Epic roleplay

Started by Firetooth, July 19, 2011, 01:22:48 PM

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Re: Warrior cats and bears
« Reply #11 on: November 12, 2007, 10:19:13 AM »
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ok here it goes:

One fine bliss autumn day, a bear was strolling in the woods. The bear was called? lieutenant Turious Bear, founder of the Armarda. He was a grizzly bear who was immensely strong and wouldn?t let anyone stand In his way, for he was the son of Dihodrun the great.

Turious had lead many army?s into battles just like his father. In the corner of his eye he caught some movement.
It was Dame his loyal soldier, he was followed by the Armarda, a clan of 100 soldiers ready for war at any time.
They used double sided axes in combat, with half of them using Archery. He over-took Moss flower with just 100 of his soldiers. He destroyed the army of Cluny and took the town of disembargo.

In the icy regions of Meskaton

Firetooth the magnificent was rounding up his feline army for a feast. They had just taken Roharn by force with the? biggest army there was in the region of Meskaton. Firetooth was a fierce lion-sized tom cat. He only used his claws and teeth in mortal combat. His army of 1000 felines were under full command of Firetooth and never dared defy him. They were about to start the feast when a band of polar bears arrived lead by Sir knowland Snowfleck, they were hiking to Mossflower . All 700 of Snowfleck?s army were equipped with Swords and shields and heavy armour. They were tough and fought to the bitter end, by now they had a very strong reputation for winning any battle they participate in.

Firetooth arose with shock and assembled his army into 4 lines and went for the attack, Snowfleck was aware of his attackers and got ready for a fight. Whilst the main army attacked Firetooth and his elite felines sneaked round behind the intruders. Snowfleck?s army was twice as strong as that of Firetooth but that didn?t change a thing. They fought back just as hard and as fierce as ever.
When Firetooth reached the back the few behind didn?t stand a chance as they were piled by 20 felines at a time. One swung his huge sword knocking a tiny Bengal cat to it?s death. At the front of the Battle Snowfleck and his army were dominating but the felines didn?t stop, they wouldn?t stop. Just then Firetooth caught a glance of Snowfleck in the distance, he was huge, the biggest creature he has ever seen. He didn?t go near him for he would not come back if he did.

Over in Mossflower Lieutenant Turious bear roared out to his army ? Quick come, mice! ?. They all rushed over to see the huge mass of mice feasting on cheese, scones and buttered tarts with cream. They were the clan of Eire, lead by Kell, a very wise, careful rat? who didn?t like violence. But when violence was necessary he would strike. It was he who aided Turious?s father many years ago before he died. They had known each other for a long time but never seen each other for over 10 years. Turious jumped out and surprised his old friend Kell, he responded quickly with a below and jumped out of his seat. ? O? Turious, you scoundrel, where?s the clan then youngster??.?

? Now don?t be getting to hasty there, I haven?t seen you in years, how?s the Eire then??.? ? Hah, ya haven?t changed a bit have you, the Eire?s fine and full of cash and mercenaries , but right now come and feast with me and my men?.

On the Southland?s a group of 3 staggered down a sand bank, gasping for air. They were Yuri, sun and whilma, Yuri a otter, Sun a hawk and? Whilma a skiff. They were no-mads, Roaming the lands, hunting evil warlords and? endless diplomacy?s with many clans. Yuri was the son of Garth the dominant otter of the clan deception. But they weren?t hunting any warlords, they were recruiting far and wide for an army to wipe out the army of Firetooth the magnificent.

Mean time in the region of Meskaton Firetooth was loosing, He cried out to his archers ? Fire ? and a rain of arrows went over his head, killing atleast 20 polar bears. By now Firetooth had fled behind his archer and rows of fierce tom?s, tabbys and bengles. Firetooth cried out again to his archer ? Fire ? and another rain of arrows flooded the battle field with devastating effects, this time killing well over 100 bears. Firetooth had seen enough, he yelled out orders to his guardian soldiers and fled from the battle field. He Returned to his beloved fortress Noonvale, it was hidden by vines and trees and only the army of felines knew about it.

Firetooth?s general merrick razorfang was on the battle, he was crying to his troops ? Fall back to Noonvale ?. Shortly after his cry all his and Firetooth?s army returned to Noonvale un-followed. Merrick razorfang strode into Firetooth?s chamber and sat down on a wooden stool. ? So how did it go?? asked Firetooth abruptly. Merrick answered sternly ? we had to retreat sire, they were to strong but we knocked down the army by half, but we lost atleast half of our army as well?. Firetooth cursed as he strode up and down his chamber, ?get me 20 scouts and meet me out by the courtyard, NOW!? Merrick razorfang stood majestically and walk out of the chamber.

Yuri and his clan of deception were looking for food and water, they were nearing a forest full of noise and scent. ?Mice? cried Yuri, and without a second thought he ran into the brambles shortly followed by sun and whilma.

Lieutenant Turious bear was aware of the intruders and bellowed to his Armarda to advance to the intruders. When Yuri got threw the brambles he realised what a mistake he made, he couldn?t run from a huge pack of bears or fight. Turious was the first to reach Yuri and pinned him to the floor, just then sun and whilma burst through the brambles and got pinned dame and Thornclaw his two deputy?s. Turious called Kell over and bellowed to the intruders ? What?s your purpose of being here!?. Yuri replied ? I am Yuri, son of Garth and leader of the clan deception?.

Kell stepped in calmly and replied ? welcome to Mossflower, you may stay with us. What is your business so far away from your homeland? ?.

Firetooth was inspecting his 20 fine Persian scouts, each one equipped with nothing but a dagger and water and food supplies. He spoke clearly to his scouts ? Find out were Snowfleck is heading and come and tell me as soon as possible, I?m counting on you men ?. With that all of his scouts were gone in a matter of seconds, spreading into the trees and over the walls.

A day later 3 of the scouts returned, Drizzle, Lumina and Dustchaps. Lumina was the first to report ? There heading to Mossflower sire, to ally with the great lieutenant Turious bear, then returning to finish us off. Without hesitation Firetooth replied ? Well done, extra food rations for you tonight, were are the other??.

Drizzle stepped in and meowed softly ? They were killed by Snowfleck himself sire, there?s only us left?. By now Firetooth with thinking up a strategy to defeat Snowfleck.
? Well I need you to go far and wide and find me new troops, any race. We need them in 2 weeks so be swift and don?t let me down, Merrick!! Round up another 20 scouts, we will need them?, ? Right away sire?. With that he rushed off again to find a further 20 scouts.

They met in the courtyard again with 23 scouts lined up, Firetooth shrieked out to his men ? Look far and wide for any race of mercenary, I?m expecting many from each of you scouts so be aware. You will be split into 3 groups, Lumina leading the first group, Drizzle leading the next and Dustchaps leading the last, each brings enough supplies to support an army of 1000. Got it??. They didn?t move so fast this time as they had more to carry , they were accompanied with 50 guardians of the emperor each.

At this point there was no emperor, the old emperor was lieutenant Turious?s father. But as Firetooth killed the last emperor he got the guards but not the emperorship as he himself didn?t kill Dihodrun, but he was killed by his archers in a battle long ago.?

Back in Mossflower Yuri and his clan were settling in and enjoying the feast with Kell, Turious and the there soldiers. They were tucking into the jam and raspberry cake with hot cream, with wine and fresh water for the youngsters.
Yuri explained what his quest was to Kell and Turious and they agreed to help him. After the feast they all settled down into the huts and camps around the area as it was getting dark. Turious and his men were in the north camp, Kell in the south camp with Yuri, whilma and Sun and the rest of Kell?s men in the west and east camps.

Way back in Noonvale Firetooth had ordered Merrick to pick out 10 of his best troops and evenly share out the troops between them. They were to train them until the day of the hike to Mossflower to kill lieutenant Turious bear and Snowfleck. They would start the voyage when his scouts returned from the far out lands of Meskaton and Harrington down in the south.

Dustchaps colony of soldiers, scouts and supplies, were herding threw the outskirts of Noonvale and a band of masked stoats jumped them, the soldiers and guardians were
soon to react and went into the fight. The Masked stoats were under the control of Orcist, king of the northern lights and bandit of the south. He was known for attacking people all along the south of Noonvale and stealing mercenaries and supplies, he was a real leader as he had never lost a raid in his life, due to his highly trained band of stoats. His army  consisted of 20 stoats lead by Orcist and assistant?s guppy and Wolfbite. Wolfbite was in charge of cash flow and supplies, with guppy in charge of the up-keep of the army. Dustchaps small army were winning, as he had the emperor?s guardians. Orcist yelled ? Retreat, fall back!?. The stoats kicked up dirt from the road and fled to the shelter of the trees. They were not pursued as Dustchaps wasn?t there for a fight, but he had found potential recruitments. There was a small group of rats, only 3 but they looked vicious enough to beat a group of 10 rats. They were nearly as tall as Dustchaps, him being a wolf. They stood strong in front of the wagons, one of Dustchaps scouts was first to approach them with caution, explaining to them what was happening. They agreed to join but only on the terms that they were paid and fed.

In drizzle?s colony he had already recruited atleast 50 wolfs from the outskirts. They were the survivors from Firetooth?s attack on Roharn in Meskaton. They agreed to join because they wanted to be part of a huge army, and the fact they had no other choice.
Firetooth was in his chambers when Merrick razorfang interrupted him, ? Sire, a fight has broke out in the south, a band of cats are attacking Roharn, OUR DEFENCES ARE LOW!. We can?t just let them die out there!!?.
Firetooth replied sternly ? Get 500 of my men and march them to Roharn, but try not to loose troops, were building and army, not loosing it?.

No sooner did he say this a snow white feminine cat walked into Firetooth?s chamber, she said in a calm voice ? Sire, they?ve broken into Roharn, there too strong. Send help soon or I fear the worst. Firetooth answered ? Very well, send the remaining troops, I?m going in with them.

Firetooth led his feline army into battle, the other army of cats was much smaller, maybe 300 felines. They were lead by Marrek, Firetooth?s brother. They had not met up in over 7 years and were not to fond of each other, Firetooth was the bigger and more powerful of the two, but Marrek was twice as evil. Merrick razorfang swung his blade knocking 3 rather large tabbys to the death, he was nearly as big as his leader, Firetooth but not quite. In the middle of the battle field Firetooth and Marrek met, his brother was small and brown. They greeted each other as though there was not war going on around them, Firetooth was the first to speak ? My I haven?t seen you in years, your army is outnumbered just give up. ? We wish to ally with you, Snowfleck the scheming menace is creating an army to destroy me. Marrek replied with just as much fear ? I am being stalked, I have lost over half my army !, the shadow slayers are after me, I need help Firetooth, please?.

The shadow slayers were assassins stalking whoever wronged them. The wielded a poisoned short swords and many bottles of poison and toxic all made from deadly plants and snakes venom. They were after Marrek for killing of half there population for treachery and back stabbing. They were not pleasant when they were angry and wouldn?t give up. The only remaining shadow slayers left were, Nano, Nachak two twins Nano a girl and Nachak a boy. Spar the fox, Skinner the wildcat and Diablo the squirrel. They were lead by Diablo, a handsome young fellow but as deadly as deadly nightshade. He used to be a normal squirrel but his family were murdered by a warlord called Marrek. He had nobody to stay with so he spread far and wide recruiting assassins for his clan, he was now out to get revenge.

Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


who wrote this then?  ::)
1. Mike Oxlong (#14)
$16,999,999,999 with 275,000 Acres
3. AL CAPONE (#23)
$887,873,381 with 14,939 Acres
3. wrecking balls (#9)
$801,398,171 with 32,301 Acres
1. Nazgul (#5)
$1,503,190,327 with 201,952 Acres


Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


Over in Mossflower Lieutenant Turious bear roared out to his army ? Quick come, mice! ?. They all rushed over to see the huge mass of mice feasting on cheese, scones and buttered tarts with cream

1. Mike Oxlong (#14)
$16,999,999,999 with 275,000 Acres
3. AL CAPONE (#23)
$887,873,381 with 14,939 Acres
3. wrecking balls (#9)
$801,398,171 with 32,301 Acres
1. Nazgul (#5)
$1,503,190,327 with 201,952 Acres


Quote from: Pippin on July 19, 2011, 01:28:38 PM
Over in Mossflower Lieutenant Turious bear roared out to his army ? Quick come, mice! ?. They all rushed over to see the huge mass of mice feasting on cheese, scones and buttered tarts with cream

I'm siggint that
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


A group of many cats jumped out of the trees, hissing with fangs bared. A white and brown Tom strode forward until he was in front of Talon "Greetings" he mewed "I'm Viper, and I'm the last thing you'll ever see" Talon sheathed his claws as did Lumina, but so did the cats surrounding them. This is hopeless! Talon thought desperately, but, then a calm, sharp voice broke the cold-war.

              "Not today Viper you Rat-dung!"

Viper turned around then hissed "What?" At that moment a brown Tom jumped at him and pinned him and they began tumbling. Then a senior, white cat jumped out and launched themselves at one of the rouges

              "Well?!" the cat hissed "Are you going to help?" Talon jumped onto an old golden tabby whilst Lumina dodged a bone-shattering blow from a massive tom.

        Talon writhed as the cat he was fighting battled him fiercely. The cat pinned him and prepared to bite him, but Talon kicked him off into a small, feminine, black feline who was preparing to attack the white cat. The white cat clawed the black cat which ran away yowling, then she turned to Talon and grunted "Thanks"

            A ear piercing yowl broke through the silence as viper finally kicked off his attacker "Retreat!" he meowed. The cats who attacked them ran away into the woods following Viper until they were out of site. "Sorry about the sudden entrance" The brown Tom mewed. Before Talon could say "no problem" the brown Tom said "By the way, I'm Loneheart, and this is Shannon" he nodded his head towards the white cat.

              "Thank you for helping us" Talon meowed "I'm Talon, and this is Lumina."

Short writing

                            Mudpelt: Spiky dark-brown tabby tom

                             Dustclaw: Light brown tom with a white splodge: Riverclan deputy                                             

                             Sparrowpaw: Light brown apprentice tom.

                              Rockfur: Big stone-grey tom.

                    I did this just 'cause I was bored, and I don't inted to EVER publish it. Based

on warrior-cats.


               Mudpelt crept slowly through the brambles. He scented a warm smell, mouse, he

prepared to pounce but a familar scent reached his nostrils, "Riverclan!" he spat out loud,

the mouse heard the noise and then turned around and saw Mudpelt, it squealed in terror

than pelted away.  before Mudpelt could lay a paw on it.

"Rat-dung!" he cursed as  he groomed his spiky, brown fur.

            His mind flew back to the most important issue, Riverclan on Thunderclan territory.

He was preparing to go back to camp and alert his clan-leader when a gruff mew caught his


          "What are you doing standing there?" Mudpelt turned to see Rockfur, a large grey tabby and

senior warrior, right behind him."You know we need fresh-kill more than ever, Mudpelt, so why

are you just sitting there?"

           Mudpelt looked angrily below at the patrol then mewed "Riverclan are hunting on

our grounds" Rockfur hissed ferioucsly as he heard these words.

           "Then lets drive them out!" he growled and ran down the rock, shouting

his battle cry as he did so. Mudpelt didn't want to fight, but Rockfur was outnumbered

two-to-one, so he followed him less enthusiaticly.  They caught the patrol by suprise and

Dustclaw was easily pinned by Rockfur, who gave him a sharp bite one the shoulder.

             Mudpelt was knocked off his feet as an unfimaliar tortoiseshell she-cat who raked

her claws down his side. He hissed in fury then clawed her across her face. She growled

angrily then Mudpelt knocked her off her paws and delivered a

powerful bite to her leg. She screamed in pain and anger. He released his grip

and she ran into the woods.

Dustclaw saw his patrol was beaten and yowled " Riverclan, retreat!" as he did so the

group of cats ran past the trees as Rockfur and Mudpelt hisseed viscously at them.


Kotor is cool! Kotor 3
   This story is about KOTOR( Knights of the old republic) and is an extract from what I think the third game should be like, provided they make it.

Revan softly treaded through the dark valley, a skull broke under his shoe as he did so. As he walked on further, dust blew onto his helmet, he promptly brushed it away, and kept on striding forwards, his hand on his lightsaber,knowing that he was being followed, but not giving anything away, he heard a tumbling of rocks and saw a cloaked figure emerged, a red saber drawn. His face was hidden under a ragged hood, he drew this to reveal a horrid site, a old, bald face with a stubby grey beard. Flakes of skin was peeling off the man's, or whatever else it was, face vain covered it's face, longing, yellow eyes pierced Revan's gaze Revan drew his saber and saw it's red blade ignite.

          " Prepare to die" he told the figure infront of him.

            The figure raised a hand then pushed Revan off his feet into one of the walls of the dark valley. "Oh no great Master Revan" The old man sneered as a wide grin strecthed upon his face, reaveling his pointed yellow teeth "The sith of the great valley are waiting for you"

            Everything was black, but through the thick blackness a light shone, in it walked a tall figure in a golden robe, the exile followed this figure until they reached a cave. The brown roof was cracking, and countless bodies lay on the floorthe figure strode up until he reached a seat and sat down. The exile noticed two other cloaked figures sitting next to the one he had follow.

            Suddenly, a tall, black person stood up and drew his hood to reveale a face covered in vains and cracks. "Bring the prisoner in" he said in a voice with ringing authority. As he said this, two more cloaked ,hooded figures walked in, by now, the exile had figured they were sith. With them they were  dragging a man, he had messy black hair and a face covered in soot.

            " So, O, friend of Revan and Malak" the golden-robed sith sneered " you departed from their company after their fall into the dark side, you thought you could stop us? You and your petty guns? Execute him"

           As the the order was given, the two sith drew their sabers, and slashed at the man, but he dodged aside, and all the sith cut was his chains. "Ha ha!" he yelled then kicked one of the sith in the stomach, it fell to the floor in suprise and pain and while it was stunned, the man took it's weapon. The last thing the exile saw before he awoke was the clashing of crimson lightsabers.

The Republic Falls
  Erda Drail was a murderous sith lord. He wore terrifying black robes and wielded duel crimson lightsbares. He was aboard the republic warship frolic.

  The jedi were all but extinct, and the republic had fell, but one glimmer of hope shined through the darkness. On the abbondend medical station orbiting the grurr gan atmosphere field, a figure awoke. His name was Rall Terri, and it was his job to save the galaxy.

  Rall had previously been a member of the order, but fell in love with another jedi and ran away from the order, however he still had his lightsaber and was connected to the force. He had curling golden hair and was charistmetic. He was wearing simple cloaks and had one goal:to avenge his dead wife.
1. Mike Oxlong (#14)
$16,999,999,999 with 275,000 Acres
3. AL CAPONE (#23)
$887,873,381 with 14,939 Acres
3. wrecking balls (#9)
$801,398,171 with 32,301 Acres
1. Nazgul (#5)
$1,503,190,327 with 201,952 Acres


Ahaha I love these old 11/12 year old RP'S :D
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


Hi, I want to know which mini-monster here would win in a battle, so I give you info, you vote, then I declare winner! Choices are:

King scorpion

Common crab

Garden snail(not likely)


stag beetle

King scorpion
A king scorpion is a viscous, deadly scorpion armed with powerful claws(suggested by big size) and a venimous stinger, it can certainly intimadate when needed and has won my vote!

Common crab
This is like a battle tank with legs. Hard-to penetrate armour and sharp claws give it good hope, though it can only walk sideways.

Garden snail
Now this is simply for comical fun, but even though the snail is and underdog, I think that shell will be hard to pierce, but, it all depends on your votes.

The mighty warrior!

Now it can eat  it's enemies with it's powerful toungue, look two ways with it's eyes and change colour, this could be a powerful conteneder.

stag beetle
They are well-known for being the biggest inscet in britain and their pincer-like teeth could be a valuable assect.

Here a male is fighting another male

Assassin bug
This bug injects poison into it's enemies but isn't well protected and is killing something in the picture.

1. Mike Oxlong (#14)
$16,999,999,999 with 275,000 Acres
3. AL CAPONE (#23)
$887,873,381 with 14,939 Acres
3. wrecking balls (#9)
$801,398,171 with 32,301 Acres
1. Nazgul (#5)
$1,503,190,327 with 201,952 Acres



Dark Claws

i'm with Daryn on this one.
Welcome the most annoying person on Earth, oh look Dark Claws just walked in.

@(*_*)@. Either a monkey, or Princess Leai on drugs.

What happens when a permanent resident deletes their account?

Like an assistant


1. Mike Oxlong (#14)
$16,999,999,999 with 275,000 Acres
3. AL CAPONE (#23)
$887,873,381 with 14,939 Acres
3. wrecking balls (#9)
$801,398,171 with 32,301 Acres
1. Nazgul (#5)
$1,503,190,327 with 201,952 Acres

Dark Claws

Welcome the most annoying person on Earth, oh look Dark Claws just walked in.

@(*_*)@. Either a monkey, or Princess Leai on drugs.

What happens when a permanent resident deletes their account?

Like an assistant