Strange conversations

Started by Trident, April 09, 2003, 01:20:35 PM

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 Shael, you are missing the best part right now. :lol:  

Abby The Rat

 I'd agree with you Shael, I've near knew I was insane until a I had this chat about me skinny dipping ~shake head~
Not around, please ignore.

Could be found on discord: []


 I don't like the way this is going.  *changes subject*

Here's a funny conversation.

Ragefur: Hullo.
KavikWlf: hi
KavikWlf: the feared ragefur...
KavikWlf: feared no more.
KavikWlf:  :lol:  actually feared even more...
Ragefur: *mutters*
KavikWlf: *laughs*
Ragefur: It's not funny.
KavikWlf: Yes, it is.
Ragefur: Nono.
KavikWlf: yesyes
Ragefur: I don't think it is.
Ragefur: I was blackmailed.
KavikWlf: lol
Ragefur: *mutters*
KavikWlf: You fit grumpy bear very well.,
KavikWlf:  :)
Ragefur: *growls*
KavikWlf: *hugs Ragefur*
KavikWlf:  :lol:  :lol:  :D  :lol:  :lol:
Ragefur: *struggles* No touchie.
KavikWlf: rofl

Dead Eye

 Me and Ragefur had a funny convo once.

me:Hey Raggy, nice to see ya
Ragefur:Don't call me that
Me: Sorry Raggy

It went on like that, with me calling him Raggy, and him threating me. Now he is an Admin, so I am afraid to call him Raggy, or I may get gagged.

Sorry Ragefur, I shall never call you Raggy again.
Dead Eye Trueflight of the Seas, Servent to the Emperor and Empress of the Northlands<br><br><a href='' target='_blank'></a><br><br>Spokesperson for The winter clan. <br><br>Part of the ROC since some time in October-Nov

 lol... I had a smiley war with Ad today...

I bet you didn't know smilies can drive...

Or maybe even fly a plane...


 This has been very intresting.  *Watches*

TR Shadow

 OMG, look at THIS:

superfairygal: didnb;t you get the memo?
ShAdOwOfReDwAlL: you spelled didn't wrong

Did *I* just correct Calria's spelling?!



I rather enjoyed Ad's speedo adventures, although I say this with complete knowledge that I am the RWL nympho...


Quote from: The Lady ShaelRomantics Tribe:

Yep. Some newbie was posting about Ragefur and misspelled it...I nearly died laughing when I saw it.
That newbie would be Ereptor....


 WiseIsTheGoatee: Hey, Tania!
WiseIsTheGoatee: Hey, Tania!
WiseIsTheGoatee: I never realized how cool you are.
WiseIsTheGoatee: I never realized how cool you are.
WiseIsTheGoatee: Really!?
WiseIsTheGoatee: Really!?
WiseIsTheGoatee: Thanks!
WiseIsTheGoatee: Thanks!
WiseIsTheGoatee: No problem.
WiseIsTheGoatee: No problem.
WiseIsTheGoatee: Don't talk to me like that.
WiseIsTheGoatee: Don't talk to me like that.
WiseIsTheGoatee: Hey! I don't have to take your ATTITUTE, sister!
WiseIsTheGoatee: Hey! I don't have to take your ATTITUTE, sister!
WiseIsTheGoatee: Oh, well that was just UNCALLED FOR!!
WiseIsTheGoatee: Oh, well that was just UNCALLED FOR!!
You've been warned by WiseIsTheGoatee.  Your warning level has increased from 0% to 20%.


Quote from: MenatusWiseIsTheGoatee: Hey, Tania!
WiseIsTheGoatee: Hey, Tania!
WiseIsTheGoatee: I never realized how cool you are.
WiseIsTheGoatee: I never realized how cool you are.
WiseIsTheGoatee: Really!?
WiseIsTheGoatee: Really!?
WiseIsTheGoatee: Thanks!
WiseIsTheGoatee: Thanks!
WiseIsTheGoatee: No problem.
WiseIsTheGoatee: No problem.
WiseIsTheGoatee: Don't talk to me like that.
WiseIsTheGoatee: Don't talk to me like that.
WiseIsTheGoatee: Hey! I don't have to take your ATTITUTE, sister!
WiseIsTheGoatee: Hey! I don't have to take your ATTITUTE, sister!
WiseIsTheGoatee: Oh, well that was just UNCALLED FOR!!
WiseIsTheGoatee: Oh, well that was just UNCALLED FOR!!
You've been warned by WiseIsTheGoatee.  Your warning level has increased from 0% to 20%. WARNED yourself?


 We should all pitch in and buy Tania a chew toy... Apparently, she needs something to amuse herself with.