Ereptor's New Clan

Started by Well Actually I Do Have a, April 09, 2003, 08:43:46 PM

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Well Actually I Do Have a

The One feels it his duty to speak in a time of such stupidity. At this point in time it seems a little enlightenment is needed by you fools.

Are you all complete fools? Ereptor is "stepping down" so Ad can supposedly take his place. His calculator is at work again.

Ad will have 50 billion food and almost no troops, but he will be rank 1. So Ad "becomes" Emperor by having more food than everyone else. Ereptor the wielder of the silent calculator will be rank 2. The pale one with no complexion. The fool with no life. Sorry about that back to the point. Ad the Rat will have more food than anyone, and Ereptor will have the most troops, leaders, land and pretty much everything else as well.

He is worthless as a leader. Ereptor has a new pawn, and you all believe he is sincere. Now Ereptor faces no attacks, no enemies, and the same power hes always had. Fools!
                                                     -The Enlightened One
Wolfbites #1 Fan!


 I am NOT a fool!  *Runs upstairs to room, slams door, cries*

No hug for you today, sir :angry: !

~Julie, the newbie that STILL embarresses everybody ^^;~

Well Actually I Do Have a

Yes as I just stated, you are.
Wolfbites #1 Fan!


 No I'm not!  I'm just...Different.  I'm special in my own little way =P.

Power of Mordor

TR he does have a point, but I dont like him calling me a fool.

 She certainly is special in her own way (which happens to be the some way as horny bullfrogs). What I'm really trying to say is that by being "special", or in her case "different" and "special", she accepts the fact that she, as well as Ereptor, enjoy the sin of homosexuality.


Quote from: The TwoShe certainly is special in her own way (which happens to be the some way as horny bullfrogs). What I'm really trying to say is that by being "special", or in her case "different" and "special", she accepts the fact that she, as well as Ereptor, enjoy the sin of homosexuality.
Grrrrr...*Clenches fists*  I am NOT that messed up!  And I strongly believe Ereptor isn't either.  I have NOTHING in common with horny bullfrogs!  *Croaks*  No hug for you, either!


 I think that I, and quite a few others, would appreciate it if everyone stopped trying to insult people by calling them gay or homosexual. Thanks.
The 'ittle otter,


 Thank you, Retto.  *Is quite dissipointed that no one got banned*  I now need to go calm down my rabid kangaroo.  He got a bit upset that I got called homosexual.  *Pats rabid kangaroo*



 Patheticness is thyne name-!

Foolishness is only the fool inwhich he calls others.

Abby The Rat

 You are right that I have will have more food then anyone else, but don't think that I have no troop or leader for that matter.

If I was going to get to rank one peacefully and without attacking others it is the only way I can gain rank.

I am not worthless leader and my clan member will tell you that  I am not and I am not Ereptor "pawn".

your right about him still having power, but I need him to have that power so he can protect me as he said he will.

Also, I do have a life.
Not around, please ignore.

Could be found on discord: []


 The continual insulting of people by calling them gay is getting repetitive. Can't you people take a hint that you are not showing off your most intelligent side when you do it.

Oh, and Gandalf(AKA The Two) if you do it again you'll get banned. If you want to flame people, at least use sensible insults. Ones that are related to the game.

~A Message From Ragefur
Highest Rank: 1
8th player ever.

Dead Eye

 Thank you Ragefur! That was getting annoying.

(I won't call you Raggy any more, since you are an Admin and can ban me)
Dead Eye Trueflight of the Seas, Servent to the Emperor and Empress of the Northlands<br><br><a href='' target='_blank'></a><br><br>Spokesperson for The winter clan. <br><br>Part of the ROC since some time in October-Nov

Badrang the Tyrant

 I am getting tired of hearing about "Ereptor's Silent Calculator" and his "Silent Fingers"!  I am also tired of seeing Well I Actually Do Have A Life, The One, The Two, and Gandalf all posting about Ereptor because they are jealous.  At first it was funny, but now it is quite annoying.

~Urran Voh

Dead Eye

Dead Eye Trueflight of the Seas, Servent to the Emperor and Empress of the Northlands<br><br><a href='' target='_blank'></a><br><br>Spokesperson for The winter clan. <br><br>Part of the ROC since some time in October-Nov