPG, and I liked it, so I kept it around.

Age: 17

Grade: 12th (senior in high school)


Color: purple and blue

Food: Mashed potatoes

Song: She Hates Me by Puddle of Mudd/Enchantment Under The Sea by the Huntingtons

Flower: purple wisteria

Book: anything by Morgan Llywellyn, or the Pegasus series by Anne McCafferey

Movies: LOTR, Harry Potter, Ten Things I Hate About You, Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy


Do you play regular? Yep!
Name: Mother Mellus's Nursery (#786)

Do you play turbo? Yeah!
Name: Donkey Nurturers (#71)

Highest rank ever: 8

Highest NW ever: $28 mil... around there

Most food ever: 200 mil +

Most ever in Cluny's Hut: $200 mil

Most of each troop ever:
Rats: 3.5 mil
Weasels: 1 mil
Stoats: 3 mil
Skiffs: 4 mil

When did you start playing RWL? Sept/Oct of last year
Which server? Original
First horde? L'Mal Terre (#41)


Have fun! Feel free to add to it!

TR Shadow


Name: TR Shadow, Shad, TR S, Shada', Shaduh (Which ever you prefer)

R/L name: Julie

Where you got your screen name: The TR stands for Team Rocket.  I used this name for another site and I liked it at the time.  I try to use the same screen name for every site so people won't get me all confuzzeled ;).  Hmm, I hope no one mentions the fact that I have five screen names on this site.  I don't want to explain all of them =\

Age: 14

Grade: 8th


Color: Clear!

Food: Oranges, I guess

Song: All The Things She Said by t.A.T.u. (I actually hate that band, but I love that song)

Flower: Ummmmm, I have no prefrence at all

Book: Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy (Which I'm on page 20 of =P)

Movies: LOTR, Harry Potter, Ten Things I Hate About You, Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy


Do you play regular? Naw
Name: None

Do you play turbo? Nu-uh
Name: None

Highest rank ever: Like I'm gonna tell YOU!

Highest NW ever: ^ look up

Most food ever: Hmph!

Most ever in Cluny's Hut: *Shakes head*

Most of each troop ever:

When did you start playing RWL? November of last year
Which server? Original
First horde? Mossflower Shadow (Forgot the number)



Name: Teufel

R/L name: Stephanie

Where you got your screen name: I like foreign words, and this one just struck my fancy when I was searching for a name for RWL.

Age: 17

Grade: 12th (senior in high school)


Color: Orange

Food: Steak!

Song: Through the Rain by Mariah Carey

Flower: Rose

Book: LOTR, John Grisham's books

Movies: LOTR

Do you play regular? Indeed
Name: Legions of Teufel (#18)

Do you play turbo? Yes
Name: Fires of Freedom II (#121)

Highest rank ever: 7

Highest NW ever: $25 mil

Most food ever: 40 thousand

Most ever in Cluny's Hut: $200 mil

Most of each troop ever:
Rats: 3.5 mil
Weasels: 1 mil
Stoats: 800,000
Skiffs: 600,000

When did you start playing RWL? February
Which server? Original
First horde? Legions of Teufel (umm...12??...in the 1200's somewhere)
"Courage is the price that Life exacts for granting peace, The soul that knows it not, knows no release from little things." - A. Earhart


 hmm...  me try


Name: windhound

R/L name: Trevor

Where you got your screen name: um, I forget.

Age: 16

Grade: 11th


Color: orange and blue

Food: pizza, ravioli (sp)

Song: Cheeseburger in Paridise by Jimmy Buffet (for lack of others)

Flower: none, dogwood flower is neat though

Book: the Redwall sierries, Harry Potter sierries, I also liked Where the Red Fern Grows

Movies: Harry Potter, Lilo and Stitch, Shrek


Do you play regular? Ye
Name: Windhounds ll (480)

Do you play turbo? Ye
Name: Vientoperros ll (22)

Highest rank ever: 2

Highest NW ever: over 150 mil (before the reset in reg.)

Most food ever: +2 billion (before the reset in reg.)

Most ever in Cluny's Hut: +600 mil

Most of each troop ever:
Rats: 25 mil
Weasels: 5 mil
Stoats: 12 mil
Skiffs: 2 mil
Leaders:  22,000,000
(somewhere around there)

When did you start playing RWL? Oct of last year
Which server? Ancient
First horde? Windhounds (116)
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't

guardians of night


Name: Guardians

R/L name: Yellow Eyes

Where you got your screen name: I just made something up.  :D

Age: 13

Grade: 8th


Color: Blue and Orange

Food: Pizza



Book: Outcast of Redwall

Movies: Haven't seen one in a while.  :(


Do you play regular? Yep!
Name: Guardians of the Night (#59)

Do you play turbo? Yeah!
Name: Yellow Eyes (#27)

Highest rank ever: 4 (Turbo)

Highest NW ever: 60 something?

Most food ever: 400 mill +

Most ever in Cluny's Hut: $200 mil

Most of each troop ever:
Rats: 10 mill
Weasels: 8 mill
Stoats: 3 mil
Skiffs: 1 mill

When did you start playing RWL? Sept/Oct of last year
Which server? Original
First horde? NY Invaders #377

http://members.lycos.co.uk/rerisen is my new WWII game! Join today!

My tries at making games has finally succeded!
Nevermind, Lycos screwed up my game!

Dead Eye


Name: Dead Eye TrueFlight

R/L name: Dan

Where you got your screen name: For AIM it's Catfoodmade4dogs, which is going to be my bands first cd's name. This forum name is my name in the game

Age: 14

Grade: 8th


Color: Red on black


Song: Grow Up by Simple Plan

Flower: I don't know

Book: Taggerung

Movies: Blade 2


Do you play regular? Yea
Name: Winter Warrior (#622)

Do you play turbo? No
Name: N/a

Highest rank ever: 12 Regular

Highest NW ever: Don't remember?

Most food ever: Don't remember

Most ever in Cluny's Hut: $300,000,000 plus

Most of each troop ever:
Rats: 10 million
Weasels: 4 million
Stoats: 5 million
Skiffs: 1 mill

When did you start playing RWL? August/September 2002
Which server? Original
First horde? The Death Squad
Dead Eye Trueflight of the Seas, Servent to the Emperor and Empress of the Northlands<br><br><a href='http://kevan.org/brain.cgi?Itha' target='_blank'>http://kevan.org/brain.cgi?Itha</a><br><br>Spokesperson for The winter clan. <br><br>Part of the ROC since some time in October-Nov



Name: Baranomus Menatus the Cunning (anyone remember that?)

R/L name: Tania

Where you got your screen name: WiseIsTheGoatee or Menatus? Wise is the Goatee explains my goatee obsession, and Menatus is a bunch of latin I looked up online that means all sorts of things (fox, sly, cunning) but only a letter or two O_o;;;

Age: Guess!

Grade: Mah, guess!


Color: Blue

Food: Focaccia

Song: Point of Know Return by Kansas

Flower: Dusty millers

Book: Song in the Silence/The Lesser Kindred, The Redwall Series

Movies: The Pest, Moulin Rouge, anything with John Leguizamo in it.

TV Show: Will & Grace! YAY!


Do you play regular? Yeah. (Rarely)
Name: Hope Eternal (#7)

Do you play turbo? Nope.

Highest rank ever: 1

Highest NW ever: $100mil or around it.

Most food ever: Old server: 22 billion from Josh. Now: 1 billion.

Most ever in Cluny's Hut: Nothing.

Most of each troop ever:
Rats: 5 mil
Weasels: 4 mil
Stoats: 4 mil
Skiffs: 3 mil

When did you start playing RWL? November of last year
Which server? Original
First horde? Menatus Blackhorde (#456)



R/L name: Mark
Where you got your screen name: LOTR
Age: 12 (I think I'm the yongest on the forum...he he)
Grade: 7th (home school)
Color: red blue
Food: tacos
Tree: grapefruit tree
Book: LOTR
Movies: LOTR
Do you play regular? Yep!
Name: The Dark Rider (#826) (killed 2 times)
Do you play turbo? no (used to)
Highest rank ever: 3rd
Highest NW ever: 60mil... around there
Most food ever: 100 mil +
Most ever in Cluny's Hut: $200 mil
Most of each troop ever:
Rats: 8.5 mil
Weasels: 3 mil
Stoats: 10 mil
Skiffs: 4 mil
When did you start playing RWL? Xmas (2002)
Which server? Original
The Cello (forget the #)
Originally The Black Rider, Fonder of Nazgul?.

Down right proud Mac user!
Also down right proud iPod owner
user posted image
If someone died for you? Would you care?



Name: Lord John of Arimathea, And King of All Grammatica

R/L name: Er..John?

Where you got your screen name: Errr....John?

Age: 12

Gard: 6


Color: Green

Food: Chicken Strips with Ranch and Barbecue sauce and a lemonade

Song: LOTR theme

Flower: n/a

Book: HP FOREVER!!!! YA YA YA!!!! 1-4[5]!! And the hitchhikers trilogy [finished]

Section 3
Do you play regular? Yep!
Name:The Hexans Return, #702 [Formerly #25]

Do you play turbo? Nah...

Highest Rank ever: 1

Highest Networth Ever: 86 mil.

Most Food Ever: 506 mil

Most ever in clunys hut:210 mil

Most of each troop ever:

When did you start playing: Late December last year.

Which Server? Original

First Horde? errr....#811, The Hexans

Most Land ever in an attack: 38,000 acres
Heark! For the City of God comes before us!
And so he asked, "How is a man to judge in such times as these?" and he was answered, "As he always has judged, for good and evil have not changed and the differences are as great as they have ever been."

Former Emperor

Former Member of Rome


 Wooo! People actually did this!

*feels special*

Tania, I'm suprised you didn't put something about W&G and John L-whatever on there...

General Austin


Name: General Austin, Aus, Aussie, JohnJacobJingleheimerswitz, Bob, Jim, and Jimbob, Austy, Frosty, Boston, Cutiepie, Wiggleworm, etc.

R/L name: Austin

Where you got your screen name: I got it from...um...I forgot.. :(

Age: 12

Grade: 8th


Color: Aqua

Food: Probably Velveeta noodles

Song: I want to go deeper/King of fools

Flower: chocolate-scented orchid. I forgot the name.

Book: Bible


I play regular AND Turbo! Regular: Northern Hordes, 362 Turbo: Ereptor's Bane, 7

Highest rank ever: 1

Highest networth ever: about 360 million

Highest food ever: 800 million

Most ever in cluny's hut: probably around alot

Most of each troop ever:

50 million rats
3-4 million weasels
7 million stoats
4 million skiffs

when did you start playing?

Maybe October, or late August

Which server?


first horde?

201, Northern Hordes

Most land ever in an attack: almost 25k acres
In God I trust, and in Him alone shall I put my faith.


 LOL!! Cal, I mentioned BOTH W&G AND John Leguizamo in my post! *I* can't believe you missed it.



I am mortified! ...and apparently quite unobservant!

The Lady Shael


Name: The Lady Shael

R/L name: Stephanie

Where you got your screen name: Mm, I made it up, I guess.

Age: 14

Grade: 9th (freshman)


Color: PURPLE!

Food: M&M's ^_^

Song: None


Book: The Sevenwaters Trilogy by Juliet Marillier(<---READ IT!)

Movies: LOTR, Harry Potter, The Court Jester


Do you play regular? Not anymore....
Name: Daughters of Delor (#20)

Do you play turbo? Nope

Highest rank ever: Numba 1!

Highest NW ever: Dun remember, over 100 mil, though.

Most food ever: 800K

Most ever in Cluny's Hut: 25 billion, I think.

Most of each troop ever:
Rats: Over 11 mil
Weasels: Around 5 mil
Stoats: Around 8 mil
Skiffs: Around 10 mil (I was a weasel ^_^)

When did you start playing RWL? One week after the site went up!
Which server? Original
First horde? The Black Raiders (#55)
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my command...as long as it complies with the rules.

Section 1

Name: Ashyra Nightwing

R/L Name: Imogen

Where you got your screen name:  Pentephraxis = My favourite word, Ashyra = A name I made up long ago on my friend's site

Age: 13

Grade: 9th

Section 2

Colour: Orange

Food: Cheese (obviously)

Song: Hands Clean

Book: hmmm.... The Edge Chronicles?

Movies: LOTR, Forrest Gump, Harry Potter

Section 3

Do you play Regular? Yep
Name: The Guardians of the Night #59

Do you play Turbo: Not anymore
Name: Pentephraxis Legion #5 (A waste of a single digit, really...)

Highest rank ever: 18, though I was rank 3 for the first few minutes of the reset...

Highest NW ever: 34mil

Most food ever: 200k

Most ever in Cluny's Hut: 100mil

Most of each troop ever:
Rats: 3mil
Weasels: 2mil
Stoats: 1.5mil
Skiffs: 2mil

When did you start playing? 7th December 2002

Which server? Regular

First horde: 641, Ashyra's Horde

Guardians of night, I know where your screen name comes from...