Calling all programs

Started by C.L.U, June 12, 2011, 09:08:41 AM

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Worship has begun to assume control of the system, we do not have enough programs active to deal with this threat alone as only I and program Rinzler have really been active for the last few days in Guard. Unless you enjoy being subjucated, start doing something.

OOC: This is so ridicuously contrived. Counting holy, worship has 8 members, all of whom seem active. At the moment guard has a best of four members who are active. It's obvious what the outcome will be if people don't do anything...the worst thing is Worship will probably end up complaining that they're annoyed nobody is resisting when they have nearly every experienced (and active) player in the server.
Quote from: C.L.U on June 02, 2011, 11:02:35 AM
Firetooth is the perfect program; wit, charm and intelligence all rolled into one. You should all aspire to be as him if we are to create the perfect system.


I suspect Kevin Flynn is behind the worship clan

Reveal yourself Flynn so we derezz you
I take much pleasure in deresoluting unruly programs


Seriously, TS just poisoned a bunch of our net unprovoked, he isn't even with worship.

I honestly can't be bothered with this round. If more people don't bother doing something, I'm just going to delete and stop wasting my time. People actually seem to like the idea of aiding that huge clan that compeltely controls the server. People seem more bothered destroying the net of the only competition Worship has then Worship's own net. Pretty pathetic, I see no point taking part in a round where the outcome is inevitable.

Quote from: C.L.U on June 02, 2011, 11:02:35 AM
Firetooth is the perfect program; wit, charm and intelligence all rolled into one. You should all aspire to be as him if we are to create the perfect system.


They aid because they are part of the "glorious revolution" occuring now in-game. *see thread in Real life i do believe*

Neo and Kilk have them convinced that they are part of a higher cause and anyone else is part of the old ways.
At the risk of ruining Briar's career by disparaging her find of the famous Sackaleaderer horse...

Quote from: Ungatt Trunn II
Yes. I wear high heels Krowdon. Any tips on how I should do my hair?


Quote from: Briar on June 12, 2011, 02:49:44 PM
They aid because they are part of the "glorious revolution" occuring now in-game. *see thread in Real life i do believe*

Neo and Kilk have them convinced that they are part of a higher cause and anyone else is part of the old ways.

Logic is not understood

Are programs "Neo" and "Kilk" experiencing a surge in their power drive core?
I take much pleasure in deresoluting unruly programs


Firetooth, stop complaining. Seriously.

The outcome is only inevitable because you are afraid to try in case you lose. Two people can do a lot of damage in a very short time.

If you are going to stop playing then stop playing, but don't try to make it look like it is anything other than you giving up because it might not work out. Heck, Worship isn't even doing anything unusual this round.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


Quote from: Shadow on June 12, 2011, 02:57:42 PM
Firetooth, stop complaining. Seriously.

Grand master C.L.U, complaining will achieve nothing

Quote from: Shadow on June 12, 2011, 02:57:42 PM
The outcome is only inevitable because you are afraid to try in case you lose. Two people can do a lot of damage in a very short time.

Not understood, damaging Worhsip would not be winning unless networth amassed was equal to or more than final networth after cycles had been used to destroy worships networth? This would not be attainable considering current programs allied with worship
I take much pleasure in deresoluting unruly programs


You know, Firetooth, you could try doing something other than just peacefully netting around. Actually destroying net, trying to take us out. That might also rally some people to your cause. Seriously, you don't need much net to win if you just smash everybody else's NW down. . .

Also, really, we've been unmotivated for most of the set. We didn't even start seriously  stacking net until a few days ago. If you guys ran indies with troop net, instead of just food spamming, you might have a better shot.

@ Briar: LOL. If you think the whole revolution thing permanently divides parties, you've missed the point. All are welcome as part of the glorious revolution. . . and in the realm of turbo, there is room for divisions. Even competition. It's about a style of play, not about who's "side" you're on as far as winning a turbo set.
Kyle says:
"what happens if the land farm drops land"

Quote from: Ungatt Trunn II (@ Kilk) on June 12, 2011, 06:16:11 PM
Sober up you fool!

23   ?   Land Farm (Free Land) (#39)   20,779   $23,671,428   Worship   Rat   Southsward


I have been trying, I nearly destroyed all your net but inoppurtune log in from Neo prevented me, and vice versa with you. The problem isn't me or lack of effort from me.

My issue is nobody cares or is helping Worship...and Worship has like 75% of the experienced player base! How is that not unusual? Plus the fact an unclanned warlord "unprovoked" (likely looking for brownie points) destroyed 200mil of our net instead of trying to help us against the huge clan.

Your next point will be "stop being a compalining and do something." I'm trying, I've mailed pretty much every unclanned warlord out there, I tried organizing takedowns. The fact your clan completely outnumbers mines invalidates that.

You seem to have really unrealistic expectations of players. I think all the time you've spent emping people has convinced you that teams always win because people don't care. Whilst that is partly the issue, the reason is largely because a team of nearly every vet in the game vs some upcoming players and maybe 1/2 inactive vets isn't fair at all. Fairmaid is the best example I can think of this, looking back, but Worship seems similar. It's ridiculous how people seem to think this is a fun way of playing...

@Rudder: I destroyed about 100mil off Neo and would've destroyed more had he not logged on, and destroyed about 50mil off Garu Busey (Volk)?
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


Quote from: Ruddertail on June 12, 2011, 03:05:29 PM
You know, Firetooth, you could try doing something other than just peacefully netting around. Actually destroying net, trying to take us out. That might also rally some people to your cause. Seriously, you don't need much net to win if you just smash everybody else's NW down. . .

Terrabytes of networth was derezzed around 24 cycles ago, overall data destroyed was however limited

This discussion serves no purpose, requesting termination
I take much pleasure in deresoluting unruly programs


Eh, I'd agree, people being apathetic is kinda sad. But like Shadow said, a couple people /can/ do a lot of damage. You've gotten close, might as well keep trying.

Briar's right in a way, though. This is the revolution. This is how the oldbies play - we put together good alliances, make deals, rally independents, manipulate, connive, and generally excell at everything other than netting. And we're good at it, it comes with practice. Or rather, Kilk is.  I just follow orders.

Also, like I said, troop net might serve you better than food.
Kyle says:
"what happens if the land farm drops land"

Quote from: Ungatt Trunn II (@ Kilk) on June 12, 2011, 06:16:11 PM
Sober up you fool!

23   ?   Land Farm (Free Land) (#39)   20,779   $23,671,428   Worship   Rat   Southsward


It was in reg discussion as the revolution was a reg gimmick. Hope this helps future crying from Briar.


Quote from: Kilkenne on June 12, 2011, 03:13:52 PM
It was in reg discussion as the revolution was a reg gimmick. Hope this helps future crying from Briar.
Just to quote this, I -think- the revolution does seem to be reg focused.

Rudder, that's my point. The oldbies form huge alliances and leave the rest of the playerbase with no way to compete, then complain when they win because "nobody competed."
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


As far as I'm aware there's only the eight of us, the six from Worship, the two from HOLY. That's hardly everyone. You should wait until the round is a week from over before being scared, we still have 16 days left in which to hilariously show our real ineptitude.

edit: and the point about TS, I've been hit by him this round too, and have not spoken with him about turbo at all the entire round. I doubt, however, that he would find it possible to murder/poison/anything our net holder.


We didn't complain about winning, we complained that everybody complained about our winning. I was happy with winning. I think everyone else was too.

Also, what Kilk said.
Kyle says:
"what happens if the land farm drops land"

Quote from: Ungatt Trunn II (@ Kilk) on June 12, 2011, 06:16:11 PM
Sober up you fool!

23   ?   Land Farm (Free Land) (#39)   20,779   $23,671,428   Worship   Rat   Southsward