Death of Blind Eye

Started by The Purple Dragon, July 05, 2011, 02:08:01 PM

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 :( I did poke fun at myself
Quote from: Firetooth on July 09, 2011, 10:21:00 AM

I'm just (ironically) saying to stop whining and do something. I'm happy to help, just message Blondie ingame.

Anyway, my posting validity doesn't change things. You just can't handle that for once you aren't the one with all the resources and the giant clan. You're acting like a child insulting me then actually insinuating Shadow is abusing the code. Plus, you complaining about being attacked amused me because of you constantly saying it's a war game.

Anyway, my offers still open if you want help. Otherwise, stop your whining about the game being abused and nobody helping you. I also know for a fact that Sevah has been helping you.
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.

Night Wolf

You guys arent fun at all  :(


Quote from: Night Wolf on July 09, 2011, 10:48:40 AM
You guys arent fun at all  :(
Sorry NW :-*

Is FOE actually meant to be destroying the net of anybody who tries destroying the emp, or is that just a front?
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.

Night Wolf

Im only trying to protect the emperor, and if u guys just give up your making my job easy :'(


Quote from: Night Wolf on July 09, 2011, 10:51:51 AM
Im only trying to protect the emperor, and if u guys just give up your making my job easy :'(
This was another argument Kilk/Neo used. Hmm.
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


Nah, I already deactivated earlier today. You guys can claim whatever, keep doing whatever you're doing unclanned and netting.  I'm not complaining about being attacked, I'm stating that playing is stupid when you've got someone in a position of power stacking the deck against you. Nothing like what happened to you in the last two rounds, when you cried your eyes out in several threads. Don't try to make me look like any kind of hypocrite, as that'd be the pot calling the kettle black.

Am I mad? Yeah, I certainly am. Why am I mad? Not because I got murdered and stuff, I'm more furious every day the more I find out about how this game got the way it did. It's like a concentrated effort by several people to make Leaders something they're not, whether they've been consciously doing it or not. The fact that I've mathematically figured out that the best strategy in the game right now is to stay unclanned and make food or cash is absolutely garbage and it sickens me that people with MORE mathematical ability than I have made it this way is ridiculous. I'll not be a part of it anymore.

Game events have little to do with it. I have no reason to help you all if you're not going to help yourselves, especially in a round like this. All the cash you've made doesn't mean anything at this point, unless you can actually send it somewhere.

I'm not insinuating that anyone abused the code. I'm not about insinuating. I've come right out and said it, the way it is right now is a concentrated effort over years that ended in the unbalance that we see now. And the balancing people have for a while thrown their hands in the air and have not worked to fix it, instead they've done other things like added two races that aren't at present viably playable to win, largely because of the strategy imbalance.

Don't you come to me and tell me that just because the tables are turned that I'm whining. You are the definition in this community of a sore loser and you have a lot of time still to work that stink off. Don't try to put that on me. My stark realization of all the facts puts everything into perspective all at once, and I am furious, and not about anything that's happened in game.

Addendum: Night Wolf has literally done nothing competent this whole round, and I don't understand why he's claiming that he's disrupted anything. All he's done is made TPD mad enough to kill him one time, and Shadow joined his clan out of spite of me.

Night Wolf

Please clan up and help the whiners clans trying to take down the emp

-Edit- @kilk ive succeeded at everything ive tried thus far...what have you done this round?


Oh, give over. You need to look at your content before you hit the "post" button, because all your posting is a mess that conradicts what your trying to say. You call me a sore loser, yet make a post complaining, insulting those that did this and whining.

QuoteYou guys can claim whatever, keep doing whatever you're doing unclanned and netting.  I'm not complaining about being attacked, I'm stating that playing is stupid when you've got someone in a position of power stacking the deck against you. Nothing like what happened to you in the last two rounds, when you cried your eyes out in several threads. Don't try to make me look like any kind of hypocrite, as that'd be the pot calling the kettle black.
See, the thing is this is untrue. Shadow is not editing the code to suit the takedowns. At best he's testing changes, but unless he's changing the code as the round progresses to make takedowns easier, this is just paranoid.

As for me being a hypocrite, I'm not denying I'm taking a U-turn in my attitude. Why are you hung up on me? My points are relevant, whether they've applied to me in the past, apply to me now or will apply to me in the future. You are being a hypocrite and a bit of a jerk.
I agree with NW. He's done more then you by miles Kilk. Heck, solo I've probably made enough cash to outnet everything you've produced so far had I camps. (don't take that as an invite to sack, most the cash isn't stored on me.)

Anyway, if the game is ruined, cool. But I'm having fun still, I think you just aren't enjoying it, so you complain. I've done the same thing, which I regret. As I said, my offer is still open. If you reject it, fine. But there are ways to still work to break the emperor-some of which don't involve clanning at all. If you can't be bothered, then quit posting. You're wasting both of our time.

QuoteI'm more furious every day the more I find out about how this game got the way it did. It's like a concentrated effort by several people to make Leaders something they're not, whether they've been consciously doing it or not. The fact that I've mathematically figured out that the best strategy in the game right now is to stay unclanned and make food or cash is absolutely garbage and it sickens me that people with MORE mathematical ability than I have made it this way is ridiculous. I'll not be a part of it anymore.

Get that through your head. The only viable strat in prom for solo player is LEADER/MAGE. This isn't an effort by the staff to ruin indy and boost leader, it's the way the game works, and recently efforts are being made and encouraged to fix this. Unclanned play has to have advantages as team indies can easily outnet unclanned leaders, and as Shadow has proved however dificult it is, unclanned takedowns are possible.
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


I say Kilke you should keep at it. Word is the aid limit is getting fixed in a few days. Don't despair, you've earned my respect and it'd be great to have your help stomping the emperor
This cuddlefriendy suggestion was brought to you by Sevz.


Kilk, bugger off. I have offered many time to not play while making game changes and been told to go ahead every time. if you want me to not play while making game changes, then just say so.

I have tried very hard to balance the game. If you dislike the changes, then post solutions and we can talk it out. Telling me I am cheating isn't solving anything.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


actually I'm now on the same page, Matt has just talked me off a ledge, which is probably good news for everyone here