Strange conversations

Started by Trident, April 09, 2003, 01:20:35 PM

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 What's the strangest conversation you've ever had with somebody here?  The strangest was with Ragefur.

Kavikwlf- *g2g bye *huggeth*
Kavikwlf- LoL
Ragefur- No touchy

Yeah kinda short but it was funny.  Ratimics tribe...romantics tribe...hehehe.

Abby The Rat

 The stranges conv I had with somebody here was with myself.


I can't really remember what was said but the annoying person kepted repeating what I said.
Not around, please ignore.

Could be found on discord: []


 The stranges I had with somebody here was with my self.


I can't really remember what was said but the annoying person kepted repeating what I said.


Anyway, now I see why everyone makes fun of Ragefur and calls his horde the Romantics Tribe.....


 That's not why. It's because someone called his horde romantics tribe instead of Ratimics Tribe.  

The Lady Shael

 Yep. Some newbie was posting about Ragefur and misspelled it...I nearly died laughing when I saw it.

I've had a couple strange conversations. One is serious, and I've told a few people about it. One goes like this:

Holby: Hey Shael, caught you just as I was about to leave. Bye!

Or something like that. Another was a chat, which I'm sure most people on this forum already know about. The chat involved me, Julie, and Kilk, and that's as far as I'm going.

~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.

Abby The Rat


I wish I was in it
Not around, please ignore.

Could be found on discord: []


 Shael, you didn't cover your tracks this time! *Throws a net over her and prods her with a stick* jk...
Glory, Glory, Man United!


Quote from: The Lady ShaelYep. Some newbie was posting about Ragefur and misspelled it...I nearly died laughing when I saw it.

I've had a couple strange conversations. One is serious, and I've told a few people about it. One goes like this:

Holby: Hey Shael, caught you just as I was about to leave. Bye!

Or something like that. Another was a chat, which I'm sure most people on this forum already know about. The chat involved me, Julie, and Kilk, and that's as far as I'm going.
You mean you've never had stranger ones?  I've had MUCH stranger.  One time me and a few friends from Wizpog (Jen and Colin) had a really strange one.  We talked about who was most likely to evolve in to a penguin.  Then we had a long debate about forgs and penguins.  I still think penguins are better.  Jen said frogs were because they don't get mad when you lick them like penguins do.  Colin was like "Jen, How the heck do you know that?!"  It was sooo funny!


Quote from: The Lady ShaelYep. Some newbie was posting about Ragefur and misspelled it...I nearly died laughing when I saw it.

I've had a couple strange conversations. One is serious, and I've told a few people about it. One goes like this:

Holby: Hey Shael, caught you just as I was about to leave. Bye!

Or something like that. Another was a chat, which I'm sure most people on this forum already know about. The chat involved me, Julie, and Kilk, and that's as far as I'm going.
well if your not going any farther, I will.....


need I say more?

EDIT: Due to complaints by TR, I've censored the above post, even though it had nothing bad in it.
Heark! For the City of God comes before us!
And so he asked, "How is a man to judge in such times as these?" and he was answered, "As he always has judged, for good and evil have not changed and the differences are as great as they have ever been."

Former Emperor

Former Member of Rome


 EDIT THAT, JOHN!!!  I DO NOT WANT YOU REPEATING THAT EVER AGAIN!!!  EVER!!!  You hear me, young man?!  I said NEVER!!!

Ok, sorry.  But could you edit that?  I'm with Shael, lets go no further on the subject.


Heark! For the City of God comes before us!
And so he asked, "How is a man to judge in such times as these?" and he was answered, "As he always has judged, for good and evil have not changed and the differences are as great as they have ever been."

Former Emperor

Former Member of Rome


 Yay!  Thank you John!  *hugs*

Just don't repeat anything from that conversation again, ok?

~>John<~ and I were like, How was your day? to eachother, and you 3 were,,,LoL
Heark! For the City of God comes before us!
And so he asked, "How is a man to judge in such times as these?" and he was answered, "As he always has judged, for good and evil have not changed and the differences are as great as they have ever been."

Former Emperor

Former Member of Rome


 More weird conversations...hmmm..

Usually I've had a weird conversation with everybody here.  


Quote from: TR_ShadowEDIT THAT, JOHN!!!  I DO NOT WANT YOU REPEATING THAT EVER AGAIN!!!  EVER!!!  You hear me, young man?!  I said NEVER!!!

Ok, sorry.  But could you edit that?  I'm with Shael, lets go no further on the subject.
You just spoilt my day, TR (must not forget the Shadow, otherwise I'm in trouble) Shadow.
I do believe Shael posted it on the forums, though. May have just been the highlight. *Shrug*
I will not deleted this