Mass de-resolution and a call to all programs

Started by C.L.U, June 18, 2011, 11:22:29 AM

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Programs, your system administrator has assembled you here to deliver a message, to tell you what you must hear.

From my creation, I have seen this system grow. Programs were reaching their maximum potential, indeed until recently this sytem was almost at it's maximum potential, I had almost achieved my goal, my dream-perfection.

But a series of rouge runtimes aimed to destroy all that I, all that you, had strived to build. These runtimes assembled together into a group known as Worship. These malicous programs have been taking what they want from us basics, the real inhabitants of the grid. I have reason to believe these runtimes are aided by Kevin Flynn himself. This means they seek to control us, to subjucate us, to enslave us.

I have taken the first step towards freedom. Millions of programs within the empire of the rouge program Assassins have been derezzed, and millions more shall be. Hopefully Worship will see this as a warning, a statement that we will not tolerate imperfection. They will probably fight. I say let them! But my administration cannot fight this threat alone. We need assistance of basics such as yourself if we are to acheive perfection. Out there is our victory, out our destiny!

Do this, prove yourselves, prove yourselves to me. Belong to me...and I will never betray you!

OOC: Details below

Assassins (#6)
Turns (?)   550 (max 550)
Turns Stored (?)   150 (max 150)
Rank (?)   #1
Workers (?)   3,019,005
Acres (?)   18,584
Cash (?)   $4,015,792,614
Food (?)   2,182,133,970
Loyalty (?)   506,085
Networth (?)   $1,592,366,432
Location (?)   Mossflower
Race (?)   Stoat
Health (?)   100%
Tax Rate (?)   10%
Rats (?)   280,652,387
Weasels (?)   97,922,425
Stoats (?)   137,895,503
Skiffs (?)   73,680,155
Leaders (?)   1,400,195

This means his defense ratio is 75! Only 75. The rouge programs in Worship have evicted him in a vain atempt to protect him-if you step up, you can easily dispose of this tyrant, of this self-appointed ruler.

(yes some of that speech was borrowed from the film lol)
Quote from: C.L.U on June 02, 2011, 11:02:35 AM
Firetooth is the perfect program; wit, charm and intelligence all rolled into one. You should all aspire to be as him if we are to create the perfect system.


your built-in spellchecker is malfunctioning.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


Quote from: Shadow on June 18, 2011, 11:23:54 AM
your built-in spellchecker is malfunctioning.
Apologies program, that is a common bug. :(
Quote from: C.L.U on June 02, 2011, 11:02:35 AM
Firetooth is the perfect program; wit, charm and intelligence all rolled into one. You should all aspire to be as him if we are to create the perfect system.


Join us basics, and together we can rid the system of these malicious programs, as system administrator C.L.U has already stated

Together we can achieve perfection, and rid this system of it's evil oppressors
I take much pleasure in deresoluting unruly programs



See what happens when you actually do something instead of crying about it?
Neobaron, first among the lords of the south and captain of the flying skiff

Quote from: Death on February 08, 2010, 09:40:29 PM
oh lawd the drama done begun yo

Quote from: HolbyI am writing a post explaining how lame you are.




Quote from: Neobaron on June 18, 2011, 06:38:37 PM

See what happens when you actually do something instead of crying about it?
Eh, it's debatable how much we achieved. We destroyed 1bil net, but you still outnet us and have way more members, both active and inactive, then us. You're on 180k now so about 15.75-16mil leaders.
Quote from: C.L.U on June 02, 2011, 11:02:35 AM
Firetooth is the perfect program; wit, charm and intelligence all rolled into one. You should all aspire to be as him if we are to create the perfect system.

Sam Flynn

A great man once said  that the thing about perfection is that it's unknowable. It's impossible, but it's also right in front of you all the time.

I suggest you heed these words.
I'm a user. I'll improvise.