
Started by The Purple Dragon, June 28, 2011, 11:15:55 PM

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The Purple Dragon

Stealing the format we've been using... Just thought someone should start it off after such an interesting round :D

Best player: Shadow + Kilkenne
Worst player: Vulpes Jarr
Best leaderer: Honestly, no one.
Worst leaderer: again - didn't see a lot of leader action this round.
Best indier: HOLY clan - I know I'm in it but those rats were all mine :)
Worst indier: Guard
Best newcomer: Seigemaster? Just caused his defense pissed me off lol.
Most annoying: Vulpes Jarr ( he stole money every run)
Best clan:  Combination of Worship + its indy sub-clan HOLY
Worst clan: FC
Biggest disappointment: The "pfft they're all vets so let's all quit" attitude put forth by the "Programs"
Biggest talker: Not sure! C.L.U?
Best hair doo: I always put Firetooth for this one...
Worst hair doo: Kyle in 11th/12th grade. :P
I have a Purple Dragon. I shall love him and I shall cuddle him and I shall call him Squishy. And He Breathes Fire.

"After stealing the TV, washing the dishes doesn't make up for it" - Wolf Bite directed at Sevz :D

"I got one!" - Revelation when he killed that one clanned account that never played and had 250 land:P


It's tradition for me to do these, sadface.

Best player:I'm not sure. Nobody was great imo.
Worst player: *shrug*
Best leaderer: Me for being the first stoat :P
Worst leaderer: IDK
Best indier: I'm not sure who made what in worship, so I'll say Gen then Sharp
Worst indier: No idea, not sure why purp said Guard as it isn't an individual and the only indier for most the round was sharp, who produced a fair bit when active
Best newcomer: Warkie for starting to learn a ferret strat
Most annoying:
Best clan:  None were stunning, but both had fun themes which kind of redeems them.
Worst clan: See above
Biggest surprise: Getting on with TS
Biggest disappointment: Lack of resistance by anybody else except TS and Neo being booted and hit to low land as we planned a takedown
Biggest talker: Agreed with purp, me, but it was for a purpose. 'Twas fun
Best hair doo: Me
Worst hair doo:Me
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


OOps, ignore this post
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


Quote from: The Purple Dragon on June 28, 2011, 11:15:55 PM
Worst indier: Guard

I was the only indier for pretty much the entire round, maybe Etendue did a bit, possibly Briar too but she ended with most of her stuff

Besides which a fair bit of my net was used to break Neo, which pretty much destroyed it all

Quote from: The Purple Dragon on June 12, 2011, 04:19:44 PM
Purp Dragons + Redrum are not Worship.
Quote from: The Purple Dragon on June 28, 2011, 11:15:55 PM
Best clan:  Combination of Worship + its indy sub-clan HOLY

Found that a bit amusing too

Anyway, I was going to do an awards list, but I only really communicated / played attention to what me and Firetooth were doing so it wouldn't be a good representation at all