Advenchoorz in da redwallverse!

Started by Camaclue, October 08, 2011, 11:03:42 PM

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This is 100% open. Enter at your own risk! And I just said bull when I made this. Cheers!

The rat looked around the forest. He was lost. No matter, he thought, he'll find the way out easy. "noclip." The rat flew over the foilage and saw a beach up ahead. He flew over, hovered slightly above the ground, and fell. Sometimes, it was good to have cheats.

The badger saw the happenings and went downstairs. A hare officer saluted, and said, "My lord, I just saw a rat fly, and I don't know if I should be worried." The badger just chuckled. "Get me my banhammer, Lacewig. It's time to take action."
Quote from: Ungatt Trunn II on November 12, 2012, 09:10:32 PM
ey M8 ur cheeky i swear ill wreck ur [poop]


So, honey badger is me: Im a badger, got tonnes of cash, call me a mega ton berry if ya want.

Whats this gilded spoon? May i use this to eat my cereal of pure gold flakes?

Butler: Why yes i believe so. Is this a request?

Honey badger: Of course it is get on it mate!!!

Butler: yes, ill let our mercanaries noe.
*walks in a shady part of town, finds an alley, opens the door with 3 knocks*

Butler: u are needed.

???:Whats it this time

Butler: gilded spoon

???: Ive heard of that. Ill get to work on it, itll cost Honey Badger a ton of cash

Butler: ok, he really wants it triple question mark

???: consider it done


Rat: Why do I have this?
Rat: You have Caps lock on.
OH THanks. That was annoying. Now let's keep the Fourth wall intact.
Rat: *Destroys Fourth wall* What did you say?
Oh crud.
Badger: I want that lazor!
Rat: NO.
Quote from: Ungatt Trunn II on November 12, 2012, 09:10:32 PM
ey M8 ur cheeky i swear ill wreck ur [poop]


triple question mark walks into a new rp*

???: So this is where the gilded spoon be. Give it here ya bugs.

Voices: No, ours, mine mine

???: do u have any idea who i am, i am triple questin mark! Veiled myystery of the nite

Voices: leave us alne

???: Die: *swings boomerang question mark

Ahh the gilded spoon

*walks into original story

Its so beautifyl, i shall keep it, with this i can rule the world ahahag


No you can't.
???: What do you mean?
You can't rule the world with a spoon.
???: Yes I can.
Prove it.
???: *rules the planet*
*reverses time*
???: Yes I can.
No. You. CAN'T! *Returns Gilded Spoon to RP*
Oops.*Returns spoon to original RP*
Noberinicus: This is a diamond spoon coated with gold and the most precious gems ever. WRONG ONE!
Ugh. *throws spoon at Bert*
Bert: *kicks narrarator*
Oi! *Kicks bert so hard it stalls the RP* Hee hee. That was a stupid story anyways.
Quote from: Ungatt Trunn II on November 12, 2012, 09:10:32 PM
ey M8 ur cheeky i swear ill wreck ur [poop]



It stalled the Gilded Spoon RP. A HERP A DERP
Quote from: Ungatt Trunn II on November 12, 2012, 09:10:32 PM
ey M8 ur cheeky i swear ill wreck ur [poop]

Shadow Assassin

 >:(: I dont like  ???
???:why not?
>:(: Because im angry*Chops  ??? in half* Now your only ? and a half.
???:What was that for.
>:(: I already said im angry.




I heard the gilded spoon is here? Where is triple question mark

Butler: sir, he has found, there were reports of him leaving south, towards the docks.
What shall id do

Honey: Send in my Weasels of the air, they shall find him

Butler:yes aye aye captain  

Argh, shiver me timbers, pirate stump head

Weasels: 1010 00110 0010

Butler:Shiver me timbers

So the weasels knowing only binary code searchedthe sothsward for triple question mark. Where is he? Why does he have the spoon? Stay tune and find out !!!


 The meaning of everything.

? and a half: CURSES! MY NAME IS HALFED!
I'll ban you if you keep spamming.
Random guy: That's elec- *gets kicked by the all mighty Camaclue*
Camaclue: Shuddup. Now, here we go again >:D
*airplanes fly towards Salamandastron menacingly*

Rat: Whaddabout me?
Quote from: Ungatt Trunn II on November 12, 2012, 09:10:32 PM
ey M8 ur cheeky i swear ill wreck ur [poop]

Shadow Assassin

 >:(:yaaaaghhhh!!!!! *gets so angry about nothing that he turns into  >:D
>:D: Yessss, can you feel my evil power hahahahhahhahahahah (evil laugh) hardyhardyha


I dont have de flashy drive

Weasels: 1010 0001110  0100110 00100  001000  00000 00

Butler: ah, i see, recruit the rat, he shall be prosperous. He makes top industry in northlands ya knoe

Weseal:1000101 00101111011110 011011010 101111

Rat: thnx, gee wiz, do we get to ravage and massacre peeps?


rat: koolio. I lead a n army of chaos :3

So, this alliance was created to track triple err one and a half question mark? Anyway, the guy with the shiny spoon. Stay tuned

Shadow Assassin

Foxywoxy: I dont like my name.
Wolf: wana join my army?
Foxywoxy: I dunno im kinda busy this week.
Wolf: Come on it will be fun, we have been hired by 1 and a half question mark to kill the weasels.
Foxywoxy: Ummm...
Wolf: Ill kill you if you dont join.
Foxywoxy: Sure thing boss you persuaded me, but only if I can change my name to The Foxernatorshirzz DADADA
Wolf: ahhhh ok.
Foxernatorshirzz: Yay ok boss lets go kill the weasels


WEASELS:1000111 101100 01100110 ( sum binary giberish i dont even)

Rats:?...?...? um, ok, i make troopies, they stompy you hard.

_Rat transforms GASP!_

Arghggh^^^^||\\|//\//\/////\/\//\\/\\\\/\/\\//\//\//energy waves/\////\///||/////^^^^^|\\/\//\\\//

God Tier: Wererat

Wererat: I can take on all 5 of ya. Come on!!!!

So an epic battle ensumed, yet what of the spponn

I am, no longer questin mark, i am tge almights ! Yes, exclamation mark, its seems he transformed as well

Next stop. The fifth wall


i flew in and killed the redwallverse with a huge lump of soil.
1. Mike Oxlong (#14)
$16,999,999,999 with 275,000 Acres
3. AL CAPONE (#23)
$887,873,381 with 14,939 Acres
3. wrecking balls (#9)
$801,398,171 with 32,301 Acres
1. Nazgul (#5)
$1,503,190,327 with 201,952 Acres